Will anyone be watching the prime-ministerial debate tonight?

bottom line is

1. lib dems will not be in control of this country unless over 35% of the population vote for them

2. if people rather vote lib dem that conservative then the chances are gordon brown will still be in power

3. if we want a change and brown and his kretins removed then we have no other choice than to vote tories

simple as that

13 years of bullshit, scare mongering and all we have to show for it is a moronic leader

big question is how many of you newly formed lib dem voters know anything about their policies cos they have been in the shadows for a very long time

you criticise labour and the tories cos u know their policies

I havent seen the Tories come up with many policies infact Cameron has done his best to body swerve difficult questions.
Am voting Lib Dem because it is time for a change and whats wrong with giving some new blood a shot in the big chair, they cant do any worse than the other two who are hard to tell apart these days.
I will either vote Lib or Lab but will never vote Tory. How can the British people see a party that has openly said they would give a tax break to the richest 3000 people in the country at a time when money is tight (or at any other time) as positive change, when it is a return to the bad old days. To me this is sign what you would get if the Tories came to power and I for one won't be putting my backing to this kind of unfairness. A normal person voting for the Tories is like a turkey voting for Christmas.

Also the hatred that some people show towards Gordon Brown is unbelievable considering he is the best chancellor we have ever had and he has got us out of recession as a PM. Most people who don't like him, blame him for everything and the fact is if David Cameron was PM so much more of us would have been unemployed, had our homes repossessed and he didn't want to rescue the banks which would have put us into a depression even worse than a recession.

Vote Cameron, Get Murdoch.
I will either vote Lib or Lab but will never vote Tory. How can the British people see a party that has openly said they would give a tax break to the richest 3000 people in the country at a time when money is tight (or at any other time) as positive change, when it is a return to the bad old days. To me this is sign what you would get if the Tories came to power and I for one won't be putting my backing to this kind of unfairness. A normal person voting for the Tories is like a turkey voting for Christmas.

Also the hatred that some people show towards Gordon Brown is unbelievable considering he is the best chancellor we have ever had and he has got us out of recession as a PM. Most people who don't like him, blame him for everything and the fact is if David Cameron was PM so much more of us would have been unemployed, had our homes repossessed and he didn't want to rescue the banks which would have put us into a depression even worse than a recession.

Vote Cameron, Get Murdoch.


He got us into recession as chancellor and has got us out of fook all as PM.

I hate to tell you this but the recession is not even close to being over.

He got us into recession as chancellor and has got us out of fook all as PM.

I hate to tell you this but the recession is not even close to being over.

dont think you can lay all the blame at browns door its a worldwide problem, and tbh most countries have been effected worse than the UK. Gordon Brown also made some good decisions during his time as chancellor giving more control to bank of england etc... also do think he gives you more confidence than Clegg or Cameron, I do think things are better under a Labour government than a tory but tbh again this depends on many things and some people would no doubt be better off under the tories
hahahahahhaha!! GOT US OUT OF A RESESSION!?!?!?! are you MENTAL? did you see the figures released this week on the goverments debt? UK Government debt hits record levels

Brown has THROWN money at anything and everything and we'll be paying this back for another DECADE no matter who gets voted in. He turned this country in a nation of people with the highest personal debts ever recorded - 'spend now, pay later' has always been his motto. even when i was a kid (i'm still only 35 mind) i learnt that if i wanted something i had to save for it - young people nowadays? **** waiting, get a loan, get a credit card. my mates younger brother had just waxed £2500 on a pair of CDJ's and dm800 - £2500!!!! Labour have well and truely fcuked this country for years to come - AND they want us to forgiven them vote them back in?? we've been well and truely rogered by pathetic EU laws too. didn't labour PROMISE is a referendum on joining the EU in 1997? oh, they forgot that one quick sharp didn't they?

This was also released this week on this years current borrowings, not debt : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/...borrowing-highest-since-Second-World-War.html

the ONLY choice is Conservative. forget cameron, check out their actual policies. We HAVE to start paying it back now, as the tories suggest NOT in a 'few years' as brown suggests.
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Also, there was a survey done recently, 30 years ago peoples votes in elections were NOT based on the leader but the party politics - nowadays, it's nearly ALL down to the leaders. how things have changed. the face of the party isn't important - it's what they do as a whole.

it's too much like the US now.....
Also, there was a survey done recently, 30 years ago peoples votes in elections were NOT based on the leader but the party politics - nowadays, it's nearly ALL down to the leaders. how things have changed. the face of the party isn't important - it's what they do as a whole.

it's too much like the US now.....

surely the point of the debates is to allow people to see the candidates, see who appeals more to them and go with what suits them, you seem very much that you are right and everyone else is wrong IMO Brown is the best candidate but i can others who would vote for Clegg and Cameron, why you feel the need to give it I AM RIGHT and YOU ARE wrong im not sure. But if the conservative party suit you and appeal to you then you are correct to vote for them. Personally i still remember what happend under the previous regime of the tories granted i was too young to be directly effected however i would not rule out voting tory if i felt a connection with them in the future to be honest I MAY as yet change to clegg as i do think he has came across well but as i said in my opinion Brown came across better when debating real issues not as a polished a performer as the others but certainly spoke a better game.
surely the point of the debates is to allow people to see the candidates, see who appeals more to them and go with what suits them, you seem very much that you are right and everyone else is wrong IMO Brown is the best candidate but i can others who would vote for Clegg and Cameron, why you feel the need to give it I AM RIGHT and YOU ARE wrong im not sure. But if the conservative party suit you and appeal to you then you are correct to vote for them. Personally i still remember what happend under the previous regime of the tories granted i was too young to be directly effected however i would not rule out voting tory if i felt a connection with them in the future to be honest I MAY as yet change to clegg as i do think he has came across well but as i said in my opinion Brown came across better when debating real issues not as a polished a performer as the others but certainly spoke a better game.

i haven't REALLY said 'i am right' except where i say 'the only choice is..' but it's still only my opinion. I've tried to give facts where i can to backup my point of view - you can't honestly say brown is the best person for the job? Also why do i want to get to know a candidate? We vote for a PARTY. This isn't the USA. Labours track record is dire. they've had 13 years to do what they want and for me - it's pretty bad. People often vote for the politics of what they were brought up in. Whenever i mention the tories, people always say "ooh party for the rich, they killed industry, the nicked the milk'' - those ideas sound so dated and more importantly - so ill-informed.
ManofScience we are out of recession as the economy is officially growing so are you mental? The facts are all over the web.

Any government who has bailed out the banks are in enormous debt, what was the alternative?

They kept spending to stop the economy from going deeper into recession and this strategy has been proven correct as unemployment has been nowhere near the levels of the last recession under the Tories.

"what about his decision in 1999 NOT to regulate the UK banks? those laws could have come in handy recently."

I think you'll find that the Tories backed the deregulation of the banks and Boris Johnson has even recently been backing the banks against further regulation. The Tories won't crack down on the banks as the banks fat cat executives are the Tories core voters.

I also find it weird that a Tory voter is blaming the Government for levels of personal debt, I thought the Tories believed in personal responsibility? How can you blame the government for people taking out loans and credit cards?
Im a moving voter due to hearing and reading the recent debates. Reading their manifesto's ect ect. I am really considering moving from Labour to LibDem - I do think that it is "Time for a change" but while I still live and breath oxygen then id never vote for that shower of cnuts that call themselves tories. People who lived through the thatcher era KNOW what they are really like. Never in my life would/could I vote for them with any confidence.....or even without shame.

Couple of footnotes worth a mention -
1. Gordon Brown is unelected..........that will be a bit like that grey haired cnut John Major then.......oh no the Murdoch Media don't like mentioning that this is not the 1st time we have had an "unelected" leader
2. The recession is world wide again anyone with a brain cell that actually works could do some reading and find out how/why this really happened.....you may be a little surprised at what you find out but id say its 80% NOTHING to do with GB.
3. We are involved in 2 very unpopular wars at this time - The tories would have been in there like a rat up a drainpipe....Falklands ring any bells ? No one had even heard of the place until Thatchers advisers told her she was very likely to lose the next election and winning this "Small Battle" would give her the public back and then enable her to continue her "good work."
4. Do you REALLY want to let THE SUN, SKY NEWS tell you who to vote for ? They are just so biased it actually makes me want to throw up. Yougov poll last night - Cameron won the debate........Please pass me some of what they are on ta very much - Cmon even a blind man with a glass eye could see who "won" the debate.

But as stated its not about who's in charge....so why do we keep hearing about how bad GB looks ect - I get it - It only matters about the leader until someone brighter and smarted than the Eton School bully gets upstaged by some young upstart.......

5. Another point raised is about labour u-turning about the referendum regarding EU matters (Which was wrong IMHO).........Didn't the Tories do just that themselves just a few weeks back, Made David C's "promise" look a little weak, in-fact his own party made him look like the silly toff cnut that he really is.

I have to apologise about the fact that I am biased - I am anti Tory and their policies. I hate their values. I loath what they stand for. But at least Im honest enough to man up and admit it. Not like the majority of the news media that like to tell you/us that they are impartial..... MY ARSE {END RANT}
I've just had an election.
My Mrs used to work at the airport when Brown was Chancellor.

He used to walk up to the desk without his passport ready and do the "do you know who I am" thing.
She told him that she doesn't care who he is, she still wants to see his passport.

He was sent to the back of the queue for him & special branch to rummage through his briefcase in the search for his passport.

He also used to book himself 1st class & his Mrs cattle class, the try to get her an upgrade.

That didn't happen...not on my Mrs's watch :)
Oh, back to the original q?
Missed it, was working, but it's looking like I will be changing my voting habits

So...in accordance to V14's strategy, the one with the wife with the biggest mammalian protuberances gets my vote.

One of their wives is called - Miriam Gonzalez Durantez
If you strip it back to Miriam Gonzalez & do a google image search for her, then that's me just had another election & a clear winner.

At the end of the day, they are all lying scumbags & are out for themselves rather than the people who put the in office.

I'd rather we were an Autonomous Collective, or at the very least, an anarcho-syndicalist commune.
ManofScience we are out of recession as the economy is officially growing so are you mental? The facts are all over the web.

Exports are up because our pound is worth as much as a Zimbabwe dollar

Any government who has bailed out the banks are in enormous debt, what was the alternative?

I personally think the banks have pulled the biggest scam ever. Even the bad sub prime debts from the USA were still secured on property, even with the high level of defaults and repossesions it shouldn't have amount to anywhere near enough to cripple ALL of the banks worldwide.

In the UK the loans secured against properties couldnt be that bad, if you consider most mortgages have min 5% deposit. Most people wouldnt want to lose their homes and will keep up with payments. The house price crash knocked a few into negative equity but the drop wasn't that dramatic.

Now the banks have been given these HUGE bailouts to WRITE OFF bad debt. WRITE IT OFF? WTF surely they still own the assetts associated with these toxic debts? They still have value! I bet there are still people out there repaying debt that was considered bad.

They kept spending to stop the economy from going deeper into recession and this strategy has been proven correct as unemployment has been nowhere near the levels of the last recession under the Tories.

I think things will get worse before they get better

"what about his decision in 1999 NOT to regulate the UK banks? those laws could have come in handy recently."

I think you'll find that the Tories backed the deregulation of the banks and Boris Johnson has even recently been backing the banks against further regulation. The Tories won't crack down on the banks as the banks fat cat executives are the Tories core voters.

Fair point the tories are c*nts aswell

I also find it weird that a Tory voter is blaming the Government for levels of personal debt, I thought the Tories believed in personal responsibility? How can you blame the government for people taking out loans and credit cards?

Never mind personal debt, consider national debt. We will all have to pay it back (well the taxpayers - not the scrotes lol).
hahahahahhaha!! GOT US OUT OF A RESESSION!?!?!?! are you MENTAL? did you see the figures released this week on the goverments debt? UK Government debt hits record levels

It's very difficult trying to explain to people what a mess we're in, most can't get past the headline of 'We're out of recession!', I wish people would stop and do the math. Add up the amount we spent to get us out of this mess and then look at the growth figure 0.1% and try and convince me that it was a good idea.


One of the most amusing things to come out of this story is peoples inability to think for themselves, they are so ready to hand over their cash (public money) to banks (private enterprise) in order to prevent the world and banking system from imploding that they have lost complete touch with reality and just regurgitate what they see and hear in the media. I've got some magic beans for sale for those that believe that the bailouts were a necessity.

Anyone who supported the bailing out of the banks probably deserves the beating they'll get once the general election is over, as they've probably failed to protect themselves from the falling pound and rising inflation.
omg out of recession .2 % increase

the government are fixing everything they can

are you happy paying 90p tax on every litre of fuel

ae you happy being paid minimum wage

the amount of people out of work is higher than it was 15 years ago

they fixed the figures to make people economically inactive

in other words your partner works no benefits

i will leave this country if brown is still in charge after may 6th

it is in a complete mess

brown goes on about this 6 billion defecit if we dont have NI increases

well why dont brown talk about the interest repayments on the 900 odd billion we owe instead

the scottish one eyed twat is a bully and a liar and if people think labour can do a better job then the rest of the other parties then good luck

13 years of complete BS and now brown thinks it is the time for urgent change lol
omg out of recession .2 % increase

the government are fixing everything they can

are you happy paying 90p tax on every litre of fuel

ae you happy being paid minimum wage

the amount of people out of work is higher than it was 15 years ago

they fixed the figures to make people economically inactive

in other words your partner works no benefits

i will leave this country if brown is still in charge after may 6th

it is in a complete mess

brown goes on about this 6 billion defecit if we dont have NI increases

well why dont brown talk about the interest repayments on the 900 odd billion we owe instead

the scottish one eyed twat is a bully and a liar and if people think labour can do a better job then the rest of the other parties then good luck

13 years of complete BS and now brown thinks it is the time for urgent change lol

This is a brilliant advert for Labour if the only things you can bitch about is 90p tax on petrol (what would it have been under the Tories ?A FIVER?)
And are you happy being paid the minimum wage ( the Tories wouldn't let you have a minimum wage).

If you really think that the Tories are more honest than any of the others I think that you need to wake up and grow up.
Lol another pertinent point - Was it not the Tories who introduced the fuel tax escalator ?
Quote from wiki - "The fuel price escalator was introduced by the Conservative government in 1993 and set at an annual increase of 3% ahead of inflation, later rising to 5%"
Its a tax on easy prey that all governments would/will and will continue to use to generate "easy" income. Remember it doesn't matter who gets in - we as a nation are in debt. Tax NI VAT Fuel tax.....its all the same its the tax the government needs to balance the books.
But this fuel tax idea was introduced by the tories and carried on by labour. God how I wish some of you were a wee bit older lol.
link - Fuel Price Escalator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
its Thatchers fault we follow the US round like puppies. its gordon browns fault we owe so much to the Rothschilds. the lib dems are yellow, nuff said.

Vote UKIP and end Hitlers reign :)
One of the most amusing things to come out of this story is peoples inability to think for themselves, they are so ready to hand over their cash (public money) to banks (private enterprise) in order to prevent the world and banking system from imploding that they have lost complete touch with reality and just regurgitate what they see and hear in the media.

Speak for yourself . If I recall the money was taken, not asked for