'Muhammad' teddy teacher arrested

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I think you are being a bit harsh m8,as what you are saying was 100`s of years ago and not present day,and it has already been pointed out,if you go to the bottom of the page you will see this


maybe mate, but like for like look at what muslims brought when we were doing these things and now becasue of the acts of despotic tyrannic none official islamic rulers we have every idiot with access to a keyboard think they are civilsed?!?

anyway just for you mate....spelloong mizteke are gud!! :)

was a form of witch craft!!


smelling pistakes happen to the best of us m8y

better cheque yor spell checker
maybe mate, but like for like look at what muslims brought when we were doing these things and now becasue of the acts of despotic tyrannic none official islamic rulers we have every idiot with access to a keyboard think they are civilsed?!?

anyway just for you mate....spelloong mizteke are gud!! :)

looks like you got that wrong also Mate.
its making me feel sick just thinking about that poor women going though this shit
she has do nothing wrong in my eye's
think the whole of the British people should stick by her ...that includes the Muslim people who are British and Muslims who take money off the British government
we don't go off are heads when we are called brits short for British
but people that come from Pakistan well you no were i am coming from
we are too soft in this country ...
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we don't go off are heads when we are called brits short for British
but people that come from Pakistan well you no were i am coming from
we are too soft in this country ...

and what tangent are you going off on?? LOL...................please stop your going to kill me with your sharp analytical response to this thread.
and what tangent are you going off on?? LOL...................please stop your going to kill me with your sharp analytical response to this thread.

oh right you chose to quote the sharp analytical response ...and not the whole post....just having me say ......and please speak ENGLISH ...analytical lol
British and proud m8
lol....you cannot spell but you're civilised?

your ancestors were burning women on the stake only a few hundred years ago because

they thought that the menstrual cycle was a form of witch craft!! we actually had to enact

laws to give females equal rights; were they part and parcel of our civilised society?...NO

we had to make laws making it a criminal offence. Don't even get me started about the

unjust family laws which got repealed less than a hundred years ago which allowed a man

to divorce at whim, take the children, give nothing to the wife EVEN THOUGH he was the

one who would commit adultery and than openly profess it!!

What about our gorgeous legal system going back only a few hundred years ago, let's see

trial by fire, trial by ordeal...do these ring any bells with you or are you just good enough to tap your keyboard??

anyway big topic but you get the message, YOU cannot spell civilised let alone be it. I hate

feckers who think they are better than anyone else especially when being human is about

having faults...civilised what a joke.

PMSL civilised

1. having a high state of culture and development both social and technological; "terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world" [syn: civilized] [ant: noncivilised]
2. marked by refinement in taste and manners; "cultivated speech"; "cultured Bostonians"; "cultured tastes"; "a genteel old lady"; "polite society" [syn: civilized]
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
Silly little boy
oh right you chose to quote the sharp analytical response ...and not the whole post....just having me say ......and please speak ENGLISH ...analytical lol
British and proud m8

PMSL civilised

1. having a high state of culture and development both social and technological; "terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world" [syn: civilized] [ant: noncivilised]
2. marked by refinement in taste and manners; "cultivated speech"; "cultured Bostonians"; "cultured tastes"; "a genteel old lady"; "polite society" [syn: civilized]
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
Silly little boy

ROFL...and just to point out the main ones, it is the social development and the refinement in manners which you lack.
to bring this back on track somewhat...

Does anyone here know if Sudan has any laws that prevent Mohammeds name from being used this way?

In many countries, ignorance of a law isnt enough to get you out of jail etc, if the teacher didnt know it was illegal then there isnt much our government can do other than hold her in prison in the UK should she be found guilty.

If this is the same as 'Breach of the Peace' in the UK, then I would imagine the government are actually trying to help out.

The thing is, I dont get why its such a big deal for the Sudanese kids to use this name on the teddy bear... I mean, I would guess that a lot of their familes have people with this name.

I also think that some of the comments made on this thread are actually quite bad and do nothing to actually build any sort of respect...
JIHAD ????
Koran (Qur'an)
Dar al-Harb (The House of War)

Before quoting Jihad, u should learn the meaning of the word. Jihad means to struggle and fighting against it. not literally fighting but more using intellect and and speaking out agiainst wrongdoings. Its just a shame that ppl think Jihad means war and kill everyone.

Islam is about peace but Its a shame that the dimwits spreading hatred in the name of islam are gettiing recognition. the minority is being heard over the majority.

Apologies about drifting off topic with the above but i felt like it needed saying.

I am a muslim born in britain and proud but also proud of my parents origin. About the situation in Sudan, i think it is wrong. i think the Sudanese government were too quick in jumping in there. they may be trying to make a point but god knows what that is. The teacher should be released and should be back with her family, She was doing something that many ppl arent willing to do and i think that she should be praised for that and the Sudanese Govermnet should have appreciated that.

Its just that stories like this get much media attention and inturn fuel heated arguments and comments which are inappropriate.

Hopefully this argument can carry on ina civilised (is that spelt right??)) manner.
Islam is about peace but Its a shame that the dimwits spreading hatred in the name of islam are gettiing recognition. the minority is being heard over the majority.

Apologies about drifting off topic with the above but i felt like it needed saying.

I am a muslim born in britain and proud but also proud of my parents origin. About the situation in Sudan, i think it is wrong. i think the Sudanese government were too quick in jumping in there. they may be trying to make a point but god knows what that is. The teacher should be released and should be back with her family, She was doing something that many ppl arent willing to do and i think that she should be praised for that and the Sudanese Govermnet should have appreciated that.

Its just that stories like this get much media attention and inturn fuel heated arguments and comments which are inappropriate.

Hopefully this argument can carry on ina civilised (is that spelt right??)) manner.

Well said and if others followed that reasoning then maybe things wouldn't be so bad...


yep, lets all take up our human rights and build lap dancing bars all over the middle east, we have them here so its only fair we should be allowed them if we choose to settle there, after all, its worked the other way round hasnt it.

Didnt you know that there is no such thing as human rights in muslim countries.
To have a painfree life and live in a muslim country, you would have to convert.

But then if you convert away from islam, they will kill you

Either way your f**ked, so moral of the story is, if you want to work in a muslin country, yea you can make money, but life is more valuable than the money you can make.

I always wonder about the homegrown terrorists, if they dont like it here, why live here? Thats because they dont get the quality of life elsewhere!

Ok, maybe what I wrote might be a bit harsh. I do know some muslims and they are cool, not like what I mentioned, but I also know some muslims that have occasionally complained about the west. I always found that as long as religion isnt brought into conversation, then everything is cool.
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i dont know but what i do know is that sarcastic comments like yours piss people like me off

I apologise if my question was interperated as being sarcastic and pissed you off.
As I have never read the Qur'an, I don't know the names of the 22,400 prophets, and it appears neither do you.

From Wikipedia.....

"Teddy" or "Ted" is also a common nickname given to someone named "Edward" or "Theodore". Famous people known by the nickname "Teddy" include:

Theodore Roosevelt
Edward Kennedy
Teddy Kollek or Teddy Kollek Memorial Stadium
Teddy Sheringham
Teddy Geiger
Teddy McDaniel
Teddy Dunn
Teddy Pendergrass
Teddy Wilson
Teddy Yip
Teddy Riley (new jack swing)
Teddy Atlas
Teddy Long

Ive Been Reading Through These Posts And To Be Quite Honest It Upsets Me
I Am A Muslim Born In Britain And Proud Of Where My Parents Come From Wich Is Pakistan, Im Proud Of My Culture And Also Respect And Am Proud To Be British
The Thing Is Every Time Something Like This Comes Into The News Everyone Gets Excited
And To Be Quite Honest The Truth Starts To Show Like Above Posts Where Members Are
Suggesting What Should Happen To Muslims And Being Glad They Are Not Muslim
The Thing Is Im Glad Im Not Christain Hindu Or Sikh Because I Dont Have To Drink Piss Or Eat Pork. Now Does Saying That Make Me Racist Or An Extremist
What You Have To Remember Is that lthough you are'nt, Muslim Are Sensitive About Religion
We Take Religion Seriously We Wont Name Teddys Jesus And Wont Let You Do The Same
Its About Respect And Understanding
When Did You Last Hear Of A Muslim Drawing Cartoons Of Jesus Or Naming His Toy Jesus
I Dont Think You Ever Did
I'll Tell You Why Muslims Believe That There Religeon Is The Truth
We Beleive In 22400 Prophets
Yes 22400
The List Starts From Adam The First Man, Yes The Father Of All Humanity
And Includes Prophets Like Noah , Abraham, Moses ,jesus And It Goes On To The Final Prophet Mohammed
And We Respect All Prophets And Wont Tolerate People Making Fun Of Them
now Im Not Saying That , Thats Happened On This Occassion I Beleive It Could Be A Genuine And Innocent Mistake
But I Dont Agree With Members Coming On Here And Saying That Muslims Should F Off And So On
Thats Not The Way
If You Feel Strongly About My Religeon Then Fine So Be It
But Dont Go Insulting My Religeon Its Time People Started To Realise That There Are Very Sutlle Differences Betwenn Judaism Christianity And Islam
If You Want To Attack Ones Judgement Attack Them And Not There Religeon
I Reckon Bush And Blair Are C*nts But I Would'nt Insult There Religeon Over It, Although Bush Reckons He Is A Devout Christian And He Makes His Decisions With God And Christ An Mind.
So Please No Hate Comments As All Thats Happening Is That Your Fuelling The Situation

I agree most muslims are sensitive about religion, but you mention respect. Maybe you do but there are a lot of others, especially the religious fanatics who don't. I work with a muslim who tells me that he doesnt believe in certain religions like hinduism because its manmade. Basically only believes that Christianity and Islam exists.

There is nothing wrong about being proud of your culture and background, but it would be nice if people integrated well together, yes some already do and no doubt you do, but there are others.
Cant believe - there are still some stupid idiots who think what is happening to the poor lady is ok .. and justified. And anyways the British Embasay wont do shit, they just take more money from the british tax payer and sit on their arse....

Just wondering would happen if I name my neices teddy Mohamad.......
Yes Tango Darwin was right we did descend from apes
darwin was full of sh*t
the first man on the planet was adam full stop
if darwin was right and we all descende from apes then at what stage this occur there is no scientific evidence
if had descended from apes then genetically we would be the same but were not
a white woman can have sex with a black man and reproduce and vice versa
but man cant have sex and reproduce from apes
and if we did descend from apes then how come we still have apes

come on man thats why its called darwins theory and not scientific proven fact
but the problem is more and more people believe in therorys and ignore facts
I think the bottom line is if you don't like the customs and believes of a country then you shouldn't go and live or work there . I'm not going to live in a muslim country because i don't like what they stand for . On the other hand i would respect anyone for not wanting to live here because they don't like what we stand for . But i am British and i don't see why we should have to change our way of life to suit immigrants to these isles . Some councils in this country are trying to tone down Xmas so it doesn't upset the immigrants !! .I would like to see what would happen in a muslim country if immigrants objected to ramadan . At the end of the day i think everyone should accept a countries customs etc so maybe its time to stop trying to help and just keep ours and their teachers etc at home and let everyone try to get on with leading a good life
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