Will anyone be watching the prime-ministerial debate tonight?

I never said you didn't, I stated that my own opinion is that IP partys all seem to be be MP's that either failed in their last parties or those that jump on the band wagon. I may be wrong...it's quite common for me....:proud:

I will state this here and now and come back after the election and tell me if I am right or wrong. I am not stating this because I dislike UKIP, just that I don't believe any IP stands a chance.

UKIP have no chance in hell of winning.

thanks to people like you :)
here are a list of things that i hate about our government

1. introduced student loans - £2.2 billion is owed to the student loans company, now how many students are still in this country let alone in a position repay it - if this is not irresponsible lending i dont know what is

2. Government has borrowed over £770 billion - god knows what the interest repayments are, who is going to pay it back

3. Introduced NI contributions as the new form of PAYE, it is disgusting how much NI has gone up the last 10 years, and this government want to raise it again to pay off their interest repayments on borrowing

4. 75% of every litre of fuel is tax, where does this money go cos our roads are in bits

5. £1 billion has been raised by speed cameras since multiplying under this government - where has this money gone

6. Road tax & TV licenses have near enough doubled but the BBC TV is shocking, same as the roads

7. immigration is out of control, if anyone argues this then why does everyone talk about it every day

8. Why is Gordon brown wanting urgent changes in the lead up to this election when he has had years in sorting out apparent problems

9. Why do i have to be told what to eat, how to drink, not to smoke, what speed to drive, I am an adult that pays tax why should i have to live my life how they want me to

10. why does the NHS send nutritionists to Somalian families in Birmingham to show them how to eat properly cos they are clinically obese

11. why is so many more people on anti depressants for stress, was this as common as 20 years ago

12. why is gordon brown in charge of this country when he was not even elected, I did not vote for him to be in charge of this country

13, why are MP's not prosecuted for expense fraud, why did our prime minister not show enough spine

14. why does our prime minister accuse the tories of all the problems in this country when they have not been in power for 13 years

15. make public sectors jobs redundant, why ?, does this simply show lack of management or direction

16. why does this government waste billions of pounds on stupid incentives that dont work then create stealth taxes to pay it off,

17. The future jobs fund is nothing more than a 6 month work placement being paid minimum wage, what good is it for the unemployed when they have to sign on 6 months down the line, it benefits the governments stats more than the individual

18. why create thousands of admin positions in the public sector to collate statistics on how well schools, hospitals, colleges are doing, the general public know how well a school or a hospital is performing, a stat is a meaningless number to help enforce government spending strategies

19. what is economically inactive ?

YOU WANT GORDON BROWN IN CHARGE OF THIS COUNTRY THEN GO AHEAD COS 13 years has done nothing more than put us in a worse position than we were 13 years ago

only difference is government spending is higher, cost of living is higher, population is higher, unemployment is higher than it was 15 years ago let alone 13 years ago. the list goes on

Labour party is apparently a peoples party, well tell me why lol
People blame Margaret Thatcher for a lot and rightly so, but they forget she was the leader of the conservatives and she did not act alone. It was Conservative values that she implemented and that’s the frightening thing as David Cameron’s government would be as ruthless.

I still don’t understand how so many can support them when they keep saying that they will cut public spending yet give a tax break to the richest 3000 people in the country. I thought we were broke so why give the people who need it less a tax break? I have not seen one interviewer ask them how they can justify this policy.

How can so many support the Conservatives when Rupert Murdoch will be writing there media policy? You just have to see the influence he had on the debate Sky News hosted and the attacks on Nick Clegg in his papers. If they win we will be paying for online news and the BBC will be badly affected.
I do think for myself and I know Labour hasn’t been perfect but at least they try to be fair. We know that our Crime, Education & the NHS will be in safe hands if Labour remains in power. The Tories tried to run the NHS down the last time they were in power as they would have us all paying expensive health insurance.

I don’t mind who win as long as it’s either the Labour party or the Liberal Democrats, as the NHS has always been important to me and I don’t trust the Tories with it.
but is politically correct to pay BBC execs. NHS execs, NHS Gp's over £150k a year

this 50p top tax rate has been implemented cos this government cannot control what they pay their public sector big wigs

this country is crippled by the demands of the public sector pensions
I still don’t understand how so many can support them when they keep saying that they will cut public spending yet give a tax break to the richest 3000 people in the country. I thought we were broke so why give the people who need it less a tax break? I have not seen one interviewer ask them how they can justify this policy.

I'm hoping Dimbleby will stress this question during the next debate. The debates have been quite tame so far with moderators more inclined to push for time rather than getting a definitive answer. I'm hoping that some of the QT spirit spills over into the forthcoming debate.
i am sorry but these political debates are not showing what really happens when these 3 characters get to together in parliament

nick clegg is ignored when trys to get his word in, they just jeer constantly

gordon brown stutters and twitches and fidges when cameron lays into him

must admit cameron does look every piece the enxt prime minister

these TV debates wont decide anything, they probably confuse the issue even more

the lib dems will not win the election simply cos they dont have enough seats, they need like 250 more seats than labour & the tories and it will simply not happen

tories are closer to winning the election than people think due to how marginal the seats are

and the Tv debates should be based on Cameron and brown cos these 2 parties are most likely to win the election simply cos of the amount of seats they already hold
1. introduced student loans - £2.2 billion is owed to the student loans company, now how many students are still in this country let alone in a position repay it - if this is not irresponsible lending i dont know what is

The Tories would have done the same and agree on them, the money has to come from somewhere. It’s a low interest loan and you only need to make payments if you earn over £15000 a year.

2. Government has borrowed over £770 billion - god knows what the interest repayments are, who is going to pay it back

They are going to half it in 4 years, obviously the tax payer.

3. Introduced NI contributions as the new form of PAYE, it is disgusting how much NI has gone up the last 10 years, and this government want to raise it again to pay off their interest repayments on borrowing

No they want to raise it so they can protect the budget on Crime, Education & the NHS.

4. 75% of every litre of fuel is tax, where does this money go cos our roads are in bits

Do you think this will change under the Tories?

5. £1 billion has been raised by speed cameras since multiplying under this government - where has this money gone

Do you think this will change under the Tories?

6. Road tax & TV licenses have near enough doubled but the BBC TV is shocking, same as the roads

I personally think the BBC is great and should be protected; I pay my TV license every year and am happy to do so. On Road Tax, do you think this will change under the Tories?

7. immigration is out of control, if anyone argues this then why does everyone talk about it every day

The immigrants that most people complain about are from the EU and the Tories can’t do anything about them, we can live in their countries as well if we want. It’s called freedom of movement. I don’t understand the big deal most of them come here and work in factories doing work the locals just wouldn’t do for £5.80 an hour.

8. Why is Gordon brown wanting urgent changes in the lead up to this election when he has had years in sorting out apparent problems

He’s actually not had much time as PM to go in the direction in which he wanted as he has had one crisis after another, maybe he wants to make a real difference before he goes.

9. Why do i have to be told what to eat, how to drink, not to smoke, what speed to drive, I am an adult that pays tax why should i have to live my life how they want me to

That’s a bit selfish, maybe they are not talking to you in particular but the people who need help and advice, e.g., obesity is at record levels and I don’t see anything wrong trying to educate people who maybe don’t know the risks of eating the wrong food.

10. why does the NHS send nutritionists to Somalian families in Birmingham to show them how to eat properly cos they are clinically obese

Why not? We have a duty of care and we don’t live in Nazi Germany.

11. why is so many more people on anti depressants for stress, was this as common as 20 years ago

Are you seriously blaming labour for this? I think it is more to do with people not coping with what life throws at them.

12. why is gordon brown in charge of this country when he was not even elected, I did not vote for him to be in charge of this country

He actually was elected and we do not vote for a president in this country, we vote for a party. You must be thinking about USA.

13, why are MP's not prosecuted for expense fraud, why did our prime minister not show enough spine

Again MP’s are going to court over this issue although it is a relatively small amount you can’t blame Brown when every one of them were at it.

14. why does our prime minister accuse the tories of all the problems in this country when they have not been in power for 13 years

He doesn’t, he is basically warning people what would happen if they got into power.

15. make public sectors jobs redundant, why ?, does this simply show lack of management or direction

I don’t understand what you mean by this. If anything the Tories will be making a large majority in the public sector redundant.

16. why does this government waste billions of pounds on stupid incentives that dont work then create stealth taxes to pay it off,

Again not sure what you mean, it’s a bit vague.

17. The future jobs fund is nothing more than a 6 month work placement being paid minimum wage, what good is it for the unemployed when they have to sign on 6 months down the line, it benefits the governments stats more than the individual

It benefits unemployed as they can write it on their CV and it could help them get a permanent job. You are much more likely to be given work if you are doing something other than sitting in the house.

18. why create thousands of admin positions in the public sector to collate statistics on how well schools, hospitals, colleges are doing, the general public know how well a school or a hospital is performing, a stat is a meaningless number to help enforce government spending strategies

Without stats there are no way of measuring success, the public don’t know as each individual could have a completely different experience. How can that be measured?

19. what is economically inactive ?9. what is economically inactive ?

Economically inactive is someone who is not working and is not unemployed. It could be someone who is ill, a parent anyone not working and not claiming JSA.
must admit cameron does look every piece the enxt prime minister

IMO he looked like a Robot talking into the camera, quite scary, something fake about him. He wanted people to say that he looked like the PM as he kept saying it over and over about being PM, that and about tax on jobs, tax on jobs, tax on jobs. It was like listening to a broken record.
I'm hoping Dimbleby will stress this question during the next debate. The debates have been quite tame so far with moderators more inclined to push for time rather than getting a definitive answer. I'm hoping that some of the QT spirit spills over into the forthcoming debate.

I think the BBC debate will be the best, it’s about the economy and Dimbleby is a class act. It’s time the Tories economic policy got put under the microscope. They have said far too little about their policies for a party that could be the next government, people are voting for them blindly IMO.
1. introduced student loans - £2.2 billion is owed to the student loans company, now how many students are still in this country let alone in a position repay it - if this is not irresponsible lending i dont know what is

The Tories would have done the same and agree on them, the money has to come from somewhere. It’s a low interest loan and you only need to make payments if you earn over £15000 a year.

2. Government has borrowed over £770 billion - god knows what the interest repayments are, who is going to pay it back

They are going to half it in 4 years, obviously the tax payer.

3. Introduced NI contributions as the new form of PAYE, it is disgusting how much NI has gone up the last 10 years, and this government want to raise it again to pay off their interest repayments on borrowing

No they want to raise it so they can protect the budget on Crime, Education & the NHS.

4. 75% of every litre of fuel is tax, where does this money go cos our roads are in bits

Do you think this will change under the Tories?

5. £1 billion has been raised by speed cameras since multiplying under this government - where has this money gone

Do you think this will change under the Tories?

6. Road tax & TV licenses have near enough doubled but the BBC TV is shocking, same as the roads

I personally think the BBC is great and should be protected; I pay my TV license every year and am happy to do so. On Road Tax, do you think this will change under the Tories?

7. immigration is out of control, if anyone argues this then why does everyone talk about it every day

The immigrants that most people complain about are from the EU and the Tories can’t do anything about them, we can live in their countries as well if we want. It’s called freedom of movement. I don’t understand the big deal most of them come here and work in factories doing work the locals just wouldn’t do for £5.80 an hour.

8. Why is Gordon brown wanting urgent changes in the lead up to this election when he has had years in sorting out apparent problems

He’s actually not had much time as PM to go in the direction in which he wanted as he has had one crisis after another, maybe he wants to make a real difference before he goes.

9. Why do i have to be told what to eat, how to drink, not to smoke, what speed to drive, I am an adult that pays tax why should i have to live my life how they want me to

That’s a bit selfish, maybe they are not talking to you in particular but the people who need help and advice, e.g., obesity is at record levels and I don’t see anything wrong trying to educate people who maybe don’t know the risks of eating the wrong food.

10. why does the NHS send nutritionists to Somalian families in Birmingham to show them how to eat properly cos they are clinically obese

Why not? We have a duty of care and we don’t live in Nazi Germany.

11. why is so many more people on anti depressants for stress, was this as common as 20 years ago

Are you seriously blaming labour for this? I think it is more to do with people not coping with what life throws at them.

12. why is gordon brown in charge of this country when he was not even elected, I did not vote for him to be in charge of this country

He actually was elected and we do not vote for a president in this country, we vote for a party. You must be thinking about USA.

13, why are MP's not prosecuted for expense fraud, why did our prime minister not show enough spine

Again MP’s are going to court over this issue although it is a relatively small amount you can’t blame Brown when every one of them were at it.

14. why does our prime minister accuse the tories of all the problems in this country when they have not been in power for 13 years

He doesn’t, he is basically warning people what would happen if they got into power.

15. make public sectors jobs redundant, why ?, does this simply show lack of management or direction

I don’t understand what you mean by this. If anything the Tories will be making a large majority in the public sector redundant.

16. why does this government waste billions of pounds on stupid incentives that dont work then create stealth taxes to pay it off,

Again not sure what you mean, it’s a bit vague.

17. The future jobs fund is nothing more than a 6 month work placement being paid minimum wage, what good is it for the unemployed when they have to sign on 6 months down the line, it benefits the governments stats more than the individual

It benefits unemployed as they can write it on their CV and it could help them get a permanent job. You are much more likely to be given work if you are doing something other than sitting in the house.

18. why create thousands of admin positions in the public sector to collate statistics on how well schools, hospitals, colleges are doing, the general public know how well a school or a hospital is performing, a stat is a meaningless number to help enforce government spending strategies

Without stats there are no way of measuring success, the public don’t know as each individual could have a completely different experience. How can that be measured?

19. what is economically inactive ?9. what is economically inactive ?

Economically inactive is someone who is not working and is not unemployed. It could be someone who is ill, a parent anyone not working and not claiming JSA.

The country was in a better state 15 years ago than it is now?
Unemployment was lower........... actually 15 years ago unemployment was at 9% and now it is at 7%.The cost of living was lower...........so were salaries
Well boy's 'n girls, it's the last debate tonight :(

What great timing for bully boy GB, after his super performance yesterday I can't wait for the other candidates to lay into him. If Clegg doesn't say something funny in relation to Bigotgate I'm not going to vote for him, I don't nice guys in politics.

These debates haven't really been about the prime ministerial candidates though, they've been more about the British publics woeful inability to embrace politics without the aid of a television. To think that this has set a precedent for all forthcoming elections is rather depressing.
Depressing maybe, But if it gets the great unwashed "into" politics then it's got to be a good thing. If it gets people to get their fat asses off their armchair long enough to vote on may 6th then that's a good thing.
Personally I have always kept a close eye on politics and enjoy shouting at the telly when I hear some of the crap they spout. And enjoy watching them squirm when caught with their pants down (Happens more and more these days). I love the debates and all the other stuff that happens with regards to Mp's and councillors ect ect.....God knows why I ended up becoming an Electrician I should have been an MP/Councillor lol. Maybe still time in the old dog yet for that lol "Vote for Diddy" yeah that's got a certain ring to it lol.
surely no one can vote for tory boy after that performance really am undecided between lib dems and labour. Really hope no one up here votes SNP they are a bigger joke than the camerons lot
i thought it was strange that the only question from the audience on immigration came from an afro caribbean man with anti immigration wiews.

or did i dream that?
are those gob shoites still at it.

thank feck for the footy

Well said RAB.

Bunch of twats the lot the them.

Each to their own but even if lib dems get 50% of the vote they will still be hundreds of seats behind and only a bit part player. Thats why they want electoral reform.
i thought it was strange that the only question from the audience on immigration came from an afro caribbean man with anti immigration wiews.

or did i dream that?

l would think immigration is a bigger problem for blacks than whites . ie if your in a deprived area and trying your hardest to work and get out of it then the poles turn up , whos jobs r they going to get first ?
l would think immigration is a bigger problem for blacks than whites . ie if your in a deprived area and trying your hardest to work and get out of it then the poles turn up , whos jobs r they going to get first ?

aye m8 but surely the guy must understand that if the UK hadn't allowed his parents or grandparents to come and live here he wouldn't be here either.

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