Jade Goody

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For me she is an arse, and I am fed up with the news reports all the time BUT. I do think she IS making people more aware about Cancer and what it does to people. As according to the radio there has been a 500% increase in women going for Cervical Smears. Surly that's a good thing! Along with an increase in other Cancer checks, again a good thing

Yes she is exploiting the media where she can, and I for one would do the same if I was going to get some money for it. She is thinking of her kids so she can educate them better that she was educated.

I take the option of changing the channel when she come on, but thumbs up to her. Cancer is a killer, people need to me more aware...So feel your balls and your wife's breaticles!

my missus is always getting me to check her breasts she says i should no if there is anything unusual as im always fondling them :)

She wont check me though :(
Like her or not most people would do the same.

And its not her fault our society and culture is fooked up that we watch idiots on TV stuck in a house as fun and main stream TV.

I doubt anyone one of us really knows what jade is about just what the media cover, and we all know that the media manipulate us to believe what they want anyway.

Very sad no one deserves to go through what jade and so many other people are going through (well there is a certain group of sick people beginning with P that i would not mind having it!).

Mickie D
Does anyone know if she has used her superstar status to raise millions for cancer charities, or is all of the money going to her private fund?
Does anyone know if she has used her superstar status to raise millions for cancer charities, or is all of the money going to her private fund?

Would that make a difference?? if so why? how many people donate money to charity ? does she have to come out and state how much she puts for charities to make her a better person? if it all goes to her kids then that's fine, who is anyone to tell anyone what to do with their money. Your own family comes first at all times.
Would that make a difference?? if so why? how many people donate money to charity ? does she have to come out and state how much she puts for charities to make her a better person? if it all goes to her kids then that's fine, who is anyone to tell anyone what to do with their money. Your own family comes first at all times.

What difference would it make, a huge one. By raising money you could help those people less fortunate, raise money for cancer research and care. Raise money for children who are suffering from the disease, need I carry on as it's a rather daft question. If everyone had your selfish attitude it would be a horrible world to live in.

Isn't it all about putting something back in? Isn't that why we are here, to help other people make a better life and to help those less fortunate?
What difference would it make, a huge one. By raising money you could help those people less fortunate, raise money for cancer research and care. Raise money for children who are suffering from the disease, need I carry on as it's a rather daft question. If everyone had your selfish attitude it would be a horrible world to live in.

Isn't it all about putting something back in? Isn't that why we are here, to help other people make a better life and to help those less fortunate?

and who says she hasnt . but now at this time more than ever she has to look after her own family . just out of intrest dont answer if you dont want ... much do you give a year .. if you cant work it out a rough guess will do .
and who says she hasnt . but now at this time more than ever she has to look after her own family . just out of intrest dont answer if you dont want ... much do you give a year .. if you cant work it out a rough guess will do .

Spot on. Its not selfish at all. No one knows how much she gives and what she does with her money. She has every right in this instance to do what she wants. Its a joke that people feel they should dictate to someone what they do and question what she has or hasn't done.
Does anyone know if she has used her superstar status to raise millions for cancer charities, or is all of the money going to her private fund?

Just a wee note, check skynews and you will see that she has been working with a cancer charity
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I really find it hard to beleive the minds of some posters on this thread.
I think what she is going through is absolutly tragic and i commend her for the way she is handling it. The awareness that she is bringing will surely indirectly save many lifes. She is going to lose hers and all too soon so lets cut her some slack. Is she wrong for wanting the last days of her life to be as happy as possible. Is she wrong for wanting to secure a future for her boys. As for the mupet who posted 95% for max Clifford 5% for Jades sons. Hang your head in shame man.

I cant bring myself to watch her proggy on Living tv . Not because i think she is wrong for doing it. But i cant watch it due to it being too sad.

Cancer is a terrible illness for anyone or anyones family to have to deal with. Those that have been touched by it will know exactly what im talking about.

God bless all who have to or are having to deal with it. Thats all i say.
I think she is a train wreck.

However, she is facing the big one, and is looking out for her babies.

Whatever she does, anyone who decides to judge her is arrogant, given the circumstances.

And I have slagged her off before in the past.

If people didn't want to watch this train crash, then people would not pay her to do it publicly.

Have we all done the calender joke whilst i've been away?
I've have read through a few of the pages, but it is a long thread, but here is my 'opinion'.

Sure, she is a very, very simple person, and yes, it is testing tolerating her, and yes, I have said negative things about her.

You have to remember she was born as an inocent baby and how people turn out is mainly down to where they are brought up and what kind of people are around and influencing them when growing up.

She is mainly a product, and when she reached adulthood she wasn't mentaly strong enough to see how should could conduct herself in a more possitive fasion.

The media attention is pretty sick on one hand, but please remember that there are a lot of simple people like her in this country and maybe, just maybe, she is connecting with these people becasue they can relate to her, and helping these people who are going through simillar situations. If this media circus helps just one person, then is it worth it?

I don't know about anyone else, but I just simply choose not to watch or read anything about it. Just turn over the channel or news paper page, simple as that. Personaly, I rarely read news papers or watch the news these days, people seem obsessed with drenching themselves with media news, and it is always 99% bad, then people bitch and moan about it in work and the negitivity grows and gets passed on. I don't think people realise just how much being wired to the news effects and controls them!

But, as this is the rant room... It is just me or can everyone else see STRAIGHT through this bloke she is going to marry. She has had a long line of men who just go out with her to get Z-list fame status. Remember that cockney sparrow Jeff something who had a kid with her. He was a complete no-body (and still is) and gets a few gigs doing presenting. He was the exact same as this other snake she is with now. I hope she has the sense to make him sign a pre-nup and doesn't leave a penny.

Personally, if I loved someone enough to marry her I would show a bit more emotion that this plank... you know, like, maybe just a weeeee little bit more...:Angryfire
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and who says she hasnt . but now at this time more than ever she has to look after her own family . just out of intrest dont answer if you dont want ... much do you give a year .. if you cant work it out a rough guess will do .

Why are you making this personal? I simply asked a question which Jade fans answered. I really don't see what my private donations have anything to do with Jade Goody.

I tell you what though, put yer money where ya mouth is. I bet you £100 (all money to go to cancer research) that I give more than you. You don't have to accept, just asking. Guess work will not do as it is very easy to BS. Receipts will work just great.

I look forward to kicking yo ass.
Come on lets not go down the route of i give more than you. Personaly i think its great that you both appear to give as i do of anyone who does. Just for the record i give £8 a month to cancer research net they get the tax releif on that i have done for the last nine years since i lost my mum to this bastard disease.
Tbh i think battling it out to see who donates the most to charity takes the shine off of it somewhat.

Anyone can give money to a charity.
I find this situation very sad, I dont mind the media attention at all for the positive reasons already outlined in this thread. Also how can this be labled as self promotion as she is not going to benefit from this money.
I have laughed at jade in the past due to her incredible lack of intellegence but if you think about it there are 6 year olds with more of a realisation of their environment, Its the closest thing to a child suffering IMO and that is what makes the situation especially sad add her children into the equasion and it is a desperately sorry situation.

The media are using her and she is using them back for as long as she can. If she stops now she will be plagued till her dying day with paparatzi wanting photos of her deteriation and some photographer will benefit from the cash instead of her kids.

This thread is in very poor taste and demonstrates some peoples complete lack of empathy and humanity.
I find this situation very sad, I dont mind the media attention at all for the positive reasons already outlined in this thread. Also how can this be labled as self promotion as she is not going to benefit from this money.
I have laughed at jade in the past due to her incredible lack of intellegence but if you think about it there are 6 year olds with more of a realisation of their environment, Its the closest thing to a child suffering IMO and that is what makes the situation especially sad add her children into the equasion and it is a desperately sorry situation.

The media are using her and she is using them back for as long as she can. If she stops now she will be plagued till her dying day with paparatzi wanting photos of her deteriation and some photographer will benefit from the cash instead of her kids.

This thread is in very poor taste and demonstrates some peoples complete lack of empathy and humanity.

Great post chum :Clap:

I have never been a fan of Goody, but this girl is DYING ffs ! and if we cannot show some compassion for a young woman who will be leaving two heart broken kids then that is a very very sad inditement of some members :(
Exactly, discussing the situation but to chastise someone in the position Jade finds her self in, is just downright wrong. Regardless of what people think of her comments made in this thread at times have been shocking and should have been kept in the shallow mind that some people have.
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