### \/irgin+ v2.1 Lite (fta) Image!! ###

Right... no probs, the message I got when I registered said 5 posts... say hi... introduce yourself etc....
Might have changed.

Hi everyone, im new here so please excuse me if I seem a little wet behind the ears.

Does this image automatically update key changes, or will I still have to manually update my keys, like I currently have to on my existing image?
Hi everyone, im new here so please excuse me if I seem a little wet behind the ears.

Does this image automatically update key changes, or will I still have to manually update my keys, like I currently have to on my existing image?

If you carefully read the readme file all will become clear mate !!??
I've searched the forum for info on this but can't find anything so here goes.

Regarding the 7 day epg what are the ideal settings, i've tried all combinations & i still have info missing for certain channels i.e. there's gaps in the times programs start program a starts at 8pm then program b doesn't start until 11.30pm it's missed out the programs inbetween.

I have cut alot of shite out of the services.xml file & use a myservices.xml to block channels too, i also use the epgfilter.xml for alot of the channels i have availiable.

I have tried this combination which used to work fine with the andromeda image:

Turn the box off at night so it is in standby which i assume clears the epg cache.
Set a zapto timer for 6am to go to PVR_EPG
zapto bbc1 at 6:15am
sleep at 6:16am

EPG-Cache Days 7
Long Description hours 8
Remove after hours 0
Max Events 24,000

I've tried the settings that worked with Andromeda Days 2, long desc 24, remove 0, Max Events 18,000 & still having the problem with missing programs.

Could anyone advise please.
I've searched the forum for info on this but can't find anything so here goes.

Regarding the 7 day epg what are the ideal settings, i've tried all combinations & i still have info missing for certain channels i.e. there's gaps in the times programs start program a starts at 8pm then program b doesn't start until 11.30pm it's missed out the programs inbetween.

I have cut alot of shite out of the services.xml file & use a myservices.xml to block channels too, i also use the epgfilter.xml for alot of the channels i have availiable.

I have tried this combination which used to work fine with the andromeda image:

Turn the box off at night so it is in standby which i assume clears the epg cache.
Set a zapto timer for 6am to go to PVR_EPG
zapto bbc1 at 6:15am
sleep at 6:16am

EPG-Cache Days 7
Long Description hours 8
Remove after hours 0
Max Events 24,000

I've tried the settings that worked with Andromeda Days 2, long desc 24, remove 0, Max Events 18,000 & still having the problem with missing programs.

Could anyone advise please.

Try adding another timer to zap to say, itv1 at 5.45am.

Also, it's all dependant on the ratio of 7 days EPG to now'n'next only as to the time it's necessary to spend on the PVR_EPG channel......this can only be found by trial and error mate.
Going into Standby mode does NOT clear the EPG Cache mate- Shutdown does!

So my daily timers (7 days a week in perpetuity) run something like:

05:00 - Shutdown
05:10 - Zap To - BBC ONE
05:15 - Zap To - PVR_EPG
05:30 - Zap To - whatever channel you want to come down to...

The first 'wake-up' Zap To is there because neutrino will usually wake it up a minute or two before the due time, when coming out of shutdown mode. Obviously, this is to allow for boot-up time.

From there, the timings are exact- so it spends precisely the 15 mins in PVR_EPG that I want it to.

You can adjust the clock times to suit your daily life-style, naturally- and even add a 5th daily timer:

05:35 - Standby

...so when you come down, the clock and calendar are on the LCD. You can even use different settings for individual days of the week for the final channel.

eg: My missus likes to come down to ITV1 for GM-TV Monday to Friday, BBC NEWS on Saturday (coz there's no GM-TV), and CNBC on Sunday for the yankee preachers sermon. Eazy peazy!

Cheers- AL :)
Sorry mate i meant Shutdown, not Standby, i turn it off so that everything is off other than the little red light.

Yeah my timers are along the same lines, i've tried all sorts of combinations but still not cracked it, but i'll continue until it's sorted.

I'd be happy with just 2 or 3 days which is what i had it set at before & it worked perfectly.

My timers now look like this:
(I shut the box down at night anyway)
06:00 - Zap To - BBC ONE
06:05 - Zap To - PVR_EPG
06:20 - Zap To - BBC ONE
06:21 - Standby

EPG-Cache Days 3
Long Description hours 24
Remove after hours 0
Max Events 34,000

I've set the same for 11am to see how they work.
Would anyone be so kind as to send me the rom 7 files and cams by PM. Lost all my cable stuff recently when my drive failed.

Ta in advance.
@Alien Heads: those Timer Settings look cool, m8. I think what you need is Rodboy's Guide to Setting Up epgfilter.xml Mini Tute

He's probably fast asleep right now, but, just like a bus- will be along shortly, LOL! What this gizmo does, is to restrict the 150 odd channels you NEVER watch, to Now 'n Next EPG only, instead of days and days...

This frees up shedloads of dbox memory to give you a reliable (and perpetual, with nightly Timers) 7 Days EPG on the 100 (ish) channels you and yours ARE likely to view.

For all of this, we have FreddyFrog to thank, for tweaking sectionsd to make 7 Days EPG possible- and pt-1 for pointing us to epgfilter.xml - to make ir attainable!!

Cheers- AL :)
@Alien Heads: those Timer Settings look cool, m8. I think what you need is Rodboy's Guide to Setting Up epgfilter.xml Mini Tute

He's probably fast asleep right now, but, just like a bus- will be along shortly, LOL! What this gizmo does, is to restrict the 150 odd channels you NEVER watch, to Now 'n Next EPG only, instead of days and days...

This frees up shedloads of dbox memory to give you a reliable (and perpetual, with nightly Timers) 7 Days EPG on the 100 (ish) channels you and yours ARE likely to view.

For all of this, we have FreddyFrog to thank, for tweaking sectionsd to make 7 Days EPG possible- and pt-1 for pointing us to epgfilter.xml - to make ir attainable!!

Cheers- AL :)

Look at post no. 62 mate..............that's the mini guide.....sorry if my grammar aint the best..........but I'm sure you'll get the gist !!!

I need to go now coz my head is sore.................had to drink lager last night............i hate lager !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now for something completely differerent...

I know that many peeps out there are still struggling with cam switching and au'ing. The majority of these peeps will be using a three cam setup.

I've discovered a strange anomaly with this scenario- and it goes to prove that despite four year's experience of dbox2 and neutrino, I'm still learning new things every day!

What's occurring here?

Assume you AU fine with mgcamd and it has created it's own SoftCam.Key file, or updated an old one you supplied it with. But let's say it's freezing, so you decide to try another cam.

If, at this point, you decide to switch to g*box- all will be well. The keys will be copied from SoftCam.Key to nagra (which will be created if it doesn't exist, or updated if it does already exist).

On the other hand, if you were to switch from mgcamd to evocamd, again- all would be well. BUT! Here's the little gem that kept me up till 3am this morning:

If evocamd finds a valid set of keys in SoftCam.Key - it doesn't bother creating it's own Keylist.txt file!!

The converse is true, too: If mgcamd finds a valid set of keys in Keylist.txt then it will use those, and not bother creating SoftCam.Key!

Now switch to g*box from either of these scenarios, and the keycopy routine is fubarred- we get a 62 byte nagra file, empty of keys, and FTA only...

The 'Fix':

Unrar the attached patch file and FTP it the /bin folder (NOT /var/bin) - overwriting the existing file of the same name, which is miniops

When you try it all over again, it will work properly, by using brute force to make these two lazy bone-idle cams create their own keyfiles properly, by deleting the 'other' one in the cam switching process!!

You'll know that the real file has been written, because there'll be a momentary picture freeze between 5 and 20 seconds after the new cam has started, then it'll clear.

Cheers- AL :)
Hats off again to you AL mate !!!

You just make it all so simple for the dboxers.............Top work mate :lsabre:
Hi, was wondering if anyone can help me with this image. Put it on last night, have saved the emu, etc etc, from a previous working image, put them on this one but no joy, the only channels working are the fta, all the rest are black screen.

Can anyone point me in the right direction.

Did you read the 'Oops- nearly forgot' bit near the end of my release notes, Pepper?

The only thing to add to that is that the cams live in /var/bin/emu and MUST be set to chmod 755 or they won't work.

Plus- if your fiddling with all three cam types- the Update Patch above applies to you!

Cheers- AL :)
Just registered and have been scanning posts about the Dreambox DM500C that I bought a few months ago but then switched to Sky and haven't used it. Just trying to set it up in another room with a ****** cable line but can't get anything other than the normal FTA channels to work - it finds the channels on search but you can't view them. I am a complete novice to all this but was hoping a software update might sort the problem as the original software on the box is 1.6.5 (proc STBx25x.252MHz) - is there an idiots guide somewhere that I could follow to update this?!!