Ambit 200/250 configuration tool - New release


Hmm, which is doing exactly what it's already doing, lol, I'll look into it when the 250 arrives, had to borrow one to test it before and it's gone back now, it's a strange one...
aah thats minor things most most peeps can telnet this them self the only thing i would like to see change or fix is the box to enter ur mac either by making 1 box so u copy and paste ur mac in or making the cursor automatically move to the next box when the 2nd digit is enter into the boxes that would be very helpfully and would make it ultimate tool

In the firm1-0.ini change the bit that says:

cd ..
cd docsis
cd \
write_memory -s 4 0x807e8b98 %d
write_memory -s 2 0x807e8b9c %e

to read:

cd ..
cd docsis
cd \
write_memory -s 4 0x807e8b98 %d
write_memory -s 2 0x807e8b9c %e

and see if that fixes it for you (although I still can't see how it isn't working, if the mac is stored so should that value be...)

As for the MAC boxes, they're deliberately that way so there's no confusion over the format, colons between bytes etc.

Given that people shouldn't need to change MAC very often if at all I doubt the time it takes to enter 6 bytes seperately is /that/ much of an issue, lol
i wont be able to test it now though as im in tw area's and the weather looks like crap for me to leave and go to m8 in ex c&w area even though its like 10 mins away by bus so i'll have test it 2moro unless some1 else want to volunteer ther services
Can you make a seperate tool that disables bpi?

Cheeky request i know :p

I don't see why you lot are saying the disabling BPI doesn't work, it works in every test I do here, lol

From the debug window of my hitting apply on my 1.25 200 just now
CM/NonVol/CM DOCSIS NonVol> enable bpi false

Instance: CM DOCSIS NonVol Settings (0x8074b7b8)

Disabling BPI.

NOTE: This change will take effect the next time the modem registers with a CMTS!

CM/NonVol/CM DOCSIS NonVol> write

It /is/ setting it!

As for resetting from software, if someone tells me how to do it then I can, the firmwares seem to prevent it, even if I enter the command from telnet I get a message aout the reset being disabled by the firmware settings or something -.o
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I think the disabling reset is a sigma feature isn't it? I don't know if the normal firmwares have that option, mine were set automatically to allow it I think.

Ahh, well, 3 of the 5 firmwares I've been playing with are sigma so that might explain a lot, lol, I could add one but if I knew the commands to at least temporarily enable it on sigma so it worked on everything that'd be quite handy

I should do some more work on that tool today, can't do bugger all to my laptop, partiuclarly after Ebuyer in their wisdom after I ordered a 160GB 2.5" EIDE disk for my laptop instead sent me a 160GB 2.5" SATA disk which is about as much use to me as a concrete bicycle, heh (oh and a USB to serial adapter that comes apart in your hand and that I've already had to resolder one wire to, Muppets!)
Nice handy tool :)

Just one thing Im in pure area and had to set the box to Ex Cw for the settings to work on a 200 shell. When I set the box to Pure NTL the frequency fails to lock but it worked with ex cw anyway.

Also is it possible to have an option to enlarge console window. My eyesight is bad enough or even better to log all the events to a txt file.

I have not tried the fix bootloader option yet. Is this option the same as softjtag program as I did have a nightmare getting that program to work.

Keep up good work Hideki :eater:

Okay, frequency

If you had to chance to ex C&W to get it to work then I'd wonder if you are in an ex c&w area, I think if I'd made that sort of error it would have been reported before now, lol, perhaps you need to check/uncheck the cm_ann box in your area on ntl pure, not sure

Enlarge console display, that's really just a debug window more for my reference than anything but I'll see what I can do, I'm somewhat constrained by the fact I have to make it small enough to work on a 640x480 display, if you think I'm safe assuming a minimum of 800x600 then I can do a better job of it ;p

Yes, it's the same as soft jtag but it just works as long as you carefully follow the instructions, ideally you should use it over the telnet rather than over the serial since there's less chance of errors that way and if it says don't turn the modem off then don't or you'll get a brick

New version will be out soon
Sorry guys can someone pls explain wat does "fix bootloader" option on the configurator do. Click on it and asked not stop it running until it completes. So just wondered what it does. Need to know as might be useful in fuiture.

Someone kindly did my modem for me so aint got a clue sorry.

As it mentions in at least a couple of places, it will flash a bootloader to your sigma flashed modem so you can reflash it with a different firmware

If you don't have a very good reason for wanting to do this (and a Max232 cable) then you certainly shouldn't use it
Cheers for quick explaination. I dont think i will ever need it as i got an ntl 250. Well atleast it now makes sense. Thanks again.

Opps take it back, i guess i will need it in the future lol just read the readme file that came with it. Sigma is not a modem as i was thinking.

Getting there and learning.
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Ah, the 250 doesn't require it with the infinite firmware, no, I did include a 250 option just in case something that messes with the bootloader on that modem appears too

if you used it on the 250 it'd just replace your bootloader with the bootloader you have, it'd still brick it if it was interrupted though as it erases it before it writes it again...
thnk. I slowly and surely learning on this modem sides of things. Thanks for the info.

does it mean with bootloader i can reflash new firmwares if they ever came out?

Yes but you can anyway on the 250 because you still get the option at boot time on the max232

On the 200s with sigma the bootloader is replaced with one that has no options so your only choices to get another firmware onto it are my tool or softjtag (both of which do the same thing)

If anyone is using my ambit tool in 640x480 then can they please reply to this, if nobody does I'll assume that resolution went the way of the dinosaur and change the size so it fits 800x600 instead

Running out of space and people want larger font for the debug section so it's important that I know if anyone is still using that resolution
