anyone know how to get old analogue channels unscrambled??

Hi Guys,

Any updates on the re-setter? Clive mate I would also like to barrow the re-setter if I can please.

Jimmy / Rick :- Did you get the baby working?
Yes sorry about the delay chaps but i've been in contact with jimmyq who aparently has been in hospital lately and has been trying to get out to post the equipment back to me because a wire came off the resetter and he would rather me fix it.
So i'm still waiting for it to come back.
he keeps saying he'll post it for defo tommorrow but that was nearly a week ago and i still aint got it back yet.
So if your reading this jimmyq, Come on the boys are getting restless!

Clive out.
Just picked up on this. 16F84's can definitely be unlocked. I had one done for me once for a Baby J......
Can you unlock them or do you know someone who can AtmelAce?
Because if we can get the programe from the pic16f84's then thier is a lot of ppl out there who are still useing the old analog sets that can benifit from this.
i fink he can. the man has got 30 odd years of experience in micro processors/controllers. he is some genius. u can tell he shouldnt be a newbie.
I couldn't tell you where I got it done.... long since forgotten etc. But I'll have a look around my many archives to see if I can find the guy's name or a link... A few years back now so the chances are slim even if I find the info. The post was really to confirm it could be done.
Jimmy mate have you finished with that resetter?? :)

Could you please send it back ASAP. Thanks!! Clive mate could you please lend it to me after Rick's used it?

This is all I can find. It's a reference document on the theory of reading protected pics....
if you wanted the code from the 16f84 pic {why didn't you just ask ?}, "i will upload it tonight when i get a bit of time
@ benny59,
brilliant benny59,
that is the code that is on the tuner chips aint it? and how did you get hold of it without reading it from the chips?

@ KhuramG with a bit of luck if i get the equipment back from jimmyq, we might be able to duplicate these gadgets and there will be plenty to go round for everyone.they must be cheep to make after all there aint much to em. but as jimmyq has got the only resetter we have to wait untill he makes good on his word and returns them.

@rickparmar dont worrie rick i aint forgot you mate, jimmyq is holding up the works and i know where he lives. :Laugh:

Clive out.
Thanks Clive,

By the way I've sent another PM to Mr Jimmyq on our behalf :)

Come on mate send it back so Clive/Benny/AtmelAce can clone that baby.
Thanx KuramG, looks like it did the job as i just got a pm from him to say its on its way back to me, Someone sugested that taylor made circuits might be able to duplicate these gadgets and if benny59 comes through with the flash file for the pic chip,

All we need then is the file on the "MAL F 93c66 6" chip on the resetter, anyone feel confident they wont feck it up if i send it to them ? (remember its one of a kind and a lot of ppl need it).
so i take it that tmc got back 2 u?

i also take it that even tho once we have the codes from the chip and resetter, we wont be able to make it ourselves easily, u will have to send it to tmc.

how much did they quote u?
lol, so is everyone tryin 2 duplicate the chip ?

this doesnt seem hard, get the chip, read it, save dump and put it on another chip :)
is it as simple as it sounds?

we gotta make a pcb, get the right components onto it and the right chip.

hmm, could be done, its just a matter of how to read and write to the chips. coz if its a small task, then we can all benefit instead of passing it around or getting one guy to do and sending them all out ot loads of people.
Making it is no problem. Cheapest way is on VeroBoard, though NOT very professional, it will probably work.Doing a PCB, for me, is no problem. The cost of a board might be.... I just had 4 made for my new project from the USA on a 1 day delivery for 160$ US all in.
I'm happy to do the design work for nowt, if needed, but stumping up the cost of boards will have to be someone elses problem to sort out. I can also sort out all the components, where to buy them and building instructions.......
As a guide on the PCB, up to 9 square inches, 10 off costs 180$ all in , so $18 each.20 off $288.
I don't have time to do research on this, but I do have time to copy things...Hope that helps.
HI GUYS a dying man in hospital and all you guys care about a resetter LOL

sorry guys i did not know all this was going on anyway clive should have the resetter i gave to my nephew to post a week ago i seen in the back of his car today and i posted myself so sorry for the delay guys not my fault!
hey jimmyq. r u out of hospital now? wot happened m8? r u ok.

nobody knew what happened to u. we did get a brief mention about it, but didnt seem 2 serious.

get well soon m8y

Apologies mate…didn’t know you was @ hospital……Hope you get better soon