Glitcher software for A82 and B0C



got this from elsewhere guys YOU NEED A GLITCHER MACHINE

Here in Canada, we can open Rom10 revision A81 and Rom11 revision B0C with a special glitcher machine (an old T-911 modded)

I wonder if somebody on your side have modified the original software to make it works with your A82 cards.
ive emailed the guy see if he will give me some more info etc

Hello everyone. I have modded T911 Loaders for sale.

themoddedloader@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
view some pics of my work check out this link:

I am selling these loaders for 80CDN / 75 USDeach. This price will be your

total price shipped. All of these loaders have been tested and do work.

2 or more loader orders will get a better price.

Loaders have a 2.2k 1.4 watt resistor and a switch with clearly marked ON
and OFF positions for flashing and unlocking.
If requested I can place a 5k ohm 15turn trimmer

Units will not come flashed, but are all easily flashed using XpAtmel.

Payments accepted are

International Blank Money order from the USA
Blank Money order from canada
Western Union( secure , safe and fast )
Cash by mail
Email Money transfer threw online banking ( secure and fast )
Participating Banks are : CIBC, Bank of Montreal, Bank of Nova Scotia, TD
Canada Trust and Royal Bank of Canada

Please email me at themoddedloader@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
your email to me please state how many loaders you would want and where

you are located so I can give you an estimated time of arival if you were

Warm Regards
There is the hardware, but you still need the software and slickvguy is the only one I saw so far. You have to pack those loaders very carefully because they may get bounced around pretty good going across the pond. Easy to break a pin. If your good with this stuff it'll work.
Sometimes it is easier to get someone else to do it if you only have one box. It sure would be better than taking the chips off the receiver. If there is a guy with the emm in the uk hopefully he speaks up.
Rom11 unlocker both Providers Bev and Dish B0C and B8A


Rom11 unlocker both Providers Bev and Dish B0C and B8A

Rev Boc and B8a!!!
Read me!!!

Thanx to Toys and Rek!!!!

Cardcoders is a very interesting forum, with a lot of intelligent programmers, it’s a shame the UK doesn’t have a site to match this; I can see our methods are many years behind that of the Canadians. It just shows if you work together most things are possible. I encourage everyone to have a good read through there forums.
Hello gentlemen.

First, I would like to thank the mods for granting me the opportunity to post here, so that I can clear up a few misconceptions, and move on from there. If by some chance I break any of the rules here, please imform me in a civilized manner, and I will correct the situation. That's all it takes.

1) I was not really banned by CC, rather I was LOCKED-OUT. I do not want to get into the whole thing again, but here are the simple facts. I contributed many posts, discoveries, and a few scripts (such as VCC Analyzer) while a member at CC. Recently, because of a few separate events, I became worried about the legality of my posts. I started getting nervous that I might be in trouble. So, I regretfully asked CC to delete *ALL* of my posts. One of the admins there wrote me a PM to ask me why,a nd told me that they are very valuable posts, and that they preferred not to delete them. They never said that they would NOT delete them, only that they didn't want to. I told them of the legal concerns, and asked again for them to delete them. I never heard back from them. So the next day, I started deleting my posts one-by-one. About midway through, they pulled the plug on me. Now, they can claim all they want that I broke some rules, etc., and that that is why I was "banned", but the facts do not bear that out. Up until I started deleting my posts, there was no threat of being banned. it is not merely coincidence that at the very moment I started deleting all my posts, that they locked me out. CC was never my real home anyways, so it's no big deal. My "real home" is a tiny forum with private membership, but I have moved around throughout the years. I don't plan on posting too much of a technical nature any more, because I am worried about getting into trouble. I have become too "popular" for my won good, and that was never my intention.

2) I can unlock all ROM10 and ROM11 cards, regardless of provider. This is accomplished through a combination of a modified HU Loader (the "glitcher"), and custom software. I am using proprietary flash code for the Atmel 2313 in the glitcher, in conjunction with proprietary WinExplorer scripts that I developed.

3) If one is so inclined, and has the ability, unlocking the Euro ROM11's is definitely within reach. What you need to do is study the BEV and DN ROM11 scripts, and make a few important changes, and it'll work. You also need the hardware, the Atmel flash code, and the winexplorer script. My technique is much more advanced than what is available to the public at the moment, but you can still do it with the public technique. But the PROCESS itself is very similar to unlocking BEV B0C or DN B8A.

4) Unlocking ROM10's @ RevA82 is entirely another story. The technique used is different from the ROM11, and is complex. The ROM11 is harder to open, but easier to figure out HOW to do it. The ROM10's are easier to open, but much harder to figure out how to do it. So I suggest, if you are looking to try and unlock on your own, you should start with the ROM11's (not the ROM10's).

5) I would be pleased to try and answer questions, but because of the afore-mentioned legal concerns, I will not get too technical about it.

6) I have had a HUGE response for unlocking cards from the UK. I have never had a dissatisfied customer. everyone who has ever dealt with me knows how seriously I take customer satisfaction. Every trasnaction has gone smoothly, and I have received MANY e-mails full of praise from happy "customers". All the money I raise from unlocking cards is donated to my local children's hospital. Some very cynical people on another forum have made horrible remarks regarding this fundraising, without a shred of evidence to back them up. Frankly, I don't care if you believe me or not. There would be nothign wrong with me charging money and keeping it for myself. But I have NEVER charged anyone for anything in the testing comunity, and I thiought that this was a good way to help the kids out and help the testers out at teh same time. I do make some money on the side by RESELLING cards, but I've only done that for a few months, and it'll probably stop very soon.

I think that covers all the bases.

Welcome aboard slickvguy :- I’m sure all of us will benefit immensely by your presence.

Very detailed 1st post and I admire your contributions to your local children’s hospital. Keep up the good work!!
welcome slickvguy obviousley the problem we have here is the modded loader to glitch not avliable in the uk and also the emm that cracks the rom11 boc obviousley you have that magic info any pointers in what we are looking for in our logs?
edited..sorry this post was not appropriate for this thread..
slickvguy im sure that you are relieved that you have found out at this stage of how the cooky would of crumbled if the heat got i for one think that by watching the backdoor while the front door gets kicked in is a wise move for any person who is not flavour of the month with cc or sat companies// self censorship is good for you ha ha
Welcome aboard slickvguy, please have patience with us as i understand that we are a bit behind the times compared to what you are use to.
We are generally a friendly comunity and im sure we would be the ones to benifit from your patronage.
jimmyp said:
welcome slickvguy obviousley the problem we have here is the modded loader to glitch not avliable in the uk and also the emm that cracks the rom11 boc obviousley you have that magic info any pointers in what we are looking for in our logs?

1) Glitcher: Maybe I'm missing something, but what's the problem with ordering it from Canada or the USA? It's a small device, that shouldn't get too much attention. They are relatively cheap, and available from a number of sources. The PowerSync will do the trick. But this is for true testers only. If somone has 1 card, it's not worth the money and trouble - unless they're doing it for the FUN/LEARNING.

2) It is *NOT* an EMM that you use to unlock the B0C. Well, actually, you DO need an EMM to send to the card to zero numbugs. But it's backdoor CMD $D7's that you need to glitch, in order to write different keys to the card. Once those keys are changed, then you send an EMM encrypted for those keys in order to zero numbugs. CMD$D7 is not an EMM.
Welcome to the forums Slickvguy, I’m glad you decided to join world of digital, I’m sure you will get a much warmer response here than at some of the other UK forums.

I have had a read through some of the posts on CardCoders and what you guys are doing over there is certainly the way forwards. I still have a lot to read through though.
A lot of the people on this board haven’t even heard about what Glitching is and how it works. Are there any tutorials you can point us in the direction of?
2) It is *NOT* an EMM that you use to unlock the B0C. Well, actually, you DO need an EMM to send to the card to zero numbugs. But it's backdoor CMD $D7's that you need to glitch, in order to write different keys to the card. Once those keys are changed, then you send an EMM encrypted for those keys in order to zero numbugs. CMD$D7 is not an EMM

ok lets say we can get a glitcher,then obviousley the million dollar question is where is the CMD$D7 found?slickvguy mosts brits would probably love it if you wrote a small tutorial dont give your secrets out youve worked out yourself just a few pointers would be very handy
BTW you are on the most frendliest forums in the uk mate lol
You don't really need any tutorials. You can use the flash that is publicly available, and the hardware design that is being sold as is. It's all been done for you! You can thank an incredible h/w guy by the name of "no1b4me". His contributions to the NA testing scene (DTV and Nagra) are legendary.

I dug up the following that was buried DEEP in my archives. It was written by AOL6945, a great tester who got busted, and rumour has it is now working (enslaved to?) DTV. Probably one of the best posts ever written on glitching. Keep in mind that it was written quite a long time ago, and is re: DTV cards (the HU) - not Nagra. But the concepts are still valid today. Enjoy.


Technical Aspects of Glitching

Glitch Definition
What is a glitch? There are two main signals going into the card that we can control from the outside. First is the card's power supply, Vcc. It is supposed to be a DC value of a constant 5V. Second is the card's clock signal, which is supposed to be a square wave alternating between 5V and 0V with a frequency of 4.608MHz. A glitch can be defined as any intentional sharp change in either of these signals.

One type of glitch that can be delivered is the voltage glitch. For this glitch, the input voltage (Vcc) to the card is dropped to a middle value (around 2.5V) for approximately 1/2 of a clock cycle or less. (In a few cases, longer, approaching 1 clock cycle).

Another type of glitch that can be delivered is the clock glitch. For this glitch, the clock signal is sped up to around 4x it's normal frequency (in this case, approximately 18.432MHz), for approximately 1 "normal" clock cycle. This causes the clock signal to go through 4 alternating transitions during the time period when it would have normally only gone through one.

Glitch Effects
What do these glitches do to the card? Each of them affects the card slightly differently:

The clock glitch can have an effect on internal registers/data latches within the card. Most data latches or registers consist of D Flip-Flops. For a D FF to latch a value (a bit), the bit must be present on the D input for a certain period of time (known as the set-up time, or hold time). If the D FF is clocked before the bit has been present at the D input for a long enough period of time, the D FF will fail to latch that bit. When the clock is sped up in a clock glitch, any registers/data latches in the microprocessor that are due to latch a valus from an internal data bus will likely fail to latch that value, resulting in no data movement to the intended register. Virtually any internal register in the microprocessor can be affected like this, including the A and B registers, and most importantly, the Program Counter (PC).

The voltage glitch can have a similar effect. Both TTL and CMOS logic elements require that an input voltage be in a certain range in order to recognize a value as a logic "1" or logic "0". If the voltage is out of range, the effect on the logic element will not be as intended. For a standard 5V logic system, voltages above 3.8V or so are considered a logic "1", and voltages below 0.8V are considered a logic "0". In a voltage glitch, the voltage across all circuits in the card is dropped to the "no-mans-land" middle range of 2.5V or so. Logic elements like those in flip-flops are attempting to sample a value and latch it, but are now forced to deal with a value that is neither a 1 nor a 0. The result is that they usually fail to latch a new value, and simply retain their old one. This can cause the same effect as the clock glitch - a failure to move data to a different register inside the microprocessor.

Using Glitches Effectively
OK, so now that we know what a glitch does and how it does it, how do we use this to our advantage? When the card starts up, it begins executing it's software program in ROM. Naturally, the program is intended to only perform certain functions and disallow all others. These glitches, however, if applied to the card during it's execution of a certain machine instruction, can cause that instruction to fail to do what it was supposed to do. This can cause the card to behave in a manner inconsistent with it's intended function.

Glitches like this are used in the HU loading process to do a few things that allow a bootloader to be loaded onto the card. Once the bootloader (which is a short program running in RAM) is loaded and has control, the bootloader will communicate with the outside world instead of the card's routines, and allow unconditional reads and writes.

WildThing Unlooper/Atmel Code Glitching Capabilities
The standard WildThing-style loader/unlooper delivers different variations of these glitches to the card upon command. The Atmel on the unlooper has 5 different glitches it can deliver:

Cmd 0A: Clock glitch. Speeds up clock to 4x normal value for 1/2 of a normal clock clock cycle. Not used during HU loading.

Cmd 0B: Voltage glitch. Drops voltage to the DAC value for 1/2 of a normal card clock cycle. Not used during HU loading. This is the glitch used to "boot" black sunday H cards.

Cmd 09: Glitch voltage and clock simultaneously for 1 full card clock cycle. Used as the 1st glitch in the HU loading process.

Cmd 0C: Glitch voltage and clock simultaneously, delay a few clock cycles, and then glitch the voltage and clock simultaneously again. Used as the 2nd/3rd glitch in the HU loading process. The H-card version of the Atmel code does not glitch the clock with this command, it glitches voltage only.

Cmd 0D: Glitch clock, delay a few clock cycles, and then glitch voltage. Used primarily in H unlooping process by all H unlooping programs.

As you can see, the Atmel code can do several different variations of glitching on the card.

Glitch Timing
Even though we have all of this capability to apply the glitches, they will not at all cause the card to do what we want unless they are perfectly timed. By perfect timing, I mean that not only does the glitch have to come on a certain clock cycle, but that the glitch pulse must be applied at a certain point within the clock cycle in order to be effective. This is what the daughterboard is used for on real HU loaders. The daugherboard moves the glitch pulses into the clock cycle a little more than a standard unlooper will deliver. This is more effective on the HU cards.

The HU glitch sequence to get the bootloader on the card has such critical timing that it was necessary for the HU loader developers to modify several parts of the Atmel code to adjust the glitch timing. Even the serial byte send/receive routines were modified to make the glitch timing come out correctly. What this boils down to is that the HU glitch sequence is really only barely delivered by the Atmel and the current glitching hardware.

Two factors can be spoken of when talking about the hardware's glitching capabilities. One is the glitch accuracy. Glitch accuracy is the ability to place a glitch where you want it. The Atmel can be programmed through it's assembly code to place a glitch at 1/2 card clock cycle accuracy. This actually isn't enough for the HU card, and that's why the daughterboard had to be added. When instructed through external software via unlooper protocol, however, the Atmel can only place a glitch within about 4 card clock cycles of the desired location, far too inaccurate for HU glitching, and also causes H unlooping to be somewhat hit-or-miss.

Worse for the Atmel is the other factor, the glitch resolution. Glitch resolution is the frequency which glitches can be applied to the card as well as the glitch pulse width. The Atmel, even if programmed in hardcoded assembly, can only place glitches at 1/2 clock cycle positions and the pulse widths must be in multiples of 1/2 clock cycle. This doesn't affect the HU loading too much, but is too inaccurate for HU unlooping.

I am of the opinion that HU unlooping will not be possible with current hardware because of those factors.

The reason that glitch timing is so critical is that in order to cause a machine instruction executing on the card to fail in a manner that you want, you must glitch at a particular clock cycle of it's execution. For example, the H card's "cjne" instruction takes 12 H card clock cycles to execute. A voltage glitch on clock cycle 10 of that instructon will cause the instruction to not ever take the jump, regardless of the values being compared. (This is how black sunday H cards are "booted"). Glitching on clock cycle 9 or 11 will not do this. This should show everyone that glitching and unlooping is not about "confusing the cards protection", or "stuffing the fixbin on the card". It's about perfectly timed, scientific methods to alter the cards program execution in a favorable way. A single clock cycle of error, and the bootloader doesn't go on the card.

HU Loading Specifics and Dangers
The HU card load sequence uses 3 glitches to get a bootloader on the card.

Appication of a glitch during ATR to cause the card to dump RAM. The RAM keys are recovered from the dump. (Glitch 1)

Send an INS 5E to the card to set up some registers, and at the end of the INS 5E, apply two critical glitches to prevent those registers from being overwritten with other values. (Glitches 2 and 3)

Send an INS 4C to write some values into RAM, pre-encrypting those values with the RAM key so that when they're stored in RAM, the encryption is reversed, and they're in RAM in plaintext form.

The bytes you just sent form a new stack, which makes some calls to allow some more bytes to be read in - the pre-bootloader.

When the prebootloader gets control, send the bootloader.

When the bootloader has control, you're ready to send commands to read and write EEPROM at will.

The glitches sent after the INS 5E are the glitches that are the most critical, and they're the glitches that are displayed in all the HU loading software ... i.e. "8C 1A", "8E 1A", etc. The 8C or 8E is the DAC value being used (voltage value for the glitch). The 1A is the delay between glitches 2 and 3. The glitch type being used in the Cmd 0C, which glitches voltage and clock, twice.

Now, there is another sequence of glitches in the HU software, the "8C 8E", "8E 8E" glitches, which have a different delay value of 8E instead of 1A. I traced this out in the HU code, and as far as I can tell, the 8E glitches are mistimed. They attempt to glitch at a different point than the 1A glitch, which could be successful, as the instruction they're trying to glitch would stop the register values from being overwritten, but the 8E glitch is off by about 4 clock cycles. I have a nagging feeling that this is one thing that can loop a card during the loading process.

The HU card is also extremely sensitive to the DAC value. A difference in the DAC voltage of 0.02 volts can mean the difference in whether a card will glitch successfully or not. This is why people are suggesting digital power supplies, etc. to try and get the cards to load. In reality, if the software would simply adjust it's DAC value to a voltage that works for your card/loader/power supply combination, it wouldn't matter. But everything is currently based off of HUPro, which tries these 8A, 8C, 8E DAC values only.

TurboUnloop and my Experience
Someone earlier in the thread asked what my experience was with TU and how many glitches I got a card to take. Well, thankfully, I only had 1 casualty during the development of TU - I Black Sunday'd a perfectly good H card. (Actually I didn't do it, SU2v2 did). But hey, that's life.

However, I do have 1 Black Sunday card that I test TU with. Every beta version and release version of TU has been developed, tested, and verified with this 1 card that I continue to intentionally loop and unloop with several different "killer" images that I have. This one BS card has been intentionally looped and unlooped over 200 times, and it still works.

Finally - An Answer to the Original Question
The original question of the thread was if cards are permanently damaged by extended or excessive glitching. That's a difficult question to answer given that we don't have any compilation of data. However, I view it like this:

Potential Damage to the Silicon
There is some possibility for damage to the silicon chip itself (physical damage) when a glitch goes awry. This would happen perhaps if the chip hardware were trying to write to EEPROM when a voltage glitch was applied. Performing an EEPROM write uses a good deal of current, and depends on a high-voltage generator circuit that is on board the silicon. This circuit makes 12V power from the 5V input, and the 12V power is used when writing to EEPROM. When voltage is glitched, this circuit is starved for power, and the resulting currents in some parts of the circuit can be too high, causing traces on the silicon to overload, overheat, and burn out, not unlike a fuse. The end result of this would be a card that can no longer write to EEPROM, thus making it useless. There are other mechanisms in the silicon that can potentially cause physical damage. However, I view these possibilites as low, since it requires a significant conicidence of circumstances to cause these problems.

Potential Damage to the EEPROM
A far higher possibility from extended glitching is further corrupting the EEPROM. As was stated above, if the glitches aren't properly timed, the results will not be what we want. Further, the resulting program flow through the card will be altered from what we intended to happen, possibly resulting in an unintentional EEPROM write. If that write occurs and corrupts values in EEPROM that are necessary for proper functioning of the card, it will likely loop the card. This occurs often with people using marginal hardware, because the glitch timing and voltage are off from what is intended. Combine this with the 8E glitches and you have a recipe for looping the card.

So, the bottom line on that is, if you have a good loader that is able to glitch the card on the 1st or 2nd shot every time, the question is moot. It is a non-issue. You will never have to worry about the effects of extended glitching on the card, because you're not ever glitching the card more than once or twice at a time.

If you have hardware that has to glitch the card for a long period to get in, you're going to loop some cards. That is not because the glitches are hurting the card, it's because your hardware is misapplying the glitches, causing random EEPROM writes.

Well, I believe I've covered everything. This should give you some insight into glitching and why it's not black magic. It's and exact and scientific process.


To all the newbies out there, This is one of the greatest minds in our hobby. You can take his words of wisdom or you can keep looping cards. All you need to do is read read read before asking so many questions.

Thanx to aol6945
So far I like the way this is going. Working together, not against each other, I tip my hat to all you guys, if I wore one. Lots can get done.