Quick... Price Error at Woolworths

Does that mean u wont get it for £29.99.....
Although we endeavour to ensure that all pricing information on the Website is accurate, occasionally an error may occur and goods may be mispriced. If we discover a pricing error we will, at our discretion, either contact you and ask you whether you wish to continue with the order at the correct price or notify you that we have cancelled your order. We will not be obliged to supply goods at the incorrect price.
Looks like they've covered themselves..... crafty feckers :( Glad i never ordered 1 now....
I have just ordered one. You never know the daft blonde that put the prices on the net may have a sister working in dispatch!! I can always tell them to shove it if they want full whack! :)
guess you don't have much to lose if you place the order at best you get it for 30 squid or at worse they say its a error and you don't i will have a gamble lol :)
top 1 m8y,,,,,,,,,, just ordered 2 for a laugh,,, never know we might get them,,,,, lets keep our fingers crossed
ordered mine ... could do with a new phone worth a go for that price :)
really hope u all get the phone ,but realisticly I dont think so + ordering 6 might just give the game away LOL
6 feck i would not be that brave they may decide to accept all orders at full price and wack you for £780 squid lol
Terms Of Sale - Physical Goods
The woolworths.co.uk website (the "Website") is owned and operated by Streets Online Limited, a company within Woolworths Group plc.

Although we endeavour to ensure that all pricing information on the Website is accurate, occasionally an error may occur and goods may be mispriced. If we discover a pricing error we will, at our discretion, either contact you and ask you whether you wish to continue with the order at the correct price or notify you that we have cancelled your order. We will not be obliged to supply goods at the incorrect price.
Prices that are reduced for sales and promotions are only valid for the specified period.
We reserve the right to adjust prices, offers, goods and specifications of goods on the Website at our discretion at any time before (but not after) we accept your order.
looks like we might get sod all lads
guys, i think woolworths just spotted their mistake.
it says "This product is not currently available. Please check back later" on the site.
Lucky i ordered mine last nite.
Okay an update..

Woolworths got the prices the wrong way round, you should save £29.99 and the our price should be £100. Daft Dummies.


Under UK law the retailer is under No Obligation to sell you Anything regardless or whether or not they have Stock. If they like they can take it out of your basket and say "Sorry sir this item is not for sale". Most places will do it out of goodwill this situation only implies if you have Purchased the goods and then found the price to be genuinly wrong. Placing an Order with them and providing payment details does NOT mean you have purchased them.

If they have billed your card then it is different they have accepted payment of the goods technically the goods are now your property. What it will boil down to is what they have written in their Terms and Conditions (which you would have accepted either as implied or forcably when you entererd a contract (sale) with them.

They will also not be allowed to Bill you for the full amount all they can do is contact you requesting full payment or cancel the order it would be illegal for them to simply bill the full amount to you.

Lets all have our fingers crossed :) we aint on a loser anyway :)