If you get a parking ticket dispute it


Inactive User
Nov 28, 2008
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i got so many tickets i have been dubed ticket master by my mates if you ever get a parking ticket make sure to dispute it need any advice just ask i have only paid for 2 tickets the rest i have managed to get off here is an example of 1 that i have been let off on

this ticket i received in balham south london

On the 16th of July I was driving my car I had my baby on board with me when the baby was crying very loudly I am a parent I am obliged to stop my car in a safe place and check that the baby is ok and nothing serious is making him cry. It is not fair for me to be penalized for trying to fulfil my parental responsibility I am very sorry for this contravention .I made sure I parked in a safe place without causing any obstructions can you please excuse me on this occasion and cancel this PCN.

i have also received 1 in holbourn, camden, islington, westminister, Kentish town

The parking wardens are vultures waiting to ticket you make sure to dispute it should save you money.
Parking wardens are satans window cleaners., but why are you getting as many tickets in the 1st place?

Wouldn't it be a good idea to buck up your ideas and start parking legally?
Whilst i can see how ingenious this is for getting out of paying a parking fine it makes more sense to park with a little more care, some of the people who unlawfully park near my home who do it regularly really cheese me off cos i have to go streets away to park, there is a reason behing the fines after all as much as i hate to say it.

does not matter what you do you are bound to get a ticket i received a ticket once for a pcn i did not even receive the wardens a on a quota every day so if you happen to be the unfortunate victim then you should put in a dispute and not pay it
does not matter what you do you are bound to get a ticket

That's weird, as the only time I ever got a parking ticket was when I parked somewhere I shouldn't have.

Any time I've taken care to park legally I've never had a ticket and I doubt many other people have.
i got so many tickets i have been dubed ticket master by my mates if you ever get a parking ticket make sure to dispute it need any advice just ask

You sound proud of the fact.

It's bad enough when people park in the disabled bays without a blue badge and then I have to park right at the other end of the car park where theres 2 spaces free besides each other so i can get my door fully open to get out and take the long painful walk back - but then you've got the other people who think double yellows and sunken curbs are ok to park across so if I'm on crutches or mothers pushing prams have to get off a high curb and take a chance when the other **** that think the speed limit doesn't apply to them either, come shooting blindly around the corner.

Is it just arragance or do you actually apply somewhere for a special license that makes you different from everybody else?
I have never got one, I always park legally. I would hate thought of coming back to my car to find it clamped or impounded.
I have never got one, I always park legally. I would hate thought of coming back to my car to find it clamped or impounded.

I got one in Glasgow city centre circa 1992.

I saw a spot out side a shop I was going into and I bumped my car up onto the pavement slightly, hit my hazard lights and ran into the shop. The shop was empty and I went straight to the till, paid for my item and left.

Lo' and behold, there was the Traffic Warden sticking the pink slip onto my car, lol.
I've only ever had one ticket... And that was parked outside a customers house In Blackpool without a permit... Even though I was above him (ladder) when writting it.. Didn't appeal against it as the customer paid my fine :).
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I got one in Glasgow city centre circa 1992.

I saw a spot out side a shop I was going into and I bumped my car up onto the pavement slightly, hit my hazard lights and ran into the shop. The shop was empty and I went straight to the till, paid for my item and left.

Lo' and behold, there was the Traffic Warden sticking the pink slip onto my car, lol.

lol, I reckon they morph out of the road T2 style, and with as much heart. You don't stand a chance
That's weird, as the only time I ever got a parking ticket was when I parked somewhere I shouldn't have.

Any time I've taken care to park legally I've never had a ticket and I doubt many other people have.

Only ever had one too, parked in my local town centre over a disabled parking bay, i didnt spot it cos i was in a hurry and didnt look properly, the markings on the road had gone, but there was a sign which i missed...It's a fair cop...lol

Otherwise i am generally considerate.

Central london is notorious for unfair parking tickets
I have never recieved a parking ticket but then I only park where I am supposed to even when in London.

Got a fine from aldis when they changed the 2 hour to 1 1/2 hours but my fault for not reading the signs.

If you can't be bothered to park correctly then just pay the fine, what makes you different from the rest of us ???
I once got a parking ticket for parking in a mother and baby parking bay at Tesco's! private company expecting me to give em £40! i think not!
I once got a parking ticket for parking in a mother and baby parking bay at Tesco's! private company expecting me to give em £40! i think not!

Were you a mother with a baby?.......or were you just being selfish and inconsiderate?
That's weird, as the only time I ever got a parking ticket was when I parked somewhere I shouldn't have.

Any time I've taken care to park legally I've never had a ticket and I doubt many other people have.

Lol. Thats just what i was thinking.
I once received a notice to owner i rebuked it they then claimed it was a fault of the traffic warden as he apparently handed me the PCN what load of bull but the did cancel the ticket but did not admitt that they were at fault
Its become a lot better now. To be honest its been a very long time since I got a parking ticket unfairly. There was a time when I used to get them everyday.

I think there is a rant of me getting one when I drove away and the warden claimed he handed it to me. Most of my tickets came when I went over the alloted time by a few minutes or so, max i think about 5 minutes.

But recently, I got a ticket on a night out. Was a sunday night at 11pm on edgware road, didnt think it would still apply but i should have read the signs (who reads signs at that tme)...but anyway, i called up a few days later to pay, the guy goes its been cancelled because they got a digit wrong on my license number (i didnt even notice). A few years ago they wouldnt have said that.

I've only ever paid a few tickets...best one was when they towed my car away but i ended up getting compensation for camden council towing my car. Needless to say that car never gt a tickt or got towed away in camden ever again.

Now i just check every sign and read it twice and re-read it again. I hate it when im driving along and some idiot has parked where he is not supposed to and causing traffic queues a million miles back! (Taxi drivers!!!)
I once received a notice to owner i rebuked it they then claimed it was a fault of the traffic warden as he apparently handed me the PCN what load of bull but the did cancel the ticket but did not admitt that they were at fault

Some of the hillbillies on this forum have never tried to park in London so wouldn't have the faintest. It's way different from the rest of the country.