Xbox360 games on virgin newsgroups

ok im at 90% dune on this game now but have a ? where do we get the nzb files from then to put in garbit ..

binsearch or nzbsus or both

anyone ?
you did use stunnel to connect to the secure server?

**update** Sorry for the brief reply I was trying to do too many things at once again as usual lol... You need to use a program called stunnel if you wish to use grabit and connect to SSL secure server mate. You can download stunnel here mate... I keep things pretty up to date myself so am currently using stunnel 4.22 ;)

Here is a copy and paste of a set of instructions that will help you set it all up...

Use an SSL enabler. SSL enablers allow you to connect any program that does not natively support SSL to a server that requires encryption.

Giganews members can use the Giganews Accelerator™ software to encrypt their entire Usenet session with any newsreader client. THere is also a free program called stunnel that can offer similar functionality for Windows, MacOS X, and Linux.

Below are instructions for installing and configuring Stunnel for Windows. OSX and Linux users should visit for instructions on how to compile and configure Stunnel.

Stunnel setup (Windows)
Download the latest Windows Binaries from and install the program.
After installing, go to "Start>Programs>Stunnel>Install Service". You should receive confirmation that the service is installed.
Next, go to "Start>Programs>Stunnel>Edit stunnel.conf" Stunnel.conf is a plaintext file with all of Stunnel's options. Make these changes:

Find the line ";client = yes" and remove the semicolon ( ; ). A semicolon at the start of a line causes it to be ignored, which you want to override. Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

accept = 119
connect =

The service name in [brackets] can be anything. The "accept =" field is the port your Usenet client connects to, generally 119. The "connect =" field is the IP/domain and port of the secure server you are forwarding traffic to. Depending on your location, you may want to use instead. (obviously the connect information used above is for those using Giganews but for those that aren't just enter the IP/domain and port details for your secure server)

Save these changes and close stunnel.conf.
Go to "Start>Programs>Stunnel>Service Start" or "Run Stunnel". The program's icon should appear in the taskbar.
News Client Setup
These steps are not particular to any news client and should be simple changes in most clients.

Change the server address in the client settings to "" or "localhost". (in the case of Grabit right click on your server and select server properties and enter or localhost in the hostname setting)

Make sure the client is set to connect to the same port used in the "accept =" field in stunnel.conf. This will almost always be port 119.(this is Grabits port so all good here)

Save these changes. Test settings by updating headers or downloading an article. When you hover your mouse over the Stunnel icon, it should display "x session(s) active" where x is the number of connections you have configured in your client.

Hope this helps you out mate :)

Ok tried that and works:Cheers:
What are peoples experiences of ssl server speeds? I was only getting 400kb/s on the ssl server but the full 2400kb/s on the normal one.
Ok tried that and works:Cheers:
What are peoples experiences of ssl server speeds? I was only getting 400kb/s on the ssl server but the full 2400kb/s on the normal one.

In fairness Giganews actually warns its customers that there may be a decrease in speed when using stunnel..
There may be a detectable, but slight, decline in speed when using STunnel.
Although to be honest I dont personally suffer any noticable drop in at 470+ kbs on 4 meg service level.

Heres a copy and paste from Giganews faqs as to the reasoning of the slight reduction in speed...

Q.Why are my download speeds lower when I'm downloading through SSL?

A.SSL is a 256bit encryption algorithm. What this means is that data passed between Giganews and your computer includes extra code called an encryption key. This key must be encoded by Giganews before the data is sent to you and decoded by your computer once you receive the data. This additional data combined with the extra processing time to encode and decode the keys is the cause of the slight reduction in performance caused by SSL enabled newsgroups.
Like I say I didn't personally notice any difference in my speed but from what you posted you see quite a noticable difference :(
Go on, give it a try mate, just out of curiosity, go on, install it ;)

It's mindnumbingly complicated.

I need someone else to have experienced this.


oh go on then witchy I'll download it and give it a bash mate lol appealed to the curious side of my nature ;) lmao

ok im at 90% dune on this game now but have a ? where do we get the nzb files from then to put in garbit ..

binsearch or nzbsus or both

anyone ?

Up to you mate...binsearch is very handy as are most of the nzb sites mate... I use newzbin myself but it doesnt really matter where you get 'em so long as you can get 'em ;) lol ....just remember to watch the post dates because of the lack of retention using vm ;)
no need to put in any username or password.
this is handy for anyone who doesnt have newsgroup access, or who dont want to pay for it. but as im sure you are all aware the, you will get a better service if you pay for it.

and it's anonymous with a clone, saves typing in ur card details etc ..... nice one VM (didn't think i'd be saying that lol)
Anyone noticed the massively increased number of games being uploaded to abgx over past couple of days? ...I wonder if this is just a coincidence :err: lol

witchy where did you grab that newsmanager pro from mate?
witchy where did you grab that newsmanager pro from mate?

Do a raw search on mate, it's not indexed.

Newzbin is turning into a joke these days imo, they are missing shit loads of stuff.
Go on, give it a try mate, just out of curiosity, go on, install it

It's mindnumbingly complicated.

I need someone else to have experienced this.


:wtf: ...what a fookin' program that is mate :eek: Its got more options, icons, bows and bells than I care to name but to say this has an easy user interface is an absolute fookin' joke mate to be honest pmsl. Obviously I thumbled my way through to the odd grab but this program has already been removed from my system lol. mind numbingly complicated doesn't even go half way to summing this program up mate thats for sure.... fook me could you imagine a user new to the newsgroups and newsreader scene landing up with that as their entry program...I'd give up newsgroups all together and seek out the nearest torrent if I was in that position... pmsl ...I can see why you wanted someone else to have a look at it though kind of begs belief that a program such as this even exists lol.

The nfo was pi*s funny too having already experienced using the program....


Clean, easy to use interface
· Top-rated interface with full support for text AND binary
newsgroups. Designed not only to be good-looking, but also to
make browsing and downloading from Usenet easy and enjoyable

:eek: Where the fook did they get that from :err: lol
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well i have took the plunge and dumped giganews which is very good but a little expensive and gone with and i still max out on my 20meg and only costs £30 for six months unlimited with ssl :Clap:
the game i downloaded of useing grabit and the free vergin shit has 55 damaged files lol ...

fckin wast of time
the game i downloaded of useing grabit and the free vergin shit has 55 damaged files lol ...

fckin wast of time

If you can get your remote assistance sorted mate I'll be able to have a look for you :)

You can repair 55 damaged files easily providing there is enough recovery blocks...problem you got is its telling you that you have 55 damaged files in one place and yet in the main bar its stating repair not needed according to what you were saying on msn this morning mate.
If you can get your remote assistance sorted mate I'll be able to have a look for you :)

You can repair 55 damaged files easily providing there is enough recovery blocks...problem you got is its telling you that you have 55 damaged files in one place and yet in the main bar its stating repair not needed according to what you were saying on msn this morning mate.

ive never been able to repair that amount
ive never been able to repair that amount

I have mate :) ...they may only have 1 or 2 damaged/missing blocks from each file and you can often have over 250 recovery blocks available mate. It just depends how damaged they are to be honest...if they've all got 10 or 15 blocks damaged then no chance lol. I spent a few hours going through settings and stuff with partycan on msn last night but he has a strange problem I've not come across before...his main bar is saying repair not needed and yet the written info is still saying 55 damaged blocks lol. also I downloaded the first few of the 55 files and they were all good/complete my end :err: thought maybe it was one of those repairs where quickpar says that the repair is complete but then you need to either click rename or rejoin but as I cant connect to him for remote assistance it was all becoming difficult to sort add to the weirdness his rars had been renamed I assume via repair he had carried out previously but like I say without being able to physically see what he had there we were just going round in circles :(
its not lcking gd wizard....ive jst finished getting bioshock of torrent lol.....

got 3 more coming down now...

torrents are the way to got :proud:
its not lcking gd wizard....ive jst finished getting bioshock of torrent lol.....

got 3 more coming down now...

torrents are the way to got :proud:

You must be joking mate right? when have you ever had a maxed out connection on torrents or grabbed a game in a few hours from there? lol One bad experience and you throw in the towel? lol ...Get your remote assistance unblocked or find out what is blocking it and we'll get you sorted in no time mate ;)

Hmmm...maybe it's time for another poll...newsgroups vs torrents...I'm sure I already know the winner mate ;) lol
so u get 2.3mb a second all the time with torrents lol .. l dont think so ... newsgroups rules lol

they have my vote
Hmmm, I agree with some, I too use SSLwith giganews, call me cautious, but dont call me early for work :) but I think I will stay clear of them
I don't suppose I'm totally in the clear even though I've been using SSL from when giganews first introduced account was already reading as having downloaded 15 TB long before SSL came along :eek: lol.