Au fun gone down

tit2 and au fun down in ex cw area middlesex
go into eng menu and check if your card says "BLACKLISTED"

: colors1
PLz enough of the one liners
I think we all know now exc&w and purenthell are down
Moscs seem ok as are atmega and opus
Tit1 are down too
Now time to look for a fix people
and dont post about au funs funs in the mosc forum moving this to funs
well if u check in eng menu u will see that they have " BLACKLISTED " THE FUN CARDS.
looks like there's been a hit all au funs are down as well

even so, if peeps had a AU card it should come back on.....

dunno if it rolled in TW land but mines rolled screen no prog info and reboot ....working fine....has anyone else in TW area confirm roll?
ex c&w in bolton is down are u sure its still on in manchester dogsnutts
my mosc on other box has'nt updated......i don't know if they are doing some works on line or not, i say this because, wed night friend phoned from belfast saying all ntl are down there even subs and they eventuallt all came back on the next day
is anybody loging ???
bet there isnt :(