Au fun gone down


looks like there's been a hit all au funs are down ,Fun,Atmega,in telepest London.

Hasta la vista
seems like alot of unecessary worrying.... :FRIGHT:

Guys, calm down, plus seems to be alot of one liners of
" ExCW area etc Down "

Think we all know that now. Follow the many posts with HexCW-V3 attached. Program card and wait a few mins.

Plus a thanks to the guys who have attached files on their posts. A big thanks:THANKS:
Im in the leeds area and some fun cards have gone down but others seem to be fine. Not sure whats going on!
Hey ive just realised that my pace box has gone down and i'm using a funcard. But i'm new to programming the cards. What exactly do i need to program the card so that it will work. I have tried downloading tutorials but it has been of very little use to me unfortunately. I can't work out how to even connect the card or box to my pc.
Thanks In Advance