How can i win back a girls heart?

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but how?

i'm constantly tryin!! but i just cant get it right

basicly m8 she want u to prove ur love for her
how long have u been in this relationship with her

buy her an engagment ring
basicly m8 she want u to prove ur love for her
how long have u been in this relationship with her

buy her an engagment ring

we are too young to get engaged mate

i've know her for 3 years but only really made a go of it over the last 6-7 months

if anything materializes yo lot will be the first tae know

thanks for all your advice everyone :)

we are too young to get engaged mate

i've know her for 3 years but only really made a go of it over the last 6-7 months

if anything materializes yo lot will be the first tae know

thanks for all your advice everyone :)


Gav if you dont mind me asking how old are you and her m8
Look at all the dear deardries lmao rofl.

Is this worth the stress GAV ?

Believe me m8 you are better off without all this nonsense i know you are young and we have all been there so trust me when i say leave it alone. It hurts for a while but time is the best healer and there is no point going round in circles for it all to happen again.

Its one pair of big tits - and there is lots of big tits out there.

Get yourself another pair of big tits.
Look at all the dear deardries lmao rofl.

Is this worth the stress GAV ?

Believe me m8 you are better off without all this nonsense i know you are young and we have all been there so trust me when i say leave it alone. It hurts for a while but time is the best healer and there is no point going round in circles for it all to happen again.

Its one pair of big tits - and there is lots of big tits out there.

Get yourself another pair of big tits.

i'm actually getting annoyed at the replys that insinuate that all you need in a woman is big tits.
How shallow are you lot ffs?
Big tits aren't everything you know.


Does the willingness to take it up the @rse mean nothing to you?
been reading this all day
1st are you trying to start a new sec like lonely hearts LOL
cos what ive read sounds like that or a book
As for whos tits are bigger
who cares its whos tastes better that matters
but back to the prob
Ok it looks good
Friends who fall for each other last forever
Just keep cool dont do anything more rash than you have
It will take time so dont be impacient
The idea of going anywhere near that friend is just stupid
Cos she cant be trusted whether you win her back or not
In my opinion she likes you but now aint sure she can or cant trust you
now trust is the most important thing in a relationship
And i mean both ways
so now you need to regain this trust
If you Know and love her as you say
Then you must know how to regain that trust
Then all will be well :proud:

Otherwise theres plenty more fish in the sea
but how?

i'm constantly tryin!! but i just cant get it right


Well for a starters, why dont you ring her ?

why do you have to wait for her to ring you ?

send her some flowers, buy her a gift or actually do something to show her that she mean something to you....


you said she is not talking to her mate now because she kissed a guy she likes,

she sounds like - that she is using you somehow, likes other guys while liking you, but still wants to talk to you,

and if you wanna proove it, get of the net, stop playing fifa on a sat night, and go link her up
Time to be honest...

All female youngsters are basically gameplayer sluts.

In lifes greater scheme she is **** all and you really shouldn't get hung up on her. She sounds incredibly immature and carries the the 'evil' of innocence, most women carry this on until their mid twenties.

I believe that she is still a child that is playing a game with you.

Tell her to grow up and go out and get yourself a real woman.
you want her, she dont want need to switch this situation around.

1st of, dont give a fcuk ! about her or anyone fcuk em. youll be surprised, the more you dont give a fcuk the more she will want you..

hit the town, and have a mad few weeks
keep this up and after a few weeks she will realise how much fun your having and will want you back big style, but by now you might not want her back cos your having to much fun !

Now is the time to use your head, use it right youll switch this situation around, dont fall back straight into her arms like a dickhead. In your time and your terms, or just bang her now & then is much easier. lol.

wot ever works for you pal, jus no poncey gay bunch of flowers and chocolates shit, women these days dont care much for the milk tray man, they jus wan a good fcuk.

( Do her friend, in the ass if poss, just for the hell of it )

most women fall for this method every time, not to mention moist women !

Just dont give a fcuk.
I had a problem like this the other month. Do as everyone is suggesting and keep her at arms length until she sees the light. Women crave attention in any form, and this drama is just more attention for her.

I didnt and managed to end up losing the love of my life. So dont you go pestering her.
yeah women all play games wae men, they try to be in control and if she like this after 6 months then prepare for a life of hell.

Turn it all on her shoulders, tell her ok if that is what you want and is your decision, you dont like it, but as you care so much abpout her you will respect her decision and leave it at that.

i bet you any money after a few days she will call up to make amense.

you got to make it all her decision. kid her into that she is in control.

but to be honest, she sounds like a bunny boiler and i think it a little sad that you have to come here for advice.
i just wanted advice from adice from folk who experianced this kinda stuff

cos you guys seem to know your stuff

i just wanted advice from adice from folk who experianced this kinda stuff

cos you guys seem to know your stuff


my advice gav

tell her straight how you feel ask if she will go for a meal with you and lay out all your cards.
if she cares any she will listen, if she wont its time to move on and take it on the chin.
if she allows you to take her for a meal take it slow and you will be fine

hope it all works out for you bro.
i just wanted advice from adice from folk who experianced this kinda stuff

cos you guys seem to know your stuff


I think you need to move on m8 you're too young to be going through this shite!! you supposed to be enjoying your youth, the fact that she asked you to kiss her m8 and the fact that you did shows both of your age.

I've been there m8, got a chick and thought she was the best thing since slice bread then another chick shows me some interest and I got her pregnant I'm now 35 and my son is 21.
I fully enjoyed my youth and always had had more than 1 chick right up until I got married and yes my wife is the best thing since slice bread.

Good luck m8
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