'Muhammad' teddy teacher arrested

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darwin was full of sh*t
the first man on the planet was adam full stop
if darwin was right and we all descende from apes then at what stage this occur there is no scientific evidence
if had descended from apes then genetically we would be the same but were not
a white woman can have sex with a black man and reproduce and vice versa
but man cant have sex and reproduce from apes
and if we did descend from apes then how come we still have apes

come on man thats why its called darwins theory and not scientific proven fact
but the problem is more and more people believe in therorys and ignore facts

I don't know what they are teaching you in the Al-quiada camps of Afghanistan but the curriculum really needs to be looked at
I think by that you mean sharia law - one of the most warped and twisted concepts of the 21st century. Basically, Islam doesnt have a set of religous laws written down - stonings, whippings, beheadings and limb removal are essentially the interpretations of th country that wants to use such methods.

Dont forget that if was the law completely then all muslim countries would do it - and they dont. Placs like Saudi and Iran have simply decided that this is how sharia law should be, other muslim countries are always going to follow Saudis lead on this sort of thing

Also, you may not realise that its not only women who get 'punished' this way men get te same treatment. If you read the Kite Runner, it describes how the Taliba would dish out the sentences just before footall matches - actually on the pitch itself.

And when it comes to womens rights, well - again not all muslim countries behave badly - take Turkey for instance, they probably serve as a good example of a moderate secular state. They have a good record of womens rights and dont chop off peoples heads - I dont think there is anything in the Quran that says women need to be opressed (after all Islam advertises itself as the inclusive religion) but a muslim can correct me if I am wrong on this.

Yes m8, but the majority of the countries, without doubt, do treat women as less than third class citizens. We would all be hard pushed to name women of Muslim faith who have a say in the running of a country.

Without them none of us would exist, religion or not and I have witnessed 1st hand some of the unjust law that is dished out to them.

What goes on in the world at the moment is a poor excuse for religion and I see no religious organization actually doing anything about it, save meaningless words and the spending of funds on selfish whims.
Mate - is easy to say you have churches in Pakistan - but be honest - how may have been built due to the british rule and how many have been built there recently - Also a lot of the churches and temples have been destoryed - comapared to what there was in pakistan 40 years ago - there are lot less churches and temples in Pakistan and also a lot less people from the minority community...... population is dwindling due to the trouble they are suffering.... I got mates from Pakistan who say they same thing.... so this is first hand knowledge....

And my point was - that you may not be allowed in the vatican but you have mosques in Italy - I dont see the same in Saudi - people may not be allowed in Mecca, but why are other religions not allowed to freely practise thier religion in the country ......

Simple fact is there are double standards in Islamic countries - I think the worst thing about this is when people raise these point from the western world or even other muslims - they are branded as anti islamist .....

giggles - you need to seperate cultural insecurity from religion - if Saudi was a christian country/jewish/whatever, they would still behave in the same manner. Religion is blurred into culture as they try to establish their own identity in the world.

Saudi (to use as an example again) is a relativley new country, its not even 100 years old. They need to enforce their views etc to make a place for themselves. The same could be said about Sudan - this country used to be part of the British Empire and part of Egypt (I think it is the almalgamtion of two areas) and only came into being in the 50's. So again, they are struggling to create their identity. Unfortunately, they dont have the resources that Saudi has. This doesnt excuse their behaviour of late, in fact it makesit worse.

I would also like to congratulate herbie on a wonderfuly pointless comment as well. How do we expect these 'babrbaric' muslim countries to respect us ect if we are making stupid comments like that? Ridicule like this just breeds lack of respect.
Yes m8, but the majority of the countries, without doubt, do treat women as less than third class citizens. We would all be hard pushed to name women of Muslim faith who have a say in the running of a country.

Without them none of us would exist, religion or not and I have witnessed 1st hand some of the unjust law that is dished out to them.

What goes on in the world at the moment is a poor excuse for religion and I see no religious organization actually doing anything about it, save meaningless words and the spending of funds on selfish whims.

You are right, no religous organisation is doing anything - because they dont have the right to imo. Its up to society (which can include religion) to solve things like this.

And on a muslim country having a female leader - isnt the Phillipines a muslim country? It has a female leader.
They seem to have endless ability to interfere in everything except the right things whenever they feel like it!

So you’ve managed to name one then! Correct re the Philippines, but most of the troubled spots in the world are far from it and concentrated in a relevantly small area with vast oil supplies!

The real issue of the original post still stands though and what is happening is ludicrous and way beyond any religious belief or cause and no person in their right mind can defend it.
giggles - you need to seperate cultural insecurity from religion - if Saudi was a christian country/jewish/whatever, they would still behave in the same manner. Religion is blurred into culture as they try to establish their own identity in the world.

Saudi (to use as an example again) is a relativley new country, its not even 100 years old. They need to enforce their views etc to make a place for themselves. The same could be said about Sudan - this country used to be part of the British Empire and part of Egypt (I think it is the almalgamtion of two areas) and only came into being in the 50's. So again, they are struggling to create their identity. Unfortunately, they dont have the resources that Saudi has. This doesnt excuse their behaviour of late, in fact it makesit worse.

I would also like to congratulate herbie on a wonderfuly pointless comment as well. How do we expect these 'babrbaric' muslim countries to respect us ect if we are making stupid comments like that? Ridicule like this just breeds lack of respect.

I agree with you - if only everyone in the world seperated religion from thier culture then we wouldnt have a lot of issues around the world we hear about. But being a new country trying to establish its identity is no excuse for having backward laws. there are other countries who have also been only formed recently but a lot of them manage to aviod this by trying to have a secular mixed government - to allow common sence over cultural belief to govern the laws.

I mean one of the most recent thing was about the women who was raped and when she complained - instead of being help was told it was her fault and had to suffer lashes - I mean come on - you get raped and when you compain you get beaten by the law itself - its beyond common sence - which I find a lot of fundamentalist lack. And correct me if i am wrong but this was also in Saudi.

Taking the fact in to account that Saudi may be a new country - there are lots of other old established countries such as Malayasia where even now minorities are being treated unfairly.... so to say that only new countries are having difficulties is not an good argument. Just recently there the minority communities were asking for thier basic human rights and which the Muslim government has refused. And now they are being threatened with life imprisonment for asking to be treated equally - if the same thing happens here - we all all protest saying the government is anti islamist - So now do i hear people saying that Fundamental Islamic states government as anit - Life and anti any other religion???

I think the only way a change will come about is if Islamic scholar preach tollerance instead of hatered everytime someone does something which they believe is wrong. And taken into account the views of other religions and beliefs as well. If they want people to understand them - then they should take active steps in also understanding others. it should be a two way approach.
I don't know what they are teaching you in the Al-quiada camps of Afghanistan but the curriculum really needs to be looked at
ive never been to afghanistan i dont intend to go
i dont agree with al qaida
and coming back to your post i fully understand what im talkin about its you who are not sure wether you descended from apes or if there was a big bang
we beleive in hardcore facts not theorys
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And on a muslim country having a female leader - isnt the Phillipines a muslim country? It has a female leader.

Come on Karym, as a Muslim I think you should get your facts right. The Philipines is a Catholic country with a Christian female leader
ive never been to afghanistan i dont intend to go
i dont agree with al qaida
and coming back to your post i fully understand what im talkin about its you who are not sure wether you descended from apes or if there was a big bang
we beleive in hardcore facts not theorys

Then show me some hardcore facts put the evidence in front of me
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Tango mate, you can argue with certain people on this forum, till you turned blue, but they will not accept what you say to them. Most of the people on this forum are are so called Christians, but havent a clue about their religion, but quick to criticize other peoples belief.
And on a muslim country having a female leader - isnt the Phillipines a muslim country? It has a female leader.

Come on Karym, as a Muslim I think you should get your facts right. The Philipines is a Catholic country with a Christian female leader

pakistan had a female prime minister

bangladesh has a female prime minister

infact lets talk about womens rights
islam gave women the right to vote 1450 years ago

when did this happen in the western world only in the last century when women demanded they be given the right

if you want equal rights for men and woman then punishment should be equal
and thay dont only stone and behead woman they'll do it to any one who breaks the law

whether thats right or wrong is a different story but woman a certanly not picked on

this is misunderstanding in the western worlsd that woman are ill treated

its more culture than religion
look at india majority hindu country
they have the largest infant female mortality rates in the world
if they have a girl they kill her and beat there wifes up for having that girl.
SexySAM - doesnt that go the same for Islamic fundamentalist and Jihadist - you can argue with them till death - but they will only listen to what they want and everyone elses opinon doesnt matter - I dont think this forum should be used to finger point against any religion or person - but rather to voice factual opinions.....
id say that most people on this forum believe in facts, to me religious books are stories, the same as any terry pratchet book or any other fictional peice of work. the trouble with stories is that they change over time and can be about completly the wrong thing, ill show you

go to someone you know, tell them you have a hospital appointment but you dont want to talk about it. by the time the story about you going to hospital has been round a few different people youll hear all sorts of things about why your going. why? cos people have to put their own little twist on a story.

religious books are collections of stories, passed by word of mouth for many years then written down, but thats all they are is storties

if these books are so full of fact and adam was first where did cavemen come from? the human being is evolving, still. our DNA is closly matched with both chimps and pigs, does this mean a randy chimp caught hold of a pig and out popped one of us? called adam? i doubt it. to some people cancer is a form of our bodies evolving, its a new gene that is near enough immortal. downs syndrome some see as another evolutionary step as there is an extra chromosome.

science can prove a lot more about the origins of mankind than a collection of stories
pakistan had a female prime minister

bangladesh has a female prime minister

infact lets talk about womens rights
islam gave women the right to vote 1450 years ago

when did this happen in the western world only in the last century when women demanded they be given the right

if you want equal rights for men and woman then punishment should be equal
and thay dont only stone and behead woman they'll do it to any one who breaks the law

whether thats right or wrong is a different story but woman a certanly not picked on

this is misunderstanding in the western worlsd that woman are ill treated

its more culture than religion
look at india majority hindu country
they have the largest infant female mortality rates in the world
if they have a girl they kill her and beat there wifes up for having that girl.

Tango - you need to get your facts straight - in Indian there is a large propoprtion of female deaths - but this is the same for even China and Bangladesh and Pakistan.... and this is not to do with religion its to do with the fact that people who have daughters have to pay a heft some of money in Dowry and this for poorer people is a hugh burdento bare.... and also Indian muslim poplulation is about as large as the Pakistan muslim popluation and they share the same burden of dowry.... And jsut to help you a little, the highest mortality rate is in Punjab - which is a sikh majority - who pride themselve in equal rights in thier religion as well. So unless you have you facts you should point finger at any culture or religion - this is why people say that if Muslims want other to understand them - they should make the effort to understand other instead of just blaming and finger pointing
id say that most people on this forum believe in facts, to me religious books are stories, the same as any terry pratchet book or any other fictional peice of work. the trouble with stories is that they change over time and can be about completly the wrong thing, ill show you

go to someone you know, tell them you have a hospital appointment but you dont want to talk about it. by the time the story about you going to hospital has been round a few different people youll hear all sorts of things about why your going. why? cos people have to put their own little twist on a story.

religious books are collections of stories, passed by word of mouth for many years then written down, but thats all they are is storties

if these books are so full of fact and adam was first where did cavemen come from? the human being is evolving, still. our DNA is closly matched with both chimps and pigs, does this mean a randy chimp caught hold of a pig and out popped one of us? called adam? i doubt it. to some people cancer is a form of our bodies evolving, its a new gene that is near enough immortal. downs syndrome some see as another evolutionary step as there is an extra chromosome.

science can prove a lot more about the origins of mankind than a collection of stories
caveman came from nowhere, you read about them at school in a book written by roald dhal or some one else

religous texts are revelations revealed thousand of years ago to men who thought the sun and sea were gods

if you dont belive in religeon then thats cool

i respect you for that and please dont criticise me for being religous and dont judge my religeon on actions of a few men
islam even still today is the fastest growing religeon and thats in the western world
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Tango - you need to get your facts straight - in Indian there is a large propoprtion of female deaths - but this is the same for even China and Bangladesh and Pakistan.... and this is not to do with religion its to do with the fact that people who have daughters have to pay a heft some of money in Dowry and this for poorer people is a hugh burdento bare.... and also Indian muslim poplulation is about as large as the Pakistan muslim popluation and they share the same burden of dowry.... And jsut to help you a little, the highest mortality rate is in Punjab - which is a sikh majority - who pride themselve in equal rights in thier religion as well. So unless you have you facts you should point finger at any culture or religion - this is why people say that if Muslims want other to understand them - they should make the effort to understand other instead of just blaming and finger pointing
exactly so now your admitting that hindus sikhs muslims chenese all behave like this then why only highlight islam in debates like this

by the way your not hindu are you, you seem to have got offended
its ok i know what its like when someone offends your beleifs
caveman came from nowhere, you read about them at school in a book written by roald dhal or some one else

are you high m8? theres more evidence than i can be bothered to provide links for that PROVE man was around a very very long time ago

just because i dont believe in religion doesnt mean i dismiss it as easily as you have just cast aside cavemen as its not written down
exactly so now your admitting that hindus sikhs muslims chenese all behave like this then why only highlight islam in debates like this

by the way your not hindu are you, you seem to have got offended
its ok i know what its like when someone offends your beleifs

lol - Tango - no just helping you get your facts straight - and no this is not the same - becasue most of the western countries and Asian, have dis associated belief from law - which the Islamic countries havent. And if you notice chinese, indian, australians, americans allow more freedom to their women than in islamic countries. Women have to wear a veil - so why not men as well??

The simple fact that you are allowed to place your veiws so publiclly in a western country and other cannot do the same without persicution in any islamic country is proof of backwardness..... I mean come on - you could easily name your teddy Christ in this country and you would have the christains asking for you to be punished....or would you?
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