MAC Sniffer (Digitalworldz Edition)


I have just used this mac cniffer and it worked great sniffed loads of macs I have only tried one of them but it works great
hey guys, not been working on it last 2 days (my willem arrived :) lol so been restoring my modems, finally got use my own software LOL)

will work on the features today, should have it up later or 2moro morning.
just to let you all know ive planned out how to do all the changes, im gonna alter the way the program works so its gonna take me longer than originally hoped, probably be monday now after its tested.

the only thing ive not planned out yet is the automatic shut down, every other suggested feature will be implemented. i will be looking at the shut down feature then after the release (not that its a crap feature, its quite tidy, its just not an essential one at the mo)

luckily after working with a few ppl on here (mainly martsmall and nozzer) all the packet issues for both ntl/tw and corrupted packets have been fixed, so i good base to work with now.

will keep you all up to date, thanks for the input guys.
Jesus...i go away for a couple of days and i come back to this !!!! BRILLIANT work solster, another credit to digital world !!! and a thorn in the side of VM ;)
@ Vista Users

Are you able to see the text box for entering the mac address? a couple of ppl have said they cant see it, im using xp and its fine with me so im guessing its only on vista? or are other xp users unable to see it ?
Are you able to see the text box for entering the mac address? a couple of ppl have said they cant see it, im using xp and its fine with me so im guessing its only on vista? or are other xp users unable to see it ?

am using XP and able to see it fine, you are talking about the box at the top - to the left of discover? if it is then yep.
think it might be down to which themes your are running.
i think on the normal windows xp theme it'll probably be fine ill just check and report back, because with my custom theme i cant see it but its obviously there because shows up when i click sort of thing.

EDIT: yeah was invisible on luna theme

But on windows xp default theme was pure white box and visible.
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yeah i can see the box no probs using xp pro,but just one
question can you use this on a subbed aswell as a cloned modem
using the default theme aswell

when we scan for macs with this software can we use them or is it 2 use them to swap

@john, you can use them mate, sometime u are unlucky and will need to try a few, the next release will sort that out.

@everyone else, please listen to hackmax, you can use a subbed modem, but i suggest against it. i ALSO strongly recommend against more than 1 bruteforce per 5min, VM will more than likely be able to log it and 255 requests per bruteforce will stand out if it is abused - and VM will more that likely know this tool is about now....

this will also be fixed in the next release.

ive been getting everything ready for moving house so there is a delay with the next release, i promise it will be good, so please dont over use the current beta, if u get a couple of macs that work, please leave it at that.
solster;1087318 said:
if u get a couple of macs that work, please leave it at that.

Indeed, dont be greedy !

A couple of working Macs is all you need. Start hammering it and you may end up with problems. Also, as suggested dont run more than once in any 5 min period (I'd actually suggest no more than 3 or 4 runs in any 24 hour period).

Dont just try random Macs. You are wasting opertunity and bringing notice to yourself. Start with a known mac if possible and if not then at least try to use a mac within the ranges used by the modem you are trying to get a mac for (all manufacturers use specific mac ranges).
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All the Macs this scanner has picked up are on my own gateway.. unable to stay on for more than a minute...

Would there be a chance of adding a feature whereas you could enter the TFTPIP and scan that for macs??
All the Macs this scanner has picked up are on my own gateway.. unable to stay on for more than a minute...
Would there be a chance of adding a feature whereas you could enter the TFTPIP and scan that for macs??

will look into it mate, probably wont be implement in time for next release thou.
her's a sugeston

can you ad so that it trys random macs but does them al

start at the first and do 255 but not in order

also can you add a second part of the mac ass wel ?

hi guys sorry about this how do you get it to work can you give me some info
on how to use it plz you can pm if you what

All the Macs this scanner has picked up are on my own gateway.. unable to stay on for more than a minute...
Would there be a chance of adding a feature whereas you could enter the TFTPIP and scan that for macs??

How do you know they area and that your not just being subjected to virgins new mac blacklisting methods.

Are you using the recently scanned mac with adam's firmware or infinite. If infinite i'll bet my bottom dollar those macs your trying will work on adam's. And that it might not be that they are from your ubr segment.

I think its more likely youll get one from your ubr segment if you put your mac in as a base one, as opposed to a mates from a different ubr segment.
her's a sugeston
can you ad so that it trys random macs but does them al
start at the first and do 255 but not in order
also can you add a second part of the mac ass wel ?

Any reasons? Or just for the fun of it?

I dont understand your second bit Can you add a second part of the mac aswell? what do you mean by that?