Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits

This thread is shit, your argueing over something we will never likely prove.. heres a test for you though..

Bit windy outside but, undo your zip and remove your snake taking care not to scrape it on the lower zip.. now proceed to dispense liquid whilst attempting to in a straight line.

Further notice - Males only.. Women use a funnel. Also try not using 2 hands.

I guess I won't be able to try that test then..............:Smokin:
right back at ye ;)

i need a funnel sharpish

english please dont upset nara he is old and set in his ways i cant believe he is on a computer to be honest. But then again he probably still thinks its a typewriter.
God is this still going on ? . At the end of the day unless some people were on that lunar lander at the time then they are not going to believe it happened no matter what . I guess there is no definite proof either way so is it going to change your life in any way ? I doubt it so why worry about it ? If it happened it happened if it didn't ,Who cares ?
Oh and by the way i'm a year older than Nara i think , Does that mean we can't turn a dvd recorder on without getting some 10 year old kid to come in and do it for us ,OR use a computer ?
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english please dont upset nara he is old and set in his ways i cant believe he is on a computer to be honest. But then again he probably still thinks its a typewriter.

understood, but lets not be seen to gang up on nara ;p

charlie, as far as i'm concerned its all a bit of fun, i fully accept that some people think differently to me and there's nothing i can do about it. that's life as Esther Rantzen once said . but dont expect me to take a bite on the arse without giving one back

English i like you and i know you like to get into these conspiracy type things and as far as i've seen nobody has had a go at anyone for believing what they want to ,but to have a go at nara (not you btw) and try to belittle him because of his age is a no no as far as i'm concerned . I don't believe it was a conspiracy but i'm open to everyones arguments on the subject and it makes good reading lol
All I can say is ......

Im realy sorry for recording over the moon landings, Debbie does Dallas was on and i had to recored it for future reference.
Its not like You can buy it in Roll tape form of beta-max any more.

All I can say is ......

Im realy sorry for recording over the moon landings, Debbie does Dallas was on and i had to record it for future reference.
Its not like You can buy it in Roll tape form or beta-max any more.

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English i like you and i know you like to get into these conspiracy type things and as far as i've seen nobody has had a go at anyone for believing what they want to ,but to have a go at nara (not you btw) and try to belittle him because of his age is a no no as far as i'm concerned . I don't believe it was a conspiracy but i'm open to everyones arguments on the subject and it makes good reading lol

well nara asked for that as per usual by his no need bitching peoples posts like an annoying parrot.

if u was at school and u constantly acted like a nurk everyone would turn against u its the same thing .

he should be more careful about what he posts in regards to the subject and with respect to his peers instead of this constant blurting.

i ve tried to be nice to nara, it hasn't worked. so i'm not any more.

i llike you Charlie also, see i'm not ignorant :) I for one respect my elders, that deserve it. My children understand the same. And you missed a few threads where Nara was quite happy to gang up on me with his girlfriends, and anyone else who doesn't agree with him.

Thats in no way a dig at u Charlie, respect.
well nara asked for that as per usual by his no need bitching peoples posts like an annoying parrot.

if u was at school and u constantly acted like a nurk everyone would turn against u its the same thing .

he should be more careful about what he posts in regards to the subject and with respect to his peers instead of this constant blurting.

i ve tried to be nice to nara, it hasn't worked. so i'm not any more.

Personally I just ignore Nara for all the above reasons!
I like Nara and his smug grandfatherliness ;)

give that man a big fuc*ing briar pipe.

Yeah but smug is not all knowing,contrary to what he thinks!

Look if people wanna get bitchy then I'll say this. I don't always disagree with some of the things Nara says BUT his attitude and the way he posts them are disgusting. Its a case of my way or the highway and I think its this attitude that offends people.
He seems to get away with a lot of inflammatory posts that others wouldn't.
Yeah but smug is not all knowing,contrary to what he thinks!

Look if people wanna get bitchy then I'll say this. I don't always disagree with some of the things Nara says BUT his attitude and the way he posts them are disgusting. Its a case of my way or the highway and I think its this attitude that offends people.
He seems to get away with a lot of inflammatory posts that others wouldn't.

let it go mucker. life's too short :)

he must be a mason :D

it takes one to know one m8.
It all looks a bit bitchy to me.
If we can't have a bit of banter in a debate then what is the point?
If we all agreed it would be a helluva boring site.
It all looks a bit bitchy to me.
If we can't have a bit of banter in a debate then what is the point?
If we all agreed it would be a helluva boring site.

Banter is fine but insulting posts are not. Where do you draw the line on it?

Nara gets away with a lot more than normal posters would. Post count, time on here...mods turn a blind eye!
Been doing a search on here for his posts and find it interesting. It always seems to be that he is in the right and everyone else is wrong. But its not just a case of trying to put his point across, he does it insultingly with his posts. Yet for the reasons above,he gets away with it.

I don't have a problem with him, I just ignore him now but I can see why other people are complaining.
He'll do his usual trick tomorrow when he reads this. Try to accuse me of being someone else and then keep bumping various threads hoping someone will notice.
Don't know why he does it but he does. He's had it in for me ever since I joined and dared to disagree with him on something.