Need to borrow £15 via Paypal

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Hmm, it's been 2 months since I loaned you this cash mate, what happened to the payback in 2 or 3 days??

these people always remember getting the money, "but get a touch of amnesia at payback time"
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Ach, I'm sure it's slipped his mind, he's a good member.

A little poke in the ribs should jog his memory. :)
ok m8 keep it of the forum until you find out what is going on and then let us know
oversight in my book for now anyway, not much cash really for a scam or theft.

im sure it'll get payed back once he gets the dig in the ribs.

he still needs a kick in the nads though by way of compensation.
to be honest i dont think that asking for cash is something that should be allowed on here. i'm not saying the guy wil or wont pay but its just not appropriate imo.
could lead to allsorts of sh!t
what ive seen of nizzex he looks a genuine member, im pretty sure this is an oversight somehow and he'll be hugely embarresed by this when he logs on and itll be sorted out pretty quick
what ive seen of nizzex he looks a genuine member, im pretty sure this is an oversight somehow and he'll be hugely embarresed by this when he logs on and itll be sorted out pretty quick

Yer, I totally agree mate, I'm sure he's a solid member of DW and things will be sorted as soon as he logs on, I've obviously sent him a PM, just awaiting a reply.

Guys, please refrain from any negative comments, I'm not here to slate the fella as I'm certain he's one of DW's better members, we all forget shit sometimes.
anything could of happend in this guys life, i lost my baby girl last october and owed alot of money out to various people and got tons of crad for it when i came back online... but sorting things like that out were way down the list.
Im sure he will pay up, :)
yeah we all forget things sometimes!

some of the comments are a little harsh on a good member :(, that might of just forgotten.
i wans't putting the member down. but i do remember seein the post originally and thinking it wast right to be asking for cash.
but witchy was kind enough to lend him the money and now he has to ask in open forum for his money back?

its allright sayin "oh i forgot" when you get chinned for money that was lent to you, but i know it's crap to have to ask for it back when youve lent it.

ffs you dont forget something like that
If I borrow money from a friend, the first thing I do is pay it back when I've got it...I'd be too embarrased NOT to.

If he couldn't pay the money back immediately, then he should've let you know ASAP.

True, £15 is not a lot of money, the loss in trust is worth a damn sight more than that.
@ Witchy...I really hope you tried to contact by other means first before posting it in the forum for all & sundry to see.

my $0.02
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@ Witchy...I really hope you tried to contact by other means first before posting it in the forum for all & sundry to see.

my $0.02

im sure witchy did all that before naming and shaming someone , but even if he hadn't the onus was on the lender
Nah sorry...

Nizzex - "Last Activity: Today 14:08"

I don't care what anyone says...
An oversight.
Forget about things.
Slipped his mind etc

If I borrow money from a friend, the first thing I do is pay it back when I've got it...I'd be too embarrased NOT to.

My word is my bond, if I say I'm going to do something...I'll bloody well do it.
If I couldn't pay the money back immediately, then the person I'd borrowed it from would be informed as sson as poss (although this has never happened).

True, £15 is not a lot of money, the loss in trust is worth a damn sight more than that.
@ Witchy...I really hope you tried to contact by other means first before posting it in the forum for all & sundry to see.

my $0.02

People make mistakes, we all forget things, it's only human.

I'm 100% certain that it's an oversight.

I sent the pm AFTER he logged on today, I also created the public reply at the same time as a sort of guarantee/proof that I had issued notice.
ive lent nizzex some cash well more than £15 i think i lent him about 60

he paid it back

just give him some time
ive lent nizzex some cash well more than £15 i think i lent him about 60

he paid it back

just give him some time

I know u did mate, the fella's cool.

It's a simple mistake.
You'll be getting it back, he's a genuine bloke. Of course you knew that, or you wouldn't have done it.
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