Frustrated Members

I remember reading a good quote from a muslim on twitter I think it was, it read something like:

"Comparing all Muslims with the extremists is like comparing all Christians with the Westboro Baptist Church".

I thought it was great and really stuck with me :)
Fair comment but its not the 70's mate. I wouldn't blank anyone if they said hello!

I also helped an asian start his car with a push, not just me mind you. Anyway we got the car started and the fecker just drove away without a thank you, kiss my arse or sod all. The three of us left behind were well pissed off!

Yeah but you can't tar everyone with the same brush,

For example we have a Asian shopkeeper called Charlie (obviously that is not his real name) he uses it to make other people comfortable (IE white british) he will go out of his way to order in specialised magazines, he always has a smile on his face and is a great guy, kind and helpful!

Now there is a white british butcher just a few shops down that is a complete idiot, i mean a real waste of space!

Does that mean all white british butchers are the same?
Does that mean all Asians are the same?

There is good and bad in everyone, these two scumbags, as that is what they are... are getting exactly what they want.

Yeah but you can't tar everyone with the same brush,

For example we have a Asian shopkeeper called Charlie (obviously that is not his real name) he uses it to make other people comfortable (IE white british) he will go out of his way to order in specialised magazines, he always has a smile on his face and is a great guy, kind and helpful!

Now there is a white british butcher just a few shops down that is a complete idiot, i mean a real waste of space!

Does that mean all white british butchers are the same?
Does that mean all Asians are the same?

There is good and bad in everyone, these two scumbags, as that is what they are... are getting exactly what they want.


Again another fair comment.... what can I say???

I need some asian friends???

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Well said mick

Ps di33er I think
I'm the same on forums as I'm out and about

The guys who hang about in gangs are nobs anyway lol so they group together

But I'm very grateful that there is a proper discussion going on

U get scum in every walk of life
Thanks for all the replies it certainly got to me this subject. I am very proud of the wristband that I wear to Help The Heroes and any pretend Muslim will never take that away from me. Unfortunately we must leave this terrible tragedy for the Government to deal with, which in my opinion will be dealt with very leniently. A prison sentence for these pricks would be a waste of time because guess who will be footing the bill???. You guessed it us the taxpayer so once again we have to pay for other Countries religions?. They was talking about an eye for an eye?. Chop there heads off.
You guessed it us the taxpayer so once again we have to pay for other Countries religions?. They was talking about an eye for an eye?. Chop there heads off.
Prophet Jesus is English? Religion is not bound by borders.

Tax payers pay for all criminals. Sadly we will have to pay more as the offenders will require protection for their own safety. I'd rather they were treated Islamically.
Miggy believe me no one wanted to close and remove any thread but Mick hit the nail on the head with his first reply.
Some modding decisions are taken for the safety of the site and also for the safety of the poster.

What happened yesterday boiled my blood trust me :(
Are these radical on this video ???


I hate this country for it is making ME , and what it is becoming !
I never had hatred for any religion or cult in my body I have more mr nice guy from me ,
these arseholes are getting treated in hospital that WE pay for just to rub it in ... fuming.
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Release them, free to go, out the back gates of the barracks, if they make it through from the inside of the front gates

the news are reporting them as 'suspects', and no matter what sentence they get, someone somewhere will be standing up for their 'human rights'

instead of giving them the news coverage they desire, have the law changed so anyone who commits a terrorist attack 'against the UK and its people' lose their human rights, if they want a solicitor / barrister, them / their family / their congregation pays for it, in full, if they want protection, then the same should apply, lock them in a room with no windows, and let them live on bread and water, give then a rusty nail so theres an option of finding a way to end it if they really want to
Any inmate likely to be injured by other inmates has special measures. This costs taxpayers more. Don't forget Muslims are taxpayers too.
Any inmate likely to be injured by other inmates has special measures. This costs taxpayers more. Don't forget Muslims are taxpayers too.

So surely its in a Muslim's interests as well as ours to execute these terrorist rather than throw good money away at these so called preachers?. I know plenty of decent Muslims mate and all they want to do is get on with people. How can this happen when you have the likes of Chaudhry brain washing them?.
Any inmate likely to be injured by other inmates has special measures. This costs taxpayers more. Don't forget Muslims are taxpayers too.

Any inmate likely to be injured by other inmates, has normally crossed a line that normal people are disgusted by, such as rapists, peadophiles, murderers, and extremeists. these people are the lowest of the low, and if they want 'extra' protection, then them, or those who 'support' them, wether thats their family, inner circle of like minded people, or whatever, should have to pay for it, otherwise, they run the gauntlet, and most of the time, justice would then end up being served as deserved, in one way or another

theres a 2 year old kid who lost his father to these animals, theres a whole batallion of people paying taxes to protect people like these 2 animals from other people who would happily tear them apart, no matter what sentence is served, wheres the actual JUSTICE!!

what actual deterrent is there against committing such acts? theyll spend their life in jail shouting exactly how theyd like to be treated, or its against their human or religious rights.......
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Didn't see the thread as I was watching news and twitter explode, these actions were taken by two nutjobs that actually waited, preaching at the watching crowd until the armed police turned up and they tried to martyr themselves. That's why the police took 20mins to get there a normal officer would have only been injured or killed.

As for the thread yesterday unless you were posting specifically about ethnicity then you were not being racist, islam is not a race.

I've been an Atheist for 32 years , a f***ing 'angry' atheist for the last 3 and the world needs to stop pussy-footing around with this.

You kill someone then you're a murderer, not a put upon theist. Stop hiding behind your books and start living for the betterment of ALL humanity.

You can have your beliefs just as I can be stunned at you for believing in a sky wizard, I won't treat you any differently because that's wrong.
My sentiments are the same as yours as well as most people. What is the Islamic ruling for someone killing an innocent person? Sadly the prison system is the way it is.
I would have left it open and not deleted it if the two members who had their posts deleted did not question the actions of the team which in turn spoilt the thread.

Remember all of us do this as a hobby, and make decisions in the best interest of the forum. As Mick says anything that could be deemed as a racist post could end up with either the poster in serious trouble as well as the forum owner.

So would you please accept any decisions the team makes without question. If you do feel you have a grievance please use the PM function rather than spoiling the thread.

These people are extremist & are like the nutjobs you find in all walks of life. I think what makes this worse is most of these sort of extremist are recruited & brainwashed at a place of worship. I couldn't envisage any other religion where this could or would happen. This is what the authorities need to address & they need the help of all the many decent ,normal muslims who would be more likely to know who should be watched.

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I would have left it open and not deleted it if the two members who had their posts deleted did not question the actions of the team which in turn spoilt the thread.

Remember all of us do this as a hobby, and make decisions in the best interest of the forum. As Mick says anything that could be deemed as a racist post could end up with either the poster in serious trouble as well as the forum owner.

So would you please accept any decisions the team makes without question. If you do feel you have a grievance please use the PM function rather than spoiling the thread.


Fair play to you MH, but remember I don't think the racist remarks were intentional, more like a way of venting anger/letting off steam. Such a sad loss of life of a very young Soldier/Father and all we are hearing is these clowns are being pampered because nobody knows what to do with them. It would interesting to hear from one of our DW Muslim friends about the law's on murder in there own Country?.
I don't want our laws and civil rights legislation changed because of these people.

It has taken many years and a lot of pain to get where we are now. To change would be to hand them a victory.
I don't want our laws and civil rights legislation changed because of these people.

It has taken many years and a lot of pain to get where we are now. To change would be to hand them a victory.

something HAS to change ... people are losing face with this country and its government way too fast. We are MARD arses and need to step up to the plate and take a leaf out of the aussies book !
The people will not take much more of this , that I will tell you. Things need changing otherwise there will be anarchy