'Muhammad' teddy teacher arrested

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you talk utter boll*x m8.here`s a few
All of the Crusades.
The Troubles in Ireland
Rwanda 1994
Boznia-Herzegovina (and by extension Kosovo)
The Ivory Coast civil wars
East Timor civil war
Sri Lankan civil war
Current Iraqi civil war
Hezbollah vs. Israel
Syria vs. Israel
Kashmir civil war
Chechnya civil war
Thirty Years War
30 years of war well lets put it this way
like i said before adam was our first prophet, there was no wars then
hinduism been around for 3000 years
christianity 2000 years
islam the quranic version 1450 years
sikhism 300 years

how come all the wars seem to be happening now

ill tell you why the world is getting too small for all of us to coexist in peace and we all are looking for excuses to say i is better than you
tango - you are kidding yourself if you think that war is a new thing - it aint.

Wars were being fought from the time humans figured out they can thump someone. Your list there seems to miss out Judaism - which is where many modern religions stem from, christianity and islam to name but two.

If you are a learned muslim, then surely you know that Islam teaches that it is the first and orginial religion as practised by Adam?
I think the bottom line is if you don't like the customs and believes of a country then you shouldn't go and live or work there . I'm not going to live in a muslim country because i don't like what they stand for . On the other hand i would respect anyone for not wanting to live here because they don't like what we stand for . But i am British and i don't see why we should have to change our way of life to suit immigrants to these isles . Some councils in this country are trying to tone down Xmas so it doesn't upset the immigrants !! .I would like to see what would happen in a muslim country if immigrants objected to ramadan . At the end of the day i think everyone should accept a countries customs etc so maybe its time to stop trying to help and just keep ours and their teachers etc at home and let everyone try to get on with leading a good life

to be quite honest with ya mate i agree with what you say
but look at it this way all country's have goods and bads

for example the soham murder, now if that happen in the middle east he would be beheaded, would you moan at there laws then
cuz i tell ya what this sh*t dont happen there
i dont think it will ever happen
but what im tryin to say is i know this teacher thing is wrong and se should be freed but instead of condeming the induviduals who are applying there laws there religeon is being attacked
tango - you are kidding yourself if you think that war is a new thing - it aint.

Wars were being fought from the time humans figured out they can thump someone. Your list there seems to miss out Judaism - which is where many modern religions stem from, christianity and islam to name but two.

If you are a learned muslim, then surely you know that Islam teaches that it is the first and orginial religion as practised by Adam?
sorry for not mentioning judaism
and i did'nt say that islam is 1450 years old
i said the quranic version of islam is 1450 years old
thats what i was trying to get to earlier by saying that islam has been there from day one since adam
to be quite honest with ya mate i agree with what you say
but look at it this way all country's have goods and bads

for example the soham murder, now if that happen in the middle east he would be beheaded, would you moan at there laws then
cuz i tell ya what this sh*t dont happen there
i dont think it will ever happen
but what im tryin to say is i know this teacher thing is wrong and se should be freed but instead of condeming the induviduals who are applying there laws there religeon is being attacked
The trouble is she is not being sentenced for stealing or breaking any law other than one that is connected to religeon
sorry for not mentioning judaism
and i did'nt say that islam is 1450 years old
i said the quranic version of islam is 1450 years old
thats what i was trying to get to earlier by saying that islam has been there from day one since adam
not being funny m8
but what islam is saying if i have read ur post correctly is adam is 1450 yrs old and he was the first man??? is this correct
then how can that be???
when the egyptians have mummys and pyramids over 3000 yrs old??
The biggest problem with the current atmosphere is that muslims want respect for their belief but do not respect other? A typical example when the dutch cartoon row kicked off - we had people marching in Tafalgar Sq and around the world.... joined by lots of other communities. however at the same time cartoons insulting Jesus and Mary were openly being printed in the middle east.... And the irony is I never saw any protest or as vocal voice from the muslim community denouncing insulting of other religions and thier religous beliefs.....

I think if people want to be respected then as a minimum they should respect other.....
not being funny m8
but what islam is saying if i have read ur post correctly is adam is 1450 yrs old and he was the first man??? is this correct
then how can that be???
when the egyptians have mummys and pyramids over 3000 yrs old??

No, he means that islam as we kow it is only 1450 years old, so the current year for them is around 1450 (as they dont count from the birth of christ)

Acording to Islam, th first religion was Islam and was practised by Adam. In fact, Islam also considers all children to be muslim untill they reach a point where they choose another religion.

One thing that bothers me is that many, many muslims across the world dont know any more about Islam other than what they have been told etc, there are not many who choose to explore the roots of it all.
The biggest problem with the current atmosphere is that muslims want respect for their belief but do not respect other? A typical example when the dutch cartoon row kicked off - we had people marching in Tafalgar Sq and around the world.... joined by lots of other communities. however at the same time cartoons insulting Jesus and Mary were openly being printed in the middle east.... And the irony is I never saw any protest or as vocal voice from the muslim community denouncing insulting of other religions and thier religous beliefs.....

I think if people want to be respected then as a minimum they should respect other.....

Mate as I remember, wasnt it only the muslims that protested at the release of the film........the last tempation of christ?????????? might be wrong as I dont keep upto date on these things

I think the bottom line is if you don't like the customs and believes of a country then you shouldn't go and live or work there . I'm not going to live in a muslim country because i don't like what they stand for . On the other hand i would respect anyone for not wanting to live here because they don't like what we stand for . But i am British and i don't see why we should have to change our way of life to suit immigrants to these isles . Some councils in this country are trying to tone down Xmas so it doesn't upset the immigrants !! .I would like to see what would happen in a muslim country if immigrants objected to ramadan . At the end of the day i think everyone should accept a countries customs etc so maybe its time to stop trying to help and just keep ours and their teachers etc at home and let everyone try to get on with leading a good life

Agree 100% with you mate
not being funny m8
but what islam is saying if i have read ur post correctly is adam is 1450 yrs old and he was the first man??? is this correct
then how can that be???
when the egyptians have mummys and pyramids over 3000 yrs old??

ok let me explain
or try atleast to the best of my knowledge

muslims beleive that the first man on the planet was adam so many tousand or millions of years ago ( i dont know how many to be exact )

adam told his kids about god and and so on
through time as humanity expandid people went astray
god then sent another prophet, (thats why we call them messengers)

to tell people and explain to them who there creator is

and this has continued and we had prophets like moses and jesus and then the final prophet 1450 yaers ago prophet mohammed (peace be upon them all)

there was a post above where one of the members mentioned that there muslim friend didnt believe in hinduism

respecting and believing is two different things the majority of muslims including myself respect all religions but believe in the ones that followed this path from adam to mohammed, but we only practice the last one as that replaces the previous one which was christanity. and christianity replaced judasim and so on.
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Mate as I remember, wasnt it only the muslims that protested at the release of the film........the last tempation of christ?????????? might be wrong as I dont keep upto date on these things

No it was the Jewish people who protested...... I dont remember any gathering happeing in the UK or around the world where muslims joined in ....

to be honest i could give you lots of examples of unfairness in Islamic countries around the world happening right now... Dafur region is on where its muslims killing other muslims - in Malayasia - Muslims forcing thier law on other minotity comminities....

There are Mosques all around the world including - UK / Italy / Israel / India - mentioned these because they are major area for most of world religion - how ever no churches - synagogs - temples - guradawara in Saudi - So why the unfairness???
No, he means that islam as we kow it is only 1450 years old, so the current year for them is around 1450 (as they dont count from the birth of christ)

Acording to Islam, th first religion was Islam and was practised by Adam. In fact, Islam also considers all children to be muslim untill they reach a point where they choose another religion.

One thing that bothers me is that many, many muslims across the world dont know any more about Islam other than what they have been told etc, there are not many who choose to explore the roots of it all.

hmm being a muslim i got to agree with ur last point

most of the muslim community will listen to the imam's .etc because imams are supposed to be religious and have done research in depth of the religion.

but i strongly recommend that every muslim do their own research and base their views and opinions on facts not words of some imam.

and as for the matter about the teacher i think she should be freed as its a innocent mistake.

heres a direct quote:

The Muslim Council of Britain reacted angrily to the news, saying it was "appalled" and demanded Mrs Gibbons' immediate release.

"This is a disgraceful decision and defies common sense. There was clearly no intention on the part of the teacher to deliberately insult the Islamic faith," said Secretary-General Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari, in a strongly-worded statement.

"We call upon the Sudanese President, Omar al-Bashir, to intervene in this case without delay to ensure that Ms Gibbons is freed from this quite shameful ordeal," said Dr Bari.

the muslim council of britain speaks for most muslims.

there are muslims from all cultures, colours .etc who are members of the muslim council of britain.

and please guys stay on topic and dont turn it into a flameing / politics match!!
Mate as I remember, wasnt it only the muslims that protested at the release of the film........the last tempation of christ?????????? might be wrong as I dont keep upto date on these things

No it was the Jewish people who protested...... I dont remember any gathering happeing in the UK or around the world where muslims joined in ....

to be honest i could give you lots of examples of unfairness in Islamic countries around the world happening right now... Dafur region is on where its muslims killing other muslims - in Malayasia - Muslims forcing thier law on other minotity comminities....

There are Mosques all around the world including - UK / Italy / Israel / India - mentioned these because they are major area for most of world religion - how ever no churches - synagogs - temples - guradawara in Saudi - So why the unfairness???

youve got churches in pakistan
youve got temples in pakistan

you use the example of saudi and to be honest that is the only example
its like the vatican in rome where non christains are not allowed
i dont hear muslims moaning about that
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giggles mate....................

they protested at the portrayal of jews in the film not for derogratory portrayal of jesus
Religion is the cause of all wars and we would be a lot better off without any. Religion should not be a law.[/QUOTE]

Here here !

You have to ask yourself as well ,isnt a god supposed to be exactly that. I really dont think any god would be worried about a teddy or he/she/its got way to much time on thier hands, religions as i see them are not a bad thing its the way there followers have twisted them to suit there own needs thats the problem.
No god would want this , mortal man would.
How fitting for a religion that beheads and stones women to death.

I think by that you mean sharia law - one of the most warped and twisted concepts of the 21st century. Basically, Islam doesnt have a set of religous laws written down - stonings, whippings, beheadings and limb removal are essentially the interpretations of th country that wants to use such methods.

Dont forget that if was the law completely then all muslim countries would do it - and they dont. Placs like Saudi and Iran have simply decided that this is how sharia law should be, other muslim countries are always going to follow Saudis lead on this sort of thing

Also, you may not realise that its not only women who get 'punished' this way men get te same treatment. If you read the Kite Runner, it describes how the Taliba would dish out the sentences just before footall matches - actually on the pitch itself.

And when it comes to womens rights, well - again not all muslim countries behave badly - take Turkey for instance, they probably serve as a good example of a moderate secular state. They have a good record of womens rights and dont chop off peoples heads - I dont think there is anything in the Quran that says women need to be opressed (after all Islam advertises itself as the inclusive religion) but a muslim can correct me if I am wrong on this.
there is actually more on this story here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/7118245.stm

Apparently, Sudan has only recently introduced religous courts, where she is being tried. But it also looks like the religous law has been mixed in with criminal law.

It could be that Sudan will get a lot of publicity over this and turn it into a farce. I wonder if they will drag it on as long as they can and then 'graciously' set her free...
youve got churches in pakistan
youve got temples in pakistan

you use the example of saudi and to be honest that is the only example
its like the vatican in rome where non christains are not allowed
i dont hear muslims moaning about that

Mate - is easy to say you have churches in Pakistan - but be honest - how may have been built due to the british rule and how many have been built there recently - Also a lot of the churches and temples have been destoryed - comapared to what there was in pakistan 40 years ago - there are lot less churches and temples in Pakistan and also a lot less people from the minority community...... population is dwindling due to the trouble they are suffering.... I got mates from Pakistan who say they same thing.... so this is first hand knowledge....

And my point was - that you may not be allowed in the vatican but you have mosques in Italy - I dont see the same in Saudi - people may not be allowed in Mecca, but why are other religions not allowed to freely practise thier religion in the country ......

Simple fact is there are double standards in Islamic countries - I think the worst thing about this is when people raise these point from the western world or even other muslims - they are branded as anti islamist .....
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