anyone know how to get old analogue channels unscrambled??

thanks clive, thats really nice of u m8

seems very easy 2 make, do u think if i got that chip from maplins, will it already be programed?
this is a message for clive. i have read and understood the tutorial, thanks for that m8. :) i wanted to know if after you tuned up and everything and if u wanna remove the single chip, do u leave the white socket empty or do u reconnect the ribbon. also, is there anyway that i can get one of these resetters and chips from anywhere or ebay? what do i look for. if there is a tutorial to show how to make them, then can u please direct me to it or attach it on here? i dont mind making these chips. if the box already has been tuned b4 and has the resistor connected, and the leg lifted, do i remove the esistor temporarily and connect the leg?

if u could give me the chip name and the names of anything that i would need to do it myself then that would be helpful.

Thanks a lot mate :Cheers:
@nawabasif, yes you can remove the chip after you have the resistor on and the leg lifted but if you unplug the box you will need to put the chip back in and you dont need to plug anything back into the white plug.
I cant get another resetter but if someone (expierienced at this) on here can duplicate it then we could send it to them to make a diagram etc.
You cant get one of these from maplins m8 you'll have to make one up because its naughty innit. :Laugh:

@rickparmar, its a pic 16F84 m8 and it basicaly auto' searches for stations, it comes blank if you buy it from maplins but thanx to my old Maxpro III piclink proggy i have the before its tunned and after its tunned hex's in the attachement along with some pictures of the gadget.
Unfortunately i sent the resetter to jimmyq today so i cant read the chips on it. :Cry:

You only need the resetter once usually unless you connect the 6th leg and take off the resistor, thats when the cc can zap your box.
Sometime the cc puts a zap signal down the line from time to time and if you try to tune your box during this period it wont work. :mad:

Any way here are the files:
ok thanx clive.

i take it that even if i could purchase the chips and make the pcb, i would have to program the after.hex into the chips? actully that sounds wrong. i think it will all make sense to me once i can get the resetter and chip. i will try to find one and i will let u know how i have dun and if i do run into trouble, is it ok if u could just help me plz?

thanks m8
wish i cud use the willem 2 do it lol

or shall i stick an atmel on the resetter :)
@nawabasif, yes m8, good luck your going to need it!
this equipment hasnt seen the light of day for about 3 years so by todays standards your looking for a dinosaur lol.
The hex isnt really needed m8 'cause you buy them blank with no stored channels (actually they dont store channels onto the 16f84 chip it sends the channel frequency to the eep on your mainboard)wich is how you want them,
then you tune them in to your area by leaving them to decode your areas channels so i wouldnt worrie about the hex m8.
Anyway if ppl are interested in analog cable and its got a demand then maybe someone could duplicate the resetter and tuner that i have, well not at the mo' 'cause its on its way to jimmyq, but later when i get it back or should i say if i get it back lol.
no for some reason i feel i can trust jimmyq etc.

Anyway thats enough from me, Clive out.
excellent tutorial clive really appreciate it mate your a STAR!!!!
Hey clive, that's a brill tutorial, have you got the circuit diagrame for resetter m8?

I would like to make one, also the chip hex file

trust me mate you will get it back i promise you!!!
if i dont solder it on somehow DUH.....
@ jimmyq, let me know how you get on with it ok if you dont get all the chanels straight away just leave the single chip on for longer untill it has decoded all the frequencies ok.

@ padington, thanx for the compliment, i'm sorry but i havent got the wireing diagrames but i'll see if i can ask for someone to duplicate the two chip sets ok.
BTW. the hex files for before and after the tuner chip has been connected are in the earlier post with some pic's of the gadgets but i dont think they are relevant because the pic 16f84 is basically a chip that finds analog frequencies for you anyway.

Clive out.
Hey clive.

i have been thinking. if you could get these resetters and chips duplicated somehow, or a tutorial on how to make them then that would be great. i am getting the big picture of how this works. so the resetter clears the eeprom and the chip finds all the frequency and stores it onto the eeprom? and the leg lifting stops the memory from being changed or zapped by the cc? i hope thats rite. i am a newbie but i am willing to learn. keep us posted on what u manage to get and stuff. thanks
Thats it by George i think hes got it.

Sorry, yes nowabasif, Now you understand grasshopper, Sorry, i better go and have a lie down now.
lol. Interesting philosophy. Thanks clive. u ave bin a great help so far. keep it up m8. i will carry on learning.

clive58 said:
@ jimmyq, let me know how you get on with it ok if you dont get all the chanels straight away just leave the single chip on for longer untill it has decoded all the frequencies ok.

@ padington, thanx for the compliment, i'm sorry but i havent got the wireing diagrames but i'll see if i can ask for someone to duplicate the two chip sets ok.
BTW. the hex files for before and after the tuner chip has been connected are in the earlier post with some pic's of the gadgets but i dont think they are relevant because the pic 16f84 is basically a chip that finds analog frequencies for you anyway.

Clive out.
Thanks clive, if you could dig it out that would be great.
or if you can send the resstter to me, i'll copy it and send it back to you again and also then I can put diagrame here.

Well i understand from spectre: -

"THe hardware is the easy bit, you will probably find that the data on the chips is code protected though and cannot be easily read. There is methods of extracting data from cade protected chips, the PIC16F84 in particular, still not too easy though."

so it might not be as straight forward as it seems paddington,

anyone else have any sugestions?
Code protected is a pain in the ar*e, everything is protected now day's : :) ,
I know in the early day's of OND and SK*, PicC84 was used, they could be unlocked, not sure on 16F84 though, but still I wouldn't mind getting my hand's it though.

Maybe if you could send me the whole board and chip, I could try to build one, and I will return it back to you again, I live in Essex well old Essex boundry anyway (now north East London Known as E17) :Cheers:

The PIC16F84 has flaws which can be exploited apparently, never got round to trying it yet but it's alledgedly possible to glitch them.
@padington, if you pm me your address i'll send you a tunner chip 'cause jimmyq still has the resetter, see if you can duplicate that first ok?
if you notice tho' that in my post which has the hex of the before and after the pic 16f84's were used i think you will find that it was blank to start with so you should be ok.

@spectre, its the mal and pic chip on the resetter thats most important for the hex's but i havent had the b*lls to read these chips incase i feck them up but if you feel confident you can get the hex's then i can send them to you m8 with confidence.

i'm down to my last two tuners now and when i get the resetter back from jimmyq that will be a one-of-a-kind unless we can get it duplicated.

So come on guys lets get a solution for all those who need this can we.

Clive out.