Witchy passes 9000 posts

well done witchy mate ! is your keyboard not wearing out mate?
lol, cheers guys :)

I reckon I've maybe been banned 3 times so far, not sure, lol :err:

1st time I was banned by Davidh (I think) and it was a permenant ban, it was a long time ago and it got sorted out. The next 2 bans were just me being an idiot or as someone once said "You're an e-Thug".
FFS 9000 you gotta slow down so some of us can catch up!!!

i think he's got his new baby rocker near the keyboard and it just keeps replying to his secret posts some where.....lolol
well done Witchy :) thats some posting m8
Well done to the famous witchy2k1 from the haynes cable modem guide :proud: