
1. Fixed Hang-up Issue (201106-vhannibal Channel List has the wrong information.)

2. TP List Update (Satellite.xml Update_220611)

New iQ team will be non stop working for the remaining issues

Hmmm. All that time wasted compiling an image for so little progress. I remember working on a project a few years ago where I worked for 3 days coding non-stop without sleep and the wife bringing me rocket fuel guarana drinks to keep me going. I made more progress than that in a few hours. I guess they have a different idea of what it means

p.s. and back to non-zipped downloads in the old download centre again so they can use they excuse that maybe it's been corrupted during download. Again, 1 step forward, 2 steps back!!!
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Jeez no wonder the write up was delayed. Not moaning just pointing somthing out tried to watch avi movie last night but audio was completely out of sync. Tried reboot and the usual stuff but still same. Stuck drive into my lg dvd player and it was perfect, FF RW pause and no audion issues. Think the last release was just window dressing.
write up added to first post

1. Fixed Hang-up Issue (201106-vhannibal Channel List has the wrong information.)

2. TP List Update (Satellite.xml Update_220611)

What stupid update TP List Update, this could be sorted by a simple script no need to create a new image, pretty sure the same goes for the channel list which I dont use anyway. Online updates should be implemented for this sort of thing!
vhanibal wasn't playing up it's catseyes people are moaning about.