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Discussion and support for Microsoft Windows Operating System including windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows Server 2012, 2008, and all legacy Windows OS
The Satellite ForumsSatellite Forums, for help, support and discussion on Dreambox, Technomate, openbox, Blade box, VU+, Spiderbox, SH4 receivers, Sky UK, Astra, Hotbird, channel line ups, bouquets, picons, satellite downloads, and Enigma based receivers
There are 3 sub forums where you can download the latest images for the dreambox and a section for plugins, and tools. For all dreambox model downloads use this section.
The Cable ForumsThe Cable Forums are for support, help, and discussions on the following subjects, Virgin Media, Tivo, Super Hub, cable receivers, films, sky movies, on demand.
Android & Mobile Phone Discussion, find all the latest android games, hacks, jailbreaks, modifications, repos, and all the best android devices, google, HTC, Samsung, Motorola, LG, Sony
This Forum Includes: iPhone,iPad and other Apple devices for the general support topics, you can use this forum for all General support on the Iphone, Iphone3, Iphone4, Iphone4s, Ipad, Ipad2, Ipod, Ipod touch topics
For discussion of Plasma/LCD/HiDef/DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-ray/SED and all types of home cinema setups, ask for help from our top members who have their own setups. All audio visual forum topics welcome.
Advice on all aspects of Digital Still Cameras & Video Camcorders, from recording scenes to tips and tricks to get the best of your high definition cameras and camcorders.
The Console ForumsThe Console Forums are for support, help, and discussions on the following subjects, playstation, ps4, ps3, ps2, psp, pspvita, Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox720, Xbox360, Nintendo, wii, DS, 3DS, XLDS, latest Games, Emulation, softmodding, chipping, jtaging, and all things consoles.
For all topics on the Nintendo range of consoles and handhelds including the Nintendo wii, Nintendo DS, DSXL, 3DS, mii, softmodding, latest games, and much more!
looking for a bargain basement deals? Find your cheap deal in our bargain basement forum, Please post your bargains in here and we will try and find it cheaper too.