San Fran - What ROM you on?

Loaded it on last night, what a ball ache though. Titanium backup kept freezing up on the backup and lots on the restore. Seemed to restore everything but txt messages(***Edit*** It did restore text messages).

Does any know about the overclock CPU and the hardware boost addons? Can you switch them on and off, because I'm worried about battery and burning the phone out...
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hi folks

thinking of getting one of these as my contract runs out in feb and get a sim only deal can ne1 point me in the right direction for guides and software to modify them

thanks in advance

hi folks

thinking of getting one of these as my contract runs out in feb and get a sim only deal can ne1 point me in the right direction for guides and software to modify them

thanks in advance

Well, here for a start, lol... Modaco forums and XDA forums... Just google them.
iv just ordered 1 from ebay, £99 like but i dont mind they seem like good phones, its for my lass anyway, hope i dont brick it before she gets it, lol, madeinbeats what you think of that japanese jelly or whatever it called "rom", is it any kop as im thinking thats the 1 to go for!
madeinbeats what you think of that japanese jelly or whatever it called "rom", is it any kop as im thinking thats the 1 to go for!

Seems sound mate. Just posted on Modaco to ask if the overcloking and hardware accell addons are safe to use and if they drain the battery. Also just installed that SMS fix for 2.2 I posted about before with no problems. Seems really smooth though with the Launcher Pro homescreen app installed, really zippy...

Just looking at the Jellyfish thread on modaco and you do see people posting issues, but they seem minor, and by the time you get the phone there will probably be an updated version of JJ out with the SMS fix and other fixes added.

A lot of people on there have just updated to version 9 from 7, so even version 7 must have been really good to use with hardly any issues...
son has one of these ,his is oclocked to 710 mhz , battery life is better on the jellyfish roms than the modaco ones though . have access to the kitchen there though if need be
son has one of these ,his is oclocked to 710 mhz , battery life is better on the jellyfish roms than the modaco ones though . have access to the kitchen there though if need be
nice 1 mate, does the overclocking make much difference then, they seem quite snappy already without overclocking!
does make them smoother running most noticable difference was with live wallpapers as some really struggled to run properly this does smooth out the edges on them
got the new jellyfish on mine rls 9 i believe, seems nice and speedy but maybe because i loaded the overclock option,

it seems better on the battery than the separate widget i had for overclocking which just raped my phone.

might also be because im using the standard jellyfish wallpaper instead of a live wallpaper.

loved solarwinds live wallpaper but that had to be the worst on for power lose so i was using nexus.

think i may just leave a normal wallpaper on now.
The overclocking addon just makes overclocking posible mate, you still need to use SetCPU or similar app to do the over clocking. The Hardware ecceleration addon works straight out of the box...
The overclocking addon just makes overclocking posible mate, you still need to use SetCPU or similar app to do the over clocking. The Hardware ecceleration addon works straight out of the box...

you sure? i installed the normal jf and it wasnt as quick as it is now by using the overclock jf.

most rom's can run a overclock widget they dont need any special addons... the jf on its own can run one so whats the point in the jf overclock addon?

mines deff faster than it was on stock jf.

infact just been to modaco question and answer below


QUOTE(deusum86 @ Dec 27 2010, 21:51)
Well I got a last question... do I need SetCpu for setting the speed or ist this AHB Overclocking a standalone solution which won't affect the cpu speed? It's because I downloaded and installed setcpu (newest version) and installed it. It shows me 600 Mhz max clockspeed which means in words of setcpu it isn't overclocked. I flashed the AHB add on right after the ROM itself (without rebooting between). Has it been properly installed or should i maybe flash it again?

Thx a lot for your help. I'm really trying to search and google first but this is such a specific question that I wasn't able to find an answer.

Thanks in advance and best regards

The AHB overclock is set automatically, you don't need to do anything with it.
infact i know what your talking about, bet your on about the overclocking of cpu? the overclock addon is for the bus not cpu.

still a lot faster to me, you only need a app like setcpu if you want to do the cpu but you dont need any addon or file like you suggested in your post you can do that with stock jf rom.

the overclock jf rom is to do the bus.
To over clock the CPU you load the addon, and then you must use SetCPU or similar to do the overclocking.

This AHB thing is something I've seen but not looked into it too much. I think it's overclocked bus, this is a grey area to me at the minute so not sure how it works or how you get it to work.

Again, the hardware acceleration is something that jsut works after you have loaded it on...

I'll look into the AHB thing and see what I can find out... I've been put off it all to be honest as I want a well balanced phone of performance and battery life.
To over clock the CPU you load the addon, and then you must use SetCPU or similar to do the overclocking.

This AHB thing is something I've seen but not looked into it too much. I think it's overclocked bus, this is a grey area to me at the minute so not sure how it works or how you get it to work.

Again, the hardware acceleration is something that jsut works after you have loaded it on...

I'll look into the AHB thing and see what I can find out... I've been put off it all to be honest as I want a well balanced phone of performance and battery life.

the AHB is overclocking of the bus.

your talking about cpu overclocking which you need setcpu for, but you dont need any special rom to apply that, any what id call aftermarket rom can run setcpu.

the overclock rom isnt so you can overclock, as said any aftermarket rom can do that, the overclock jf rom is a rom that has the bus overclocked not the cpu.

i ran loads of overclocking aps on all sorts of roms and they all just overclocked the cpu.

this overclock jf rom overclocks the bus. you could i suppose run setcpu aswell to do the cpu but its not needed as the bus does a good job and the scores on quadrant testing have been really good.

i can stress enough tho this rom isnt so you can overclock... any aftermarket and probably standard ones can be overclocked with apps like set cpu, there is no special thing to install to get that working.

the reason this is call jf overclocked is because it is overclocked on the bus (again not overclocked cpu).

hope that makes it clearer as you said to me the overclock jf rom is so you can overclock with apps like setcpu which is wrong.
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Must have got that the wrong way about then... The Modaco forums confuse the life out of me... I've probably got it confussed becasue of reading comments like this one...

The AHB is only overclocked if the CPU is above 600mhz, so if you don't manually oc the cpu with setcpu the AHB is not overclocked.

So you would still need setcpu to overclock the bus anyway with the AHB addon installed... So a bit muddled but the sentiments were correct? lol...<!--QuoteEnd--><!--QuoteEEnd-->
yeah theres loads of shit spouted on there with a lot of good facts aswell.

but i would say the quote above is incorrect as mine is deff faster and i dont have the setcpu addon anymore (i did have it).

im going to run a quadrant test to find out for sure but theres no way this is running quick by itself so the bus must be done regardless of overclocking the cpu.

i will add a overclocking app again and test with that aswell but im going to have to find the one i used as i used one and i found it better than setcpu as it have more options.

will have to applanet it again lol.

i will post results. i may even go back to standard jf rom and run a test on all 3 if i can be arsed (standard, overclocked rom, overclocked rom and setcpu type app).

but even to hand now i can tell this is running faster than on the stock jf rom.
I might play... Just backing my image up... 416 with no overcloking mods...
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ran mine with only overclock rom 435...then i ran with a slight overclock on setcpu 550 odd, but it was obviously going to be the case with a cpu over clock aswell even if only a slight cpu overclock.

im wondering if the bus overclock actually shows in the benchmark tests or only cpu overclock, all i know is that it is deff faster in hand scrolling ect... on mine than the stock jf rom, will have to investigate that further.

need to do some more playing and do a test on a stock jf rom at some point.
AHB installed and 418 quad score, so no difference basically!!..

ABH installed with SetCPU overclock to 652Hz, quad score is 500...

And to be honest, I can hardly tell the difference in watching the 3d demos on quadrant or slickness when navigating phone menus...