Views On The Forum

the decision to ban somebody is very very rarely done by one mod/admin on the spur of the moment, unless a serious breaking of the rules that could jepordise the future of DW has been carried out, but even if that has happened it is then discussed by mods and admin jointly.

anyone who does find them selves unfortunate enough to be banned will have already been given a warning, and other mods made aware of this, people continuing to break the (few) rules after being warned will be issued with a temp ban to think about their actions. some people then return full of apologies and continue happily along. Some people dont, they carry on breaking the rules, get warned again and sometimes get banned again.

DW is more of a community than just a message board, as the majority of returning members say, sometimes in order to try and keep this community as stable as possible there comes a time when you have to say 'enough is enough' and members who have been repetadley warned and banned before continue to break basic rules, and as a very last resort get banned for good, even deleted completley (very very very rare, ive only seen it once and i been here years)

at the end of the day we're just normal people like you, we make mistakes, we have our own opinions, we have real lives, jobs, kids, etc, but we also choose to try and make DW the best place possible, we dont get paid for it, its something we do for the love of the place

if you think we're too hard on people join some other forums, post some stuff ojn other sites, and we'll see you when you realise there is no friendlier place than here

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well the mods have never been really strict with me or anyone i know. I have been warned about posting certain things and this was a fair warning. at the end of the day without mods this place would be just another hackers paradise (a big mess) so keep up the good work.

And on that note the mods here have been really helpful when I ask them stuff. Other sites give you files and what not but you don't get the help anywhere other than here.

the decision to ban somebody is very very rarely done by one mod/admin on the spur of the moment, unless a serious breaking of the rules that could jepordise the future of DW has been carried out, but even if that has happened it is then discussed by mods and admin jointly.

anyone who does find them selves unfortunate enough to be banned will have already been given a warning, and other mods made aware of this, people continuing to break the (few) rules after being warned will be issued with a temp ban to think about their actions. some people then return full of apologies and continue happily along. Some people dont, they carry on breaking the rules, get warned again and sometimes get banned again.

DW is more of a community than just a message board, as the majority of returning members say, sometimes in order to try and keep this community as stable as possible there comes a time when you have to say 'enough is enough' and members who have been repetadley warned and banned before continue to break basic rules, and as a very last resort get banned for good, even deleted completley (very very very rare, ive only seen it once and i been here years)

at the end of the day we're just normal people like you, we make mistakes, we have our own opinions, we have real lives, jobs, kids, etc, but we also choose to try and make DW the best place possible, we dont get paid for it, its something we do for the love of the place

if you think we're too hard on people join some other forums, post some stuff ojn other sites, and we'll see you when you realise there is no friendlier place than here


well said mate, mods also make mistakes but dont you think you can rectify the mistake of giving thomson a lifetime ban. i know he probably has been warned and stuff but the guy has been here 6 years. if he was only here for a year and collected all those warnings like in the last six months then fair enough, but he has probably been warned over the years and from time to time forget to abide by all rules. The circumstances should of also been taken into account...

i work for a local store and have 4 warning, usually it 3 and out but as im usually a good worker and have been there just undr two years they know ive made mistakes and gave me another chance.

i think all the admins and mods should get together and atleast discuss the ban again, if you still come to the conclusion that he fully deserves a lifetime ban then fair enough. as members we will respect your decision but surely you must discuss it amongst the mods and admins again!
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I think it's a great forum. Why join other ones when everything is here ??
After you've been here for a while, you get used to peoples attitude and "online personality".
Some mods are stricter than others. You know who'll post a shitty one liner to tell someone off and who'll explain someones errors more elequently, but on the whole, we have a good balance and it works well.
Without any rules this place would be mayhem, as would be the case without the guys who enforce them.

We currently have 19,594 members. That says it all to me.

i beleive the mods/admin do a very calculated process of certain issue's,when it comes to the banning of members.
i have had the correct word in the ear placed my way and thats the first way of letting you know ,keep on and a more stearn action will be taken.
as mentioned by dd on certain forums they are less leanient.
the decision was discussed, and the team decision is final.

i have also taken the time to look back, and have seen previous bans for racism, warnings for racism, closed discussions about his posts being very borderline for a warning/ban for racism, binned posts for racism or stiring racial tension dating back a few years.

as said the decision was discussed by both mods and admin, there is only one person higher, but that one person trusts his admin and mods teams decisions, therefor the decision is made.
I think this thread is connected to the decision to ban Thomson yesterday. I also think that it's obvious that most people didn't see the posts in which he was advocating that we take to the streets and start attacking muslims. Thankfully they've been removed.

If you think the decision to ban him was harsh, particularly with his past record, then perhaps you would be happier elsewhere. The mods here are doing a difficult job. Nobody's perfect, but on balance they get most things right.
I think some mods get things wrong, I think some mods have an anger problem, I think some mods think they are bigger than this forum and its members, I think some mods say things they shouldnt.

I also think some members are not able to make a sensible protest or disagree without making things worse.

I would love it if we could openly discuss politics, religion, racism, crime, Political correctness, minorities, bad modding, and much more but yes I fully agree that there has to be rules to try and keep everyone in check.

At this moment I feel mods here are not modded, thats my honest opinion.

fantastic post ...but not all mods are like this there are a few on here would bend over backwards to help you
i dont think we should attack them i think we should ban them from living here ,close down the mosques close thier schools send them back to thier country of origin .. even if that means where thier grand parents are from ... get them to feck out of here ..

Should we have done that with the Irish during the IRA bombings Countryboy?
Think about it.
the decision was discussed, and the team decision is final.

i have also taken the time to look back, and have seen previous bans for racism, warnings for racism, closed discussions about his posts being very borderline for a warning/ban for racism, binned posts for racism or stiring racial tension dating back a few years.

as said the decision was discussed by both mods and admin, there is only one person higher, but that one person trusts his admin and mods teams decisions, therefor the decision is made.

fair enough mate, i just felt that as this guy has been a regular, active member of the forum and the circumstances in which he made the comment. his local airport nearly got bombed. I still firmly believe he meant something else and something else came out. i still think common sence should prevail and it should be looked at...

any way mods can only do there best and we thank them for keeping this forum clean.
differnt story there .. if the brits werent in ireland killing kids, jailing innocents wrecking homes the ira wouldnt have been there bombing england ...

ps i am not getting into that on here ...

Don't open that can of worms, the suicide bombers use that same argument which is unjustified.
right this thread is going off what i originally asked please lets get it back on track what i asked is this forum fair and are the mods fair
i didnt open it he did ... but who started the war in ireland it wasnt the irish . to say its unjustified is wrong . these place would still be in the dark ages. with certian people unable to vote ...where the muslims have been bombing killing people for years theres not so much a cause as a cult ...
Its very basic really, there is a set of rules for this site as with every other forum on the net. Before you join you should read the rules and decide wheter you accept them or not.Based on your decision and understanding of said rules you either join the forum or not.
No one forces you to do either,its entirely your choice.
When you have a member for a resonable period and contribute with decent posts (not money) you are then entitled to suggest to admin/mods that this rule or that rule could be altered and state your reasons why.Im sure they will look at your suggestion and give you an answer and the reason for their decsion.
It is not right or proper to just ignore the rules and post against them then cry when you get a temp ban etc after you have been warned.
Being just a member like everyone else here i follow the rules and the Admin/mods decisions are accepted by me unless i want to challenge that ,then i would contact the mod concerend and ask why such a decsion was taken.
as of yet i have had no problems on here and dont envisage any .
For me this site gets 100% because of the members and the Admin/mods and as for the rules, i can live with them.
I think this thread is connected to the decision to ban Thomson yesterday. I also think that it's obvious that most people didn't see the posts in which he was advocating that we take to the streets and start attacking muslims. Thankfully they've been removed.

If you think the decision to ban him was harsh, particularly with his past record, then perhaps you would be happier elsewhere. The mods here are doing a difficult job. Nobody's perfect, but on balance they get most things right.

You know as well as I, Thomson was not trying to recruit members to attack Muslims on the streets,("the two fanatics have already done that")
I think that the actions of the two would be bombers has angered the Scottish people and no off the cuff remarks by Thomson is going to stop certain people from taking revenge very sad but very true
right this thread is going off what i originally asked please lets get it back on track what i asked is this forum fair and are the mods fair

back on the topic. the mods on this forum make it fair and are quite diciplined, but in some cases it does not work. i believe you should be able to review some decisions.

for example under 18s cannot view general forum or something which a read about a month ago.

another example will be a member getting a lifetime ban, a member that has been an active member for the last six years.

i have been an active member over the last few months and honestly stated the examples of decisions which i deem to be harsh and can be resolved with simple modification.

under 18s should be changed to under 16s... and the ban should be changed...

i stress this is just my view and most of the decisions taken by mods are good and rules are rules, however sometimes common sence should be used and unlike other forums we should look at circumstances and do what we feel is right.