what can i do with sd card with these files

take the sd card out of the wii and try launching the usb loader channel...
thanks alot mate i got it doing every thing i want with your help last i would like to know is thier a way to watch move on it avi file
yes there is m8.

you have two options.


(google wiimc;))
i use this,
you can stream files wirelessly from your your pc or transfer them to harddrive.
it struggles with some files. higher quality films can stutter etc,
but i dunno if thats got more to do with me streaming them over wifi...

or mplayer ce


i haven't really used this much as wii mc seems more user friendly.

you can also get some wii's to play dvd's, i have never managed to get this to work right enough lol
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i got the wiimc working put a pen drive in the second usb slot on the wii with film files they play fine but when i put a bigger drive instead of the ped drive with same files it didnt find it instead it found the drive with apps and stuff in the first usb slot any idea where im going wrong
you can only use one usb device at a time.

this is from wiimc website..


USB Mass Storage devices are supported; however, several things should be noted:

FAT, NTFS, and ext2/3/4 filesystems are supported.
Although you can use either USB port on the Wii, only one USB device (ie: one port!) will be visible at a time. It is not possible to change the device that appears – you will have to unplug one to see the other. This is not a limitation of WiiMC, but rather the library it uses, libogc.
Although the majority of devices work, not all devices are supported. This is not a limitation of WiiMC, but rather the library it uses, libogc.
IOS58 is required for USB 2.0 support and for greater device compatibility.

Assuming your USB device is visible in WiiMC from the file browser, just copy media files to the USB device and load them.

i just made a folder on usb loader harddrive and copied films onto that...
got it going ok now i just unplug the movie drive when i want to play games one last thing to work out is only one remote will up at atime
you cant play 2 player games then?

or is it just with the wiimc?
everything woorking perfect kids are over the moon thank alot for all your help

is version 4.3 the same to do or is it hard as my sister want me to do hers now
its exactly the same, just use modmii and choose "LETTERBOMB" to eploit it.. :)
i got to that bit on modmill it says use letter bomb or have one of the games disk i have one of them which way is best disk or bomb
6 and half a dozen really,

the major advantage with letterbomb is that you dont need an original game to mod a 4.3wii.

both will do exactly the same job... :)