fooking tesco's new id on alchohol

Parents who bring children into Weatherspoons pubs are restricted to two alcoholic drinks each.

Sorry for OT post.

But is that Pa' Broon in your avatar?
Some of the comments in the links state that people have actually paid for the alcohol and then stopped after leaving the store,going out through the doors, and told to take it back and they will be reimbursed.
That can't be legal. If you've paid for an item then that said item is yours. I know what I would say if it happened to me. F*CK OFF! They can't make you take it back after paying,how would they stop you without resorting to common assault? They couldn't even ring the police,its a shop policy,not a law of the land.

I usually buy my lager when doing my weekly shop. Its not happened to me but if it did then all the weekly shop will be left or emptied all over the counter and I'd just walk out.
That's friggin insainia.

I still can't my head round the fact that you can only by a max of 32 pain relief tablets at any one purchase, if I was going to top myself I'm sure I can think of happier ways.
Some of the comments in the links state that people have actually paid for the alcohol and then stopped after leaving the store,going out through the doors, and told to take it back and they will be reimbursed.
That can't be legal. If you've paid for an item then that said item is yours. I know what I would say if it happened to me. F*CK OFF! They can't make you take it back after paying,how would they stop you without resorting to common assault? They couldn't even ring the police,its a shop policy,not a law of the land.

I usually buy my lager when doing my weekly shop. Its not happened to me but if it did then all the weekly shop will be left or emptied all over the counter and I'd just walk out.

I think you've got the right attitude there. I'd do exactly the same. Leave all the shopping and walk.

I remember I was in a pub with my missus and she got ID'd when she was 21 and it really upset. To the point that she started crying in the pub. I said to her if it upset her that much then we should have walked. The next pub down the road can have our business instead!
to be honest. they are taking things to far...

i work for asda and we have an challenge 25 policy..

tho if parents are with their kids. so what... the parents are paying for it.. not the child..

i pesonally would just say fine and walk out leaving all the shopping on the till and not pay for any of it and shop else where..

let them clean that mess up

Remind me of that time i got ID'ed for a 3+ game.

You can imagin the converstation that followed. Some people are just thick :banana:
I actually got knocked back a few ago from the b&q buying some evo stick glue for my sons pantmine he was making a big cardboard tree with different materials stuck on.

the lass at the till said people had been using it as a sniffing solvent I said im 30 years of age its for my sons school play GET the manager

I still got refused of the manger he said I didnt look 30 are the type of person to take intrest in a schools play my misses had to drag me out before I knocked his block off I was foaming at the mouth with anger:proud:
LMAO, this is EXCATLY what happened to us, we were shopping at a local tescos with our 15month old twins, my mrs decided she wanted a bottle of malabo (whatever its called - im tee total!). we had about £170 of goods only to be told at the end that we couldnt have the alchol unless we could proove the 15month old twins were 18. i thought they were joking first of all and said "yeah there off to cambridge next week" but they insisted that we couldnt have the bottle in case we gave it to the twins. i saw red - my wife also being very level headed told me to stop and pushed me towards the exit, the idiot on the till said what about the shopping and i told her she could shove it up her @@@@.
We have complained to tescos and all we got back was a generic reply about store policy and a few coupons which were prompty returned with our clubcards.
we are now asda users - tescos dont want our £500+ per month for our shopping and fuel needs so they can stick it. hit them were it hurts, if your a family goto a family friendly store like asdas or sainsburys and RETURN THOSE STORE CARDS with a note saying why. they will soon get the message they are only discriminating against normal working familys now so stuff them.
The same thing happened to my mate tesco a few days ago in liverpool, the store refused to serve him with a few cans of beer because his little brother didnt have any ID.

Also I was at my local tesco last week, had all of my shopping scanned at the checkout and was about to pack when I realised there were no bags. Lad on the till said we havent got any in the shop mate, youll have to just carry it to your car in some boxes.
I made the point to him that I might not have a car, I left my stuff on the till and walked out.
If more people did this they would soon get their act together.
This might be a new rule but like Lottery and Scratch Card sales only should come into relevance if the youngster is buying or handling the product prior to payment. We all know there is a large fine for purchasing Alcohol for juniors and that the laws are being tightened but this is well out of order when TESCO advertise that they are a FAMILY Store.
I'd put a complaint in for certain based on the Defermation of Character and the suggestion that you were commiting an Illegal Purchase based on there assumption.
Ha i had something like that happen to me. Me and my mum went to buy fireworks and my mum is 52 years old and am 24 they id my mum because i was with her we stood and argued for ages but they were having non of it we ended up going else where.
Yhea Tesco's seem to be a bunch of tw@ts whereever you are in this country,just go back down there mate and start pullin a few ring pulls in the booze aisle or knock a bottle of 20yr old malt from the shelf and say sorry but you cant pay for it cos your daughter aint 18.
first i have heard of that rule, its a strange one, but maybe one that makes people think twice before buying booze infront of thier kids, in that respect its good, but the rule has too many flaws and isnt going to work properly.

This is very slightly off topic, but, I was amazed that parliment voted against raising the legal age of buying alcohol to 21, to me that would have helped a lot, theres far too many young folk who are maybe 14-15 but can pass easily as 18, but they wouldnt pass as being 21, that was a big mistake with parliment in my opinion, it was possibly voted negative just because of the stupid voting system in parliment, if one party says yes to one thing the others will say no just to spite them, i bet thats what it was, stupid bunch of people.

usa law is best, you dont only need to be 21 to buy booze, you also need to show id nomatter what age you are right up until you look about 40, thats a great law. (some states are more strict than others)
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My mate wasnt allowed to carry his mums shopping in tesco until he proved his age due to the bag having alcohol in. its crazy!!
A friend of mine used to work in tescos and she told me that this all started as they had been done for selling to minors in so many areas. They have to ask for ID unless you look over 30 or they would lose thier licence. But they didnt want this common knowledge.

I was in tescos a few months ago when i was 29 and had no ID on me. She asked me how old i was and i told her 30. She looked at me and said 'yer you've got a few wrinkles, I believe you'. Cheeky eh?
i cant wait till this happens to me!!! am loud obnoxious brash embarrising totally fecking rude!!!! (when i want to be) the secutity gaurd will have to escort me out lol!!!