.o::O' F1 Racers League 'O::o.


Inactive User
Aug 10, 2001
Reaction score
essex colchester-ipswich
Over 60 teams shows fantastic support from the great members we have here. With more than 11,000 players of this game, Digital Worldz holds its head high starting in the top 10, with more support than other forums.
Our private league will certainly be tough to win though, but this F1 season 2010 is now looking like it will be great fun!
To give thanks for the support and interest you guys have shown, Digital Worldz will be offering prizes....

Racers League 2010 season winner = £50 cash prize
Racers League 2010 runner-up = £30 cash prize
Racers League 2010 third-place = £20 cash prize

(Equal points will share prize)

So guys, you now have extra reason to watch qualifying and the F1 races, if you want to win you need to support your drivers on race weekends! :proud:

Hopefully this will become a regular fun part of the forum.

Bahrain qualifying begins in the morning. Good luck with your choices.

You can check the league positions after each race here- Fanatsy F1 DigitalWorldz
Thats very generous from DW...:Clap:

I am also glad to see such a big turnout for it, thx to you Pink and all that posted and bumped it to get the numbers we have.

Good luck to everyone.
That is a good incentive to raise the profile of the sport. I'm lucky I logged in at the right time to see the other thread.

I wonder how shuey will do....
Great incentive ........... I'm in it for the laugh ........ Just don't wanna come last :proud:
Thanks guys, thing is that its not really meant to be incentive to get members to join the game -otherwise the prizes would have been announced a long while back (before game closed). Its more about having added fun here, hopefully popular enough that we get talk going and use the sports section more, like use the forum for more even if cable hacking fades out. So the prize incentive is just a bonus, deserved to members sticking around and supporting DW. It may lead to other ideas and ways to keep this place just as popular and interesting. :)

So who do we need to win in Bahrain guys? I bet majority will go for Hamilton, Ferrari's or Vettel so this game may come down to which smaller teams do well. Who's backing Force India -Sutil/Liuzzi, or Williams -Hulkenberg maybe, or Renault -Kubica ? After watching practices I'm guessing these drivers will be important.
Thanks guys, thing is that its not really meant to be incentive to get members to join the game -otherwise the prizes would have been announced a long while back (before game closed). Its more about having added fun here, hopefully popular enough that we get talk going and use the sports section more, like use the forum for more even if cable hacking fades out. So the prize incentive is just a bonus, deserved to members sticking around and supporting DW. It may lead to other ideas and ways to keep this place just as popular and interesting. :)

Nice touch and a Bounus for the winners, but like DW its the taking part that counts! Can't remember the last time I looked @ the cable section.(LOL) So many great memembers willing to help n share all sorts of info I don't think cable will be missed that much!

So who do we need to win in Bahrain guys? I bet majority will go for Hamilton, Ferrari's or Vettel so this game may come down to which smaller teams do well. Who's backing Force India -Sutil/Liuzzi, or Williams -Hulkenberg maybe, or Renault -Kubica ? After watching practices I'm guessing these drivers will be important.

I'm gunning for last place

Bruno Senna HRT F1 Team
Jarno Trulli Lotus F1 Racing
Jenson Button Vodafone McLaren Mercedes
Pedro de la Rosa BMW Sauber F1 Team
Timo Glock Virgin Racing
I forgot who I had too, but I realised that now teams are closed you can click on the team name to see. You can view all teams in the league so its been interesting seeing who has what. John your team is here- http://www.fantasyracers.com/game/teamdetail.php?TeamID=5332
What I did notice though is that your team name is the same name as nani's team name lol http://www.fantasyracers.com/game/teamdetail.php?TeamID=3095
I only chose 3 top drivers for now so it will be interesting to see how points work out against those that have 5 lower rated drivers.
Yes, should be good this, In work for 12 hours, So I will be watching in the 50" plasma we have in the office.

Ment to be for tracking units, NOT today it wont :)

Rodbouys DW legends will be marching on
Pos League Name Teams Top 5 Average
26th DigitalWorldz 66 682.20

That's not to bad for the first race!
Yes not bad since we arent exactly pro's or dedicated fantasy fans, we're keeping up with the leaders ~20-ish points is nothing to claw back.
I'm happy with 8th place in our league :) ...and i'm actually first out of the '40 mill' less restricted teams coooooool mwhahaha
Makes a change for me though and better than I'm doing in the dream-team game -I'm just rubbish at that lol.
its all in good fun, think i came 68th, but if by a miracle i win, winnings can go to charity :)
I forgot who I had too, but I realised that now teams are closed you can click on the team name to see. You can view all teams in the league so its been interesting seeing who has what. John your team is here- http://www.fantasyracers.com/game/teamdetail.php?TeamID=5332
What I did notice though is that your team name is the same name as nani's team name lol http://www.fantasyracers.com/game/teamdetail.php?TeamID=3095
I only chose 3 top drivers for now so it will be interesting to see how points work out against those that have 5 lower rated drivers.

so has it started then ?lol
:banana:I'm not last :banana: Checking my drivers I've found my bro has chose exactly the same drivers as me - spooooky
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