Ambit 200/250 configuration tool - New release

Nice bit of kit matey. I've hooked up an old webstar 2100 that's been flashed with the ambit 250 infinite firmware, and it will read mac fine, but when I go to set mac, it won't let me put two digits in a couple of the boxes?

Screen captured so you can see what I mean.. obvious not a keypad problem as the other ones are ok, tried lower case letters as well but same result:

my educated guess would be the txt box isnt big enough to show the second letter..

a small issues howerver the imput would still be recieved im guessing..

try putting 00 in to the box to see if it shows up ok..

if so its the size of the imput box not showing the second digit and should work ok

hope fully
Nice bit of kit matey. I've hooked up an old webstar 2100 that's been flashed with the ambit 250 infinite firmware, and it will read mac fine, but when I go to set mac, it won't let me put two digits in a couple of the boxes?

Screen captured so you can see what I mean.. obvious not a keypad problem as the other ones are ok, tried lower case letters as well but same result:

<IMG snipped>
Oops, lol

As the person above suggested, it seems I didn't test well enough on upper case letters, ot os running out of space, they will be recognised if you enter them however I'll just sort out a fixed release now -.o

(Well spotted Neorage, thanks)

And fixed now, 0.92 is available in the downloads area
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The settings I normally use for my area are:

TUNER - 19

I can see an option for the annex but what about setting the tuner and admin?? Does the software do this automatically??
hi m8, all settings r set as default in the program so all u have to do is input ur own individual info in like mac ,tftp ip etc... and apply and ur done
The settings I normally use for my area are:

TUNER - 19

I can see an option for the annex but what about setting the tuner and admin?? Does the software do this automatically??

It works those out from the area, if you're in NTL Pure then check the cm_ann 3 checkbox for cm_annex 3 if you need it, if you're on annex b then leave it unchecked

I'm still a little unsure if all of NTL pure use cm_annex 3 or just some parts of it, if it all uses it then I can make that automatic too, only reason the option is there is because the tutorials suggest that some need it and some don't...

Is there anyone in NTL Pure who doesn't need the cm_annex 3 setting?

It works those out from the area, if you're in NTL Pure then check the cm_ann 3 checkbox for cm_annex 3 if you need it, if you're on annex b then leave it unchecked

I'm still a little unsure if all of NTL pure use cm_annex 3 or just some parts of it, if it all uses it then I can make that automatic too, only reason the option is there is because the tutorials suggest that some need it and some don't...

Is there anyone in NTL Pure who doesn't need the cm_annex 3 setting?
hi m8 i was helping some1 from pure ntl yesterday to get online using this tool and it did work as far locking on to the ds freq and showing the correct connection status without having to tick cm_annex 3 we didnt get online though becoz we didnt have the correct tftp so hopefully we'll have today and let u know later but has far i can see it does work without having to tick cm_annex 3
im in a pure ntl area and here you dont need cm_annex 3 here I just use annex_b

Id leav it on manual m8

not had chance to try new tool yet. but great work
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im in a pure ntl area and here you dont need cm_annex 3 here I just use annex_b

Id leav it on manual m8

not had chance to try new tool yet. but great work
Ahh, thanks

Best just leave the option there then, was kinda hoping to have it determine it all by area but it seems I'm not going to be able to, oh well -.o

I'll add ireland if people want to send me the relevant data, other firmwares too if there are any in general use, just put the ones I happen to have on there for now, I think someone said there's a Sigma 1.29 though so I should probably add that...

Ahh, thanks

Best just leave the option there then, was kinda hoping to have it determine it all by area but it seems I'm not going to be able to, oh well -.o

I'll add ireland if people want to send me the relevant data, other firmwares too if there are any in general use, just put the ones I happen to have on there for now, I think someone said there's a Sigma 1.29 though so I should probably add that...
i can comfirm using the default annex mode for pure ntl works no problem after using it the modem straight online but i would leave it as is... they probably be certain area's that will only work with ann 3
i can comfirm using the default annex mode for pure ntl works no problem after using it the modem straight online but i would leave it as is... they probably be certain area's that will only work with ann 3
Ahh, okay, I'll leave it then, lol

~throws sharp objects at NTL for not making things easy~
nice job a bit confused...does this software detect your tftp ip server wherever you are connected to ?.....this is a caveat of these modems, having to know your tftp ip...its ok if you have already got a modem but if your on tv and you split your cable to and put a clone on you have no idea what your tftp ip server is.

You can use DHCP Force to find out what your TFTP IP is, my software can't find it for you... that said you only need it for the override so you could just set it up without the override then peruse the settings in the modem itself but using DHCP Force before you start is the easiest way...
you dont need to go too that much troble to find the tffp server.

just look in network connections status details or even easyer
go to start run type "cmd" then type "ipconfig /all"

the tftp server is the same IP as the DHCP server
Ah, I wasn't sure if that was always the case, it is with mine...

Probably worth mentioning there need to be no routers or anything in the way too -.o

Well, actually that /is/ possible but it would take around 13-14 hours to flash the whole thing!

Given you could make a max232 interface in a fraction of that time and the increased risk of something going wrong with a flash that size I decided against it, if you really want it it could be added though... (although only for the 2MB images, not sure where to put the other ones)

Was also thinking of building a very basic TFTP server into it and something to handle the flashing for you (assuming both cables are connected), thoughts on that?

think that would be great if had tftp server built in .
would it be possible to have an option to change and save password so we dont have to use the Infinite SetValue one cheers

You can just change the password in the box before you connect

You could also change them in firm-1-0.ini if you really wanted to

I will probably add functionality later on so that if you change them in the box it changes the values in the firmware ini file, I'm also going to add a manual option to the Area so people can put in their own frequency etc. if in Ireland or w/e, seems easier than asking for information for inclusion <rant>since nobody can be bothered to actually send me it it seems, had a couple of people asking about that and in both cases I've said email me the details for your area and I'll include it, never heard anything back though -.-</rant>

I'm seriously considering expanding it a bit, adding support for flashing full firmware images without a max232, it will take hours though (estimate 12.8 hours for a full 2MB file or around 6 hours for an upgrade image)

Also will add a TFTP server once I've perused the appropriate RFC, wouldn't need to be much, just select a file and have it return that one whatever is requested

I think a bare minimum terminal so you can control the modem yourself from the program wouldn't hurt too, I realise you can just use hyperterminal or telnet/putty but might as well have everything in one place

Probably start work on that in a day or two anyway so expect the final beta a couple of days after that
you dont need to go too that much troble to find the tffp server.

just look in network connections status details or even easyer
go to start run type "cmd" then type "ipconfig /all"

the tftp server is the same IP as the DHCP server

Yes, thats all fine and dandy if you have a modem thats ALREADY online, but what if you have just split you tv cable and have hooked up your freshly flashed ambit 250 that is not online yet because you have not put in a valid mac need to know your tftp ip address for these modems...if the modem is currently not online yet how do you get the tftp ip address...are you saying that you can pick this up with an offline modem ??...thats what i was asking, would the program be capable of picking up the tftp ip address with an offline modem ?
Having an option to do away with the Max232 cable would be brilliant even if it takes 12 hours.

Also, any plans to incorporate newer firmware versions (after 2.67.1011) on the Ambit200? I have 2.67.1016 on the modem. Any way to reflash without Max232 cable (as I don't have it)?
