New Spiderbox - What are thoughts on this box?

tony i aint going to digi's to get played with lol

Wow I thought being a mod was a easy job with benefits but now I think I wont aim for any posistions that come up............Oh damn image, oh the image noooooooooooooooo!!
Here is my unbiased review of my own Spiderbox 9000HD

I am not a Sat Techie of any kind my last box was a Humax and before that a Manhatton, many others, obviously had many Sky digiboxes.

Sat- Triax 90cm Disec 1.2 with best quad 0.1 lnb
Loc- Scotland East

Spiderbox price Paid - £251 direct from supplier
(included shipping, hdmi lead and homeplugs as I needed new ones anyway)

Before purchase I called the seller asking that the box be setup before delivery as was disabled and since having my strokes I have great difficulty following the forums, instructions, downloads and installing patches.
No problem I was told "just put a note on the purchase when buying" so I did I put the request on via google checkout. and again via an email... no response.
(item was sent a day late but still arrived fast I had purchased it early in the morning and expected it to go that day but it didn't it went the next day)

Box arrived
I unpacked it and immediately plugged it in swapping it over with my old box that I left positioned on 28e with a very strong signal.

To my disapointment they had done nothing to the box at all, no patch loaded no channels loaded, nothing.
Now remember most of you guys reading this are quite technical and know how the scene works and what to do with a new box.
Anyway I get the manual out and start reading, there is no info on the gift, where to get patches or how to connect, oh wait there is a slip of paper with a string of numbers on it so I decide to give the supplier a call to ask what to do with the numbers.
They must use an Indian call centre or something as they were very hard to understand. All I got asked was "have you installed the patch yet?" me "no" them "install the patch and call us back" click they'd hung up.
Luckily a friend of mine had bought one and was struggling with his as well but he emailed me the "patch" with instructions on how to load it on the box.

I decided to read the manual again and install the box and set it up as a clean install first.
I go into motor setup onto 28e where i'd left it and noticed theres no signal, (strange thats where I'd left it) so I position it again no problem, great signal in fact fantastic signal 84% on both signal and quality, so to make sure i'm on the right sat I change TP... no signal down to about 20% christ I must have been on the wrong sat, so I moved the dish again got another great signal changed the TP and bang off it goes again. To cut a LONG story short unless you save the sat position as soon as you get a lock or good signal the sat will move if you do anything other than save the position. This must be a new thing as my other sats never done this. Maybe i'm just not up to this new fangled stuff, but then again i'm a typical end user remember not a techie. (The Manual isnt very informative if you dont know what a feature is. Like I don't know what the Disecq section is for)
So after setting up the box and scanning all the sats I wanted to store I had a good look at it and a play around with it as a Manilla unit. (which it will be when the gift runs out)
As a sat receiver its good enough (ish) I've seen and had a lot better boxes.

In my opinion...
The box looks are spoiled by the the big chrome buttons on the front it ends up making the box look cheap like something out of Lidl but I can see past that, but guests in my house have thought it was a retro box of somekind.
The display is unreadable from across the room due to it being so dim, this is a feature that you would have thought you could adjust via the menu but you cant. (If you can I haven't found it)
That brings me to the internal menu...
Most of you will have seen the screen shots of the menus that are kicking around and can make your own opinion of the quality. I don't know if I have been spoiled by the boxes I've had in the past but I found them to be amateurish and lacking in something. To me there is a feeling of a lack of control, I must apologise I know this is meant to be a review but I can't pinpoint what it is, but there are definately a few things missing.
The channel manager, well there's not a lot to say about this other than if you have a LOT of time on your hands you can probably get a list of channels the way you want them, there are no auto sorting features of any kind. You can Rename, Move, Lock, Delete and add to favourites.
The favourites is one of the best or most useful features on the box as you are able to set the favourites up as categories but again this is available on other boxes. (I beleive with one of the patches there is a mass delete function, again I have not found it)
All the other features (apart from Network) are pretty standard for a box nowadays like mp3 playback, jpg slideshow and games via usb.
I cannot review the network as I have never had a box with this facility but this seems to be the bit everyone raves about, but other reviews I've seen say it is quite limited in comparison to Dreambox and Linux boxws but would be great for a beginner. Well I'm a beginner and its one of the reasons I bought the box and one of the reasons I don't like it... because I don't understand it, but the real problem is unless you've been on the sat scene for a while and understand all the terminology like ccam, newcamd, cline etc you end up clueless. But the worst thing of all is that everything is a SECRET and your not allowed to ask anything cos thats a bannable topic.

Back to the box, everything is working ok I have good strenth signals like before excluding the ones outside the footprint for my area as usual.
So I install the patch, well that was painless... but nothings changed no extra channels, no difference, what next? I decide to search google as by this time its too late to phone "the seller" I find this site obviously but with no info that I was looking for but manage to find reference to the main spiderbox site, well thats no good as you cant read anything unless you log in and it was asking too many questions for me.
I went to the sellers website and found they had a forum and you didnt have to reg to see the info well some you did but at least I found a setup guide for the network and found a use for that slip of paper that was in the box. Aah! there's a secret menu (1111) and you have to activate stuff.
There was also a softcam file my mate had sent over so I now installed that.
I followed the instructions found the list of channels the gift was supposed to open however a lot of them were not opening or had gone off air.
The softcam was working fine though.
I called the supplier the next day, THIS IS NOW WHY I REGRET BUYING THIS BOX.
Me "Hi there I've just bought a spiderbox from you and I am having problems clearing channels, its like the gifts not working" them "do you have the latest patch and softcam installed" me "Yes" ok he takes me through a few things most of which are your std IT questions you know the type.
I'm then asked about signal strengths and I tell him I have great strengths so we go to Thor check a few channels great strengths again we check digi they clear, we check fta they clear, we check a gift channel... nothing. He asks if I have fixed or motorised I say motor and we move to either 16e or 13e and start checking gift channels, now all these gift channels strengths are all between 74% and 84% for signal and quality but are not clearing just says scrambled channel, so he tells me to go to an fta channel *****TV and I get No Signal he then says that your problem you need to get an engineer out to fix your dish, your dish is the problem. I say what about all the others that had a signal and he says "not our problem its your dish" we then have a back and forth where he becomes very rude and at one point calls me an idiot and hung up on me. Everytime I tried calling back it was hung up immediatley or not answered.
I decided to do a bit of investigating and if he had know anything about the product he could quite simply have told me that they were having problems with 13 & 16 east at that time and they were working on getting it fixed. (Which I found on their website)
I have also since found out that Yes they have been able to clear more channels and more are coming soon. What they haven't told anybody is that they are losing them as well some are gone for good others by changing their encryption method.
As far as I am aware if you have a Linux or other net box you should be able to get the same if not more than the spider. But I look forward to the reviews of the professionals.
I was always told to end on a positive so I will try...

Front Buttons
NO CARD PAIRING - your "Official" card wont work properly
Channel Manager and Editor
Menu Features
Only 1080i
Initial Setup
I don't think the price is that good

The Gift is good but it is NOT as fantastic as the sellers make out

MP3 Playback
Seemingly "beginers" network
PVR of your choice
Nintendo Games
Blind Scanning (Really is Good)
Fast Channel Change
The Remote Control

Now remember this is just my opinion and it has obviously been soured by my contact with the "Support Call Centre" whereever it is. And I am just a non technical end user with no knowledge of the network stuff, and if they change the servers I'll never know, because I am not online enough. That and the fact I have a brain injury makes it hard to trawl through the forums to try and piece together the secret info.
Seemingly this box was aimed at the beginner like me with simple network setup. I'll wait to see the techie reviews from Digi etc.
If I had my choice again I would wait on one of the more technical HD Linux boxes to come out and pay one of you lot to set it up.
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Thanks for taking the time to post your experience m8, of not only the receiver (which i must admit, im now looking more forward to receiving now youve said theres nintendo games on there lol) but also about the support encountered by someone who is relativley new to all this, theres going to be a LOT of people new to satellite with cable shifting to N3, and it could be aftersales support that decides for a lot of people
Thanks for taking the time to post your experience m8, of not only the receiver (which i must admit, im now looking more forward to receiving now youve said theres nintendo games on there lol) but also about the support encountered by someone who is relativley new to all this, theres going to be a LOT of people new to satellite with cable shifting to N3, and it could be aftersales support that decides for a lot of people

I should have mentioned you have to download the games and leave them on a USB stick. I was lucky enough to have a mate do this for me. There is a section dedicted to it on the unmentionable forum, its all retro games pretty cool.
When your setting it up and doing the gift thing try and think how would a laymen get on finding all this info.
Did you buy from A L S A T?
Nobody in their right minds would supply a receiver be it linux or spiderbox set up already as it would be against the law?
Sorry you have had so much trouble mate.
Can you confirm where you have bought it from.
Did you buy from A L S A T?
Nobody in their right minds would supply a receiver be it linux or spiderbox set up already as it would be against the law?
Sorry you have had so much trouble mate.
Can you confirm where you have bought it from.

as manic says, its actually illegal, punishable by up to 5 years in butlins, for a supplier to supply any equipment with software/patch/code or other on it that would circumvent any form of encryption

so while they may have said they would just to get the sale, no supplier that i know of (except the one that used to, that has since gone out of business) will supply any equipment programmed with any form of code to open channels

this goes for receivers, CAMs and cards
Personally i dont think that box is aimed at users like you Danzer.
I dont think its correct for 'support' to mean holding peoples hands through learning a new hobby of any sorts. Its crazy to expect that! For anyone who is not ok with using google, reading forums, learning how to use latest gadgets, or in this case how to get pirate tv, or hacking or anything illegal, then you really should be paying for an official service!
This will apply to anyone moving from cable too... subscribe to sky if you do not wish to read, learn and think for yourself, no matter what receiver you buy!
......Pay for set-up if you wish, but expect to be ripped off because you are dealing with a criminal. Discussion forums are here to educate people how to do things for themselves, not to locate criminal contacts you can pay.
I missed out my after sales support from the store directly in my review.

But I too didnt have the best of luck, 1st box I brought I asked the chap does the box have a key... hes says yes so I take it home access the hidden menu and well nothing no key or anything in there.

Quick phone call the next day too ask if I can have my key and the guy at the store was just plain rude and unwilling too help, he just said you dont know what your doing so bring it back to the store which is fun since all I did was switch it on.

So I said right back to store, this time I wont make the same mistake twice ill get him too check the keys on the box and its in front of my eyes...

I was in a rush anyhow but that same guy luckerly saw me and said what you done too the box? I said I dont know but theres no key/code he didnt know what I was talking about so he had a quick check of the boxs serial and he swapped the entire unit, which is very good customer services but could have been avoided in beginning with less headache!

So lesson learned, if your there buying take your time make sure the keys on your box before taking it home or parting money !

Some guys have foned the store and managed too get the key, or from other team members but didnt have much joy sadly so returning to the store was best bet.
Did you buy from A L S A T?
Nobody in their right minds would supply a receiver be it linux or spiderbox set up already as it would be against the law?
Sorry you have had so much trouble mate.
Can you confirm where you have bought it from.

Yes it was your friends company.

Personally i dont think that box is aimed at users like you Danzer.
I dont think its correct for 'support' to mean holding peoples hands through learning a new hobby of any sorts. Its crazy to expect that! For anyone who is not ok with using google, reading forums, learning how to use latest gadgets, or in this case how to get pirate tv, or hacking or anything illegal, then you really should be paying for an official service!
This will apply to anyone moving from cable too... subscribe to sky if you do not wish to read, learn and think for yourself, no matter what receiver you buy!
......Pay for set-up if you wish, but expect to be ripped off because you are dealing with a criminal. Discussion forums are here to educate people how to do things for themselves, not to locate criminal contacts you can pay.

I think your wrong, I wasn't buying a hobbyist tool or wanting to learn a new hobby and the way this was marketed to me was that this was the box for me.

As far as I "the consumer" was concerned at the time I was buying a motorised satelite receiver the same as any other electronic equipment thats for sale anywhere say like curry's or comet to cover international freesat like I always have. Initially looking at the sellers online shop and all the official cards for sale here in the UK I took it like many others will, that the gift was access to these channels officially and legally.

@Pinkhelmets I may have had a brain injury but I am not crazy I find that offensive. I saw no difference in buying this box and buying my digibox, and I dont see how the person setting up a box legitimately would be a criminal. Looking back at your posts you shouldn't throw stones. You are probably so far into this "hobby" that you forget that there are a lot of people moving away from Sky and want more freesat than just the UK my main reason for the box is for touring the EU in my caravan, and the kids dont seem to mind what language Tom and Jerry is in. I already have the FULL Sky HD package and wanted to move away legally at a lower cost
As far as I am concerned the only hobbyists are the ones getting the codes doing patches to make better stb's and doing the work. The rest are just leachers looking for free xxx. Your post reminded me why I don't partake in forums. To be honest you shame yourself putting a newbie down like that thinking the way you did.

I only came on here as I was asked to write a review of my experience as I am not linked to any sat forum and know a LOT about consumer rights due to my profession before my strokes.
My box has now had the gift removed (I ho[e factory reset removed it) and is going up for sale on ebay with the others that are there. And I reported my dealings with the seller to trading standards only to find that he is well known and already under investigation.

I'm not interested in arguing or a slanging match, I have given my opinion as a consumer NOT hobbyist or techie.
@ Danzer, calm down mate. I think you are being a little oversensitive.

I agree with your main gripe, these boxes are being touted as 'user friendly' to Joe Blogs, when in-fact they are anything but. These are hobbyist boxes and as you've found they very different beasts from what you'd expect to find in Comet or Currys. IMO you were miss-sold the box just so the seller would get a sale, the sad thing is there are going to be literally thousands of people in the same boat as you who will buy these boxes and other Hobbyist boxes who will find themselves out of their depth. To be honest, I reckon we were all out of our depths when we first encountered any of the hobbyist boxes, it's a very steep learning curve but the pay-off is fantastic.

Consider yourself lucky you weren't sold a Linux box. :)

BTW, you initially said that your review was fair and unbiased, somehow I don't think it was.

It was however very honest.

I just re read your post and my review
At what point did I ask support to hold my hands? When I called them the box was all installed and I was reporting that my gift wasn't working.

Remember what I said in an earlier post calling it a gift does not get you out of your legal responsibilities.
In fact put that together with what Digi said about the legality of supplying a box configured...

in fact dont bother to answer i'm off, I loved the free speach and I compliment your forum for that, but being number 1 in google (which I can operate very well thank you) your going to get a lot more people like me coming to your site and like Digi said the future will be more about how people are treated. And its up to you guys how you treat them
@ Danzer, calm down mate. I think you are being a little oversensitive.

I agree with your main gripe, these boxes are being touted as 'user friendly' to Joe Blogs, when in-fact they are anything but. These are hobbyist boxes and as you've found they very different beasts from what you'd expect to find in Comet or Currys. IMO you were miss-sold the box just so the seller would get a sale, the sad thing is there are going to be literally thousands of people in the same boat as you who will buy these boxes and other Hobbyist boxes who will find themselves out of their depth. To be honest, I reckon we were all out of our depths when we first encountered any of the hobbyist boxes, it's a very steep learning curve but the pay-off is fantastic.

Consider yourself lucky you weren't sold a Linux box. :)

BTW, you initially said that your review was fair and unbiased, somehow I don't think it was.

It was however very honest.

I'll get off here yet,
thank you for your "very calming" post but pinkhelmets basicaly called me an idiot for buying the box and a crim looking for free porn.

I have one question your statement on honest but biased confused me. I have always been accused of being a very passionate writer and welcome "constructive criticism" perhaps you could PM me and give me a guide to where I was biased as really was trying to be Unbiased, honest.
Did you buy from A L S A T?
Nobody in their right minds would supply a receiver be it linux or spiderbox set up already as it would be against the law?
Sorry you have had so much trouble mate.
Can you confirm where you have bought it from.

Was gona quote previous post but was too big to do so.

That is defo a no no and should not even be requested as you never know who is on the other end.

Also, the box is user friendly and plug and play but you need a bit of reading to manage to set it up. manuals are all over forums and all the support for it apart from gift key issues should be looked for there on those places.

Takes 20 minutes reading on correct places and loads to be learn from there as well.

Seller responsible for hardware issues and original patch, all other adicional software is at your own risk.
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i dont think pinkhelmets was calling you crazy mate.
i think the point that was trying to be made was that if an illness or injury prevents a person from following some of the tech talk that needs to be understood, then there is only so much support somebody who is voluntarily visiting these forums can offer.

fair enough the guys at all*at promised support as part of their service but that is a folly on their part.
(and lol at all*at and trading standards)

if you are only after european freesat mate then you dont need the gift or even a viewing card, you just need your satellite pointed in their direction just as you would here in the uk.

If you genuinely were looking for the european freesat then i have to admire your good heart as the gift allows you to get a little bit more than just that.

using code to view encrypted television is against the law and brands anybody a criminal who attempts it including myself and pinkhelmets or any other individual who does so.
I have one question your statement on honest but biased confused me. I have always been accused of being a very passionate writer and welcome "constructive criticism" perhaps you could PM me and give me a guide to where I was biased as really was trying to be Unbiased, honest.

lol, I don't know how to put it into words, but I feel as though your emotions wrote half of that review rather than you just pointing out the facts on the hardware.

If you know what I mean. :)


I'm confused myself. lol
I understand some people are limited to 4 or 5 channels due to their technical capabilities. Lets make it clear to anyone realising what 'satellite tv' is, the options are out there to suit all needs. However, only you will know what you can cope with, no salesman selling any goods anywhere can read your mind.
If you just simply want to plug in a box to a dish and watch tv, then get Sky or freesat.
Anything more and you will need to do some research. Only then will you be able to choose what suits your abilities & requirements. If you choose to buy something more technical then you should be prepared to put in more effort than turning on and watching. This is reality, nobody can change that. Technology becomes harder the more technical and flexible it is.
If a consumer buys a laptop then he really shouldnt expect to instantly know how to video edit or create picture slideshows. For sure it wont be up to the salesman to teach you, and 100% its not right to say "Microsoft are rubbish, i'll buy a Mac next time".
I have read a lot and learn a lot here...

I have see Spiderbox is Famous to members for bad of good this is point of view of ever one...I respected.

I have seen some people says they can not find Software...Giude or infos....

Why those people do not propose to Open a Spiderbox Section in Digitalwoldz...!?

With all respect to every one specially to Mods Admins I will propose specially for those Members have difficulty to open proper SpiderbBox section.

Many people here have good knolege in this forum ,they will be able to help members with uploading s/w .soft keys .Guides and infos...

if some one request my help too i will do my best to help every one without hard filling.

I think this is the best this to do ,only like that will not be any confusion...

This is my proposed


1Spiderbox Discussion

2.Softwares ( No discussion )
*.SP 5000 SD
*.SP 7000 HD
*.SP 9000 HD

3.Soft keys ,Tools Guide ,Gift channels and others ( No discussions )