How can i win back a girls heart?

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Life would be much simpler without :eek:
red roses, champagne chocolates and lots of grovelling m8.
then you have to pretend your a sensitive wee soul and beg forgiveness.

then give her the pumping of her life ;)
get an xbox and a blow up doll .. save a fortune in the long run lol
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i think its safe tae say at this moment in time ma arse is oot the windae

Pump her pal as she sounds easy, then sweet talk the G/F and she'll eventually fall back into your arms. :)

What age are you Gav, judging from this post I reckon your about 20, maybe younger?
We're all family mate, a problem shared...... ;)
shes just fone dme and said that the "pal" i kissed is no longer her pal cause she kissed this other boy that she liked

WTF does that mean for me :(

Shag her pal m8. You might as well get hung for a sheep than a lamb.
your her shoulder to cry on, milk it and phone her back, dont mention her pal or the lad, shes trying to make you jealous.
Txt this message to her then change your number.

"Your are physically repulsive, intellectually retarded, your morally reprehensible, vulgar, insensitive, selfish, stupid, you have no taste, a lousy sense of humour and you smell".
so she told you to snog her mate then dumped you cos you did it.
now she's fallen out with her mate cos she kissed a guy that she fancys.
and to cap it all off she phones you to moan about it?

m8 she's starting to sound like a bit of a loony tbh ... get yer pullin pants on and get yerself up the town
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