Will anyone be watching the prime-ministerial debate tonight?

Speak for yourself . If I recall the money was taken, not asked for

Taken or given, the point remains, we hardly acted like the Greeks or Icelanders in trying to prevent this.
its Thatchers fault we follow the US round like puppies. its gordon browns fault we owe so much to the Rothschilds. the lib dems are yellow, nuff said.

Vote UKIP and end Hitlers reign :)

Still blaming Thatcher after 20 years....lol

I hated the bitch but come on, there have been about 5 changes of government since she was ousted and she is still getting the blame.

If it was the last government then I think it would still be reasonable to blame her but Labour have had 4 terms to do as they wish but still fekked it up big time.

Vote for who you like but for the right reasons, not just cos you hated Thatcher or Brown.
Still blaming Thatcher after 20 years....lol

I hated the bitch but come on, there have been about 5 changes of government since she was ousted and she is still getting the blame.

If it was the last government then I think it would still be reasonable to blame her but Labour have had 4 terms to do as they wish but still fekked it up big time.

Vote for who you like but for the right reasons, not just cos you hated Thatcher or Brown.

thank-you for your point, but the point in history is to teach us about where we are now. so i stand by what i said. i will vote accordingly

thank-you for your point, but the point in history is to teach us about where we are now. so i stand by what i said. i will vote accordingly


And history has taught me that Labour are NOT the party of the people.

UKIP I don't don't think have a chance in hell but a vote you are rightly entitled to, the party I vote for hasn't a chance in hell of influencing anything even if it's a hung parliment but what choice do I have....to vote Tory, thats not going to happen.

My point was if we use history then there wouldn't be a government cos they are all as bad as each other, we need to focus on the future and not the past.

Put your X where you are comfortable with.
My point was if we use history then there wouldn't be a government cos they are all as bad as each other, we need to focus on the future and not the past.

Put your X where you are comfortable with.

UKIP, never been in government..
Jaffa is spot on.

This is why I, saddo that i am, love politics of any kind.

People get so blinkered, so het up, so retrospective, that you can almost smell the bile.

Mrs T did a lot of bad things, she also did a a few good things, and some regions were hit harder than others, so their opinions will always be slanted against, and those less affected, will see more of the good. This applies to any Government BTW.

Only thing I'll say about this governments handling of the recession is this... To me, when times are good, and we had a few years of very good economic growth, surely basic common sense tells you things will not remain good forever, so lets be a little cautions here, and tuck a few lira under thee mattress just in case the shit does hit one day. - But no, this labour government instead plundered the assets left, right and centre, and actively encouraged huge debts. To me, that's not a good economic policy.
Jaffa is spot on.

This is why I, saddo that i am, love politics of any kind.

People get so blinkered, so het up, so retrospective, that you can almost smell the bile.

Mrs T did a lot of bad things, she also did a a few good things, and some regions were hit harder than others, so their opinions will always be slanted against, and those less affected, will see more of the good. This applies to any Government BTW.

Only thing I'll say about this governments handling of the recession is this... To me, when times are good, and we had a few years of very good economic growth, surely basic common sense tells you things will not remain good forever, so lets be a little cautions here, and tuck a few lira under thee mattress just in case the shit does hit one day. - But no, this labour government instead plundered the assets left, right and centre, and actively encouraged huge debts. To me, that's not a good economic policy.

so rant aside, who will u be voting for ?
so rant aside, who will u be voting for ?

No rant mate, or certainly wasn't meant to come across as one.

My vote? Floating TBH, it'll be yellow or blue though, it won't be red this time, no way.
Jaffa is spot on.

This is why I, saddo that i am, love politics of any kind.

People get so blinkered, so het up, so retrospective, that you can almost smell the bile.

Mrs T did a lot of bad things, she also did a a few good things, and some regions were hit harder than others, so their opinions will always be slanted against, and those less affected, will see more of the good. This applies to any Government BTW.

Only thing I'll say about this governments handling of the recession is this... To me, when times are good, and we had a few years of very good economic growth, surely basic common sense tells you things will not remain good forever, so lets be a little cautions here, and tuck a few lira under thee mattress just in case the shit does hit one day. - But no, this labour government instead plundered the assets left, right and centre, and actively encouraged huge debts. To me, that's not a good economic policy.

Correct and not to panic and sell half the gold reserves when the price was almost bottomed out, then it rises and we the tax payer lose billions cos they thought they have a quick fix.

Whoever gets in will have a bumpy ride and of course we will blame them, but because I chose to vote then I have the right to moan...:proud:

@xcell, yeah I know UKIP have never governed but how many independents ever get to power ???

This is only my personal opinion...but I always see any indepenpent party as a party for disgruntled MP's, those that were not happy with their previous party...may not be the case but thats my opinion.
Please, be serious. :Fish:

I am :banana:

as long as people believe good things can't happen thats the way it shall be

'as you believe so it shall be' .

hmm good luck with ur new government peeps. we tried :)
@xcell, yeah I know UKIP have never governed but how many independents ever get to power ???

This is only my personal opinion...but I always see any indepenpent party as a party for disgruntled MP's, those that were not happy with their previous party...may not be the case but thats my opinion.

now more than ever we need an independant in power !

as i said already, the infrastructure is in place, its not the size of the party its the ideals they carry and how much their supported by public opinion ,,,,,,,, as long as you are thinking ' oh this that and the other isn't going to happen' it jolly well wont! because u gave up already.! when will people learn lol

and i am not some old disgruntled MP i understand politics fully and i know the difference between right and wrong and i know my history !! hence my vote ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
now more than ever we need an independant in power !

as i said already, the infrastructure is in place, its not the size of the party its the ideals they carry and how much their supported by public opinion ,,,,,,,, as long as you are thinking ' oh this that and the other isn't going to happen' it jolly well wont! because u gave up already.! when will people learn lol

and i am not some old disgruntled MP i understand politics fully and i know the difference between right and wrong and i know my history !! hence my vote ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I never said you didn't, I stated that my own opinion is that IP partys all seem to be be MP's that either failed in their last parties or those that jump on the band wagon. I may be wrong...it's quite common for me....:proud:

I will state this here and now and come back after the election and tell me if I am right or wrong. I am not stating this because I dislike UKIP, just that I don't believe any IP stands a chance.

UKIP have no chance in hell of winning.
Hey xcell Nigel Farage is an embarrassment, his recent personal attack on Herman Van Rudbouy was cringeworthy. How possibly could you vote for such a guy?

In the immortal words of Clubber Laing I pity the fool.