anyone know how to get old analogue channels unscrambled??

I have been reading this thread with interest cause I tried to get my old mans anologue box working after it went off but could not get the info that I need at the time. I was told that I needed to remove the 93c66 chip and reprogram it but could not get it to work. I have a 12c508 chip attached to the white connection strip with one wire going to the 93c66 chip which I have since removed and fitted a dil socket cause I thought I would be taking it out a lot (pics below) lol. So Tell me if I am right in this I need to undo the bullit mod ( which was done after it went tits up) do I need to reconnect leg six aswell plug one of these ressters in let the box remap redo the bullit mod and thats it. :Cheers:
Well according to benny59 the "bullit mod" dont need any alterations to the box whatsoever so if your going to do it that way ask benny59 exactly what he does or to post a tutorial on the bullit mod, i think the file for the resetter he has is in cable downloads.

The only drawback i see in the bullit mod is that you have to keep doing it every week or so.

The way i do it is a lot less hastle in the long run but you do have to mod the box after you have resett and tuned it.

but the drawback in my way at the moment is that there is a shortage of resetters and tunner chips because we need the dump from them to duplicate them and at the moment i am reluctant to try reading them because i might feck them up because the pic chip is locked.

So if i were you i would try the "bullit mod" from benny59 first and for this you wouldn't need to mod your box so you bonesy, will have to return it to its original state first ok.
OK riksta, i sent the resetter and a tunner and a resistor this mornig by 1st class signed for post (93p), it normally gets there the next day but as its the xmass period it could be a couple of days ok mate any problems PM me.
have another read of my post clive m8, {i was talking about the resetting of all channels on the box without any other modifications}-------------the bullitt mod is something completely diffrent

bonesy, if you can get a working dump from your area {you only need to program the 93c66 eeprom, "leave the bullitt mod alone"

what area are you in m8 ???, {i might have a dump that will do}
dont know why you keep going on about the bullitt mod clive ?? {i thought my post on how the resetter chip works in my area was easy to understand}

the bullitt mod is done to the box to stop the 93c66 eeprom getting written too by the c/c
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Oh were talking about the same thing then, i thought the bullit mod was something diferent from the way i was doing it, i didnt know that the mod i was doing already had a name!
Sorry benny59.
ok clive no prob m8, {can i just make 1 comment on your setup}

your tuner chip is actualy the 1 that erases the eeprom in the box, {if you look at the "before and after hexs" in the rar file they both show as blank}---- before= 000000000 is whats on the chip when you buy it off a supplier, after=3fff 3fff 3fff is what you get when its powered in circut, " its the 3fff thats getting written to the eeprom in the box" {blanking it out}

if you read the contents of the mal 93c66 eeprom on your resetter you will get the hex code that gets written to the eeprom in the cable box. {the 93c66 eeps dont have code protection so you should be able to read it}

heres the code that will be in your pic chip

ok so this code is in the pic chip on the resetter and th mal code can be extracted by reading it. can we use the ee93 program and the device to read it? its on my other thread:

So thats a step closer to creating the resetter. btw the mal f, can it be programmed with the relevant hex for ur area which should be on that post? ie. east london.

so what is the job of the resetter and the tuner? do u have any idea of how we can make these? any help would be appreciated.
i got this pic programmer from ma*king. I also got 2 pic 16f84a chips. I need to get 1 mal f/93c66 chip.

its like this one but with an additional socket for a 28pin eeprom. h**p://

So i program the code from the above post into the pic on the resetter and the code for my location into the malf/93c66 chip and that will reset the eeprom on the analogue.
@benny59, thats good news,
riksta is sending me the resetter back soon so when i get it i'll read the MAL chip and post the contents so everyone can make one ok.

As for the pic chip you can get them almost anywhere and they are blank untill tunned into the area you use them i believe.

So we are closer to making the gadgets.
so there is no code on the tuner chip??! Yes.

I think these codes go on the malf chip hava a look at this .txt doc

I have got all the diagrams to make the resetter and tuner chip. i have ordered the pic and mal f chips from farnell, should be here by monday.

Hopefully, just hopefully this should all work.

Fingers crossed.
i take the east london code from the above text doc, i put it in new text doc and save it as example.93 (not too sure wot it means about the file being in 8.3 format), i then set the programmer for 93c66 and open up the .p3 file and it asks me if i want to swap bytes, what the frigg does that mean!? lol

So let me recap on what i understand so far.

The resetter has 2 chips, pic and malf. The pic has that eeprom code that is above and the malf chip has the code for ur area. This sets the eeprom on ur sa ready for channel mapping.

The tuner chip has nothing on it and gets filled up by the eeprom on the sa box.

It seems weird if the tuner chip dont have nothing on it.

Can someone please confirm this or correct me if i am wrong.

one more thing, what chip is this code from, this is just one of the many files on my comp. take a look:
i got the pic 16f84a and p3c66 chips.

codes 111-326 and322-1356 from farnell.

i dont think i can use the 16f84a as the tuner chip as i opened up 1 box and saww that the chip said a6f84 and not a. also the 93c66 dont sy mal f, is it still the same? waiting for more components to arrive. can anyone help me with building the pcb for the resetter and tuner, also where do i get these spring loaded hooks?

also can anyone confirm what gets programmed into what chip as i tried to read the tuner chip from another box and it was empty, maybe just wrong software of programmer. do u think that the alst attachment has the code for the tuner chip??

cheers guys
ok i just got the next delivery. this is what i have in front of me:

Qty/Name/Order Code(Farnell)

3 x 93c66 - 111-326
6 x pic16f84a-04/p - 332-1356
1 x pic16f84-04/p - 789-586
10 x 1row, 10 socket - 672-348
10 x 1row 2way header - 511-705
5 x red led - 636-988
5 x 4.00Mhz resonator - 295-346
10 x 680r resistor - 513-982

Now i know that im missing some parts coz it dont match up to the pics that clive posted. Can anyone please have a look at their resetter and tuner and tell me what components i am missing or post te full component list here. coz i no that i am missing the 8 pin and 18 pin sockets, the single band resistors and the capacitors and the spring loade hooks.

@nawabasif, Dont worrie asif mate,
i'll send you the resetter after reading the MAL chip on it, riksta couldnt get it to work and i think it is because he's not in Essex and the code on the MAL chip is for Essex, i've never tried it outside of Essex and didnt realise that diferent areas would have diferent codes for the MAL chip untill your post with the codes and instructions.txt BTW Well done for finding that asif mate. i'll try to put the Walthamstow code on the MAL if i can find it for you first this time.

@riksta, Sorry you had to go to a trader mate, i only just found out about the MAL chip needing different codes for different areas and i've only ever used it in Essex before, should have known it wasn't going to be that easy but these things are sent to try us and teach us i suppose.