Gordon Brown 'stepping down as Labour leader'


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Aug 29, 2001
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Brown to step down as Labour leader

Gordon Brown has said he is stepping down as Labour Party leader.

Mr Brown, prime minister since 2007, said he wanted a successor to be in place by the time of the party's conference in September.

full story
BBC News - Gordon Brown 'stepping down as Labour leader'
Aye am watching it the now,,it was on the cards Rat.
He should do himself a favour and leave now and save any more hassle..
I agree hoppy :) save himself more embarrassment too
he standing down becuase he has tried every dirty trick in the book to cling to power.

Good riddence dont let the door hit your fat arse on the way out ya pr*k.

What dirty tricks has he tried? Cameron is the one who's starting to look needy from where i'm sitting. If he truely believes he has won why does he need to bribe the liberals? Why not test his mandate in parliment and attempt to form a government? Because he knows that even though labour lost he didn't win.

Dont know if any of you saw this. But Allistair Campbell touched a nerve with Adam Boulton. Normally I think Adam gets the better of most folk, but this time he got his pants pulled down. I found my self chanting "FIGHT" "FIGHT" "FIGHT" at the tv lol

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csYiFeWGKZU]YouTube - Adam Boulton Lashes Out on Alastair Campbell - Sky News[/ame]
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What dirty tricks has he tried? Cameron is the one who's starting to look needy from where i'm sitting. If he truely believes he has won why does he need to bribe the liberals? Why not test his mandate in parliment and attempt to form a government? Because he knows that even though labour lost he didn't win.


Exactly mate. So much for the massive landslide that I think Cameron was hoping for and the Lib Dem, well, they done nothing.

They all got a sore face with no real winners but if the Media perception is what the results have been decided on. Then god help us. Smile and talk good to the camera. Congratulations you can run the country
Shit, Gordy boy is finally going :CRYBABY:

We are all well and truly fecked! The tories have no idea how to mange this huge deficit, I guess they will just swing a huge axe and mow down anyone that gets in it's way.

At least GB had a decent plan on how to get us out of this mess (yeah yaddha I knew he got us into it).
sooner have gorden brown than that stupid tw@t David Cameron he will screw this county up big time, you wait and see.
politics in this counrty needs a good sort out all the hangers on , and curruption , doesnt matter who gets in , they dont give a toss about the normal working man , what they give in 1 hand they take in the other .
Here's a prediction.......people will be falling over themselves in say 10+ years asking "How did we let this guy take the flac" and acknowledging that he was/is one of the best MP's we have had in decades. He isn't a "Face" he is a worker and if what we read is true a bloody hard worker at that.
You know what I don't even have all that much time for the guy BUT he is NOT to blame for the mess this country is in. If we are talking %'s of blame then Id lay 5% at his door which is pretty dam good after 13 years at the highest office (I regard Chancellor and PM as joint highest office).
This gullible country have been taken in by the spin.....AGAIN !!! The SUN and SKY tell you that he's this that and the next and like sheep you all sick your X next to the "Other" party. Sadly IMHO Rupert Murdoch won this Election just as he did when they defeated Kinnock in his final attempt at the job.
Couple of points I must rant/get off my chest - Gordon Brown was not by a LONG shot the 1st "Unelected PM" as the media have so elequently put it. FFS the last one was actually the last Tory who had the Top Job - John Major - Does everyone forget that they voted in Maggy and ended up with John ?
2. The 2 unpopular wars - The Torries would have been in there lite rats up a drainpipe as that's always been that parties way....And they woul;d have sucked off G.Bush just the same way as Blair did....I don't believe for a second that it would have been any different.
3. We are in a WORLD Recession and have so far been not to bad....things are going to get worse but it does look as if saving the banks was indeed the way forward.....if you have savings in Northern Rock RBS Halifax and any of the other banking intitutions that nearly went tits up then you should be grovelling at GB's feet thanking him for taking the decision to bail them banks out because without it you would be BUSTO
4. Another bit of history - Way back when John Smith died their was 2 very strong contenders for the leader of the Labour Party -Now to save many years of wrangling and in fighting they both met up and made a "Pact" that was that Tony Blair would take the leadership for now and then Gordon Brown gets second bite at the cherry after 2 terms/8 years. Now bearing in mind the path Both these guys have chosen in their lives then I am pretty sure 100% of people would have been as pissed off as Brown was that Blair went back on his end of the deal. What a slippery slime bag little toe rag he was/is. Yeah T Blair could feel that the tide was turning and that's when he decided to honour his pact that had been made many many moons before.

The media also tell us GB is domineering over bearing even bullying at times - He is/was the PM ffs The buck stops with him so yeah he probably was all of the above and more......better than being a weak leader. Mr Nice guy never gets the job done, No its the dour faced hard working cnut in the background that gets the job done. When you are PM/President you dont say CAN YOU PLEASE - You say -GO AND DO. You are at the top of the tree.

OK that's the end of my rant. I could go on all night with other stuff but TBH it wont convince anyone who has been reading the Sun or watching Sky news because they are better at it than me lol. {Rant Over}
Glad some people see sense here.
I reckon the torries will not be in number 10.
Glegg will do a deal with Brown. Snp and the welsh will throw their hats in the ring also.
This country Does not need a tory Goverment to get us back on the level.
A good coalition is whats needed. David Millaband will be the next Labour PM in my view.

Certainly in Scotland we do not want the tories. Never never again. We are still getting over Thatcher.
I think this is part of the labour master plan - try and patch together some sort of rainbow coalition - see it through to september by which time they will be able to push through PR and then share power for ever and a day!! If Clegg is made dep prime minister he would be the incumbant at any election later in the year and probably manage to cling to power with the extra seats the lib dems would gain from PR!!!
Dont know if any of you saw this. But Allistair Campbell touched a nerver with Adam Boulton. Normally I think Adam gets the better of most folk, but this time he got his pants pulled down. I found my self chanting "FIGHT" "FIGHT" "FIGHT" at the tv lol

YouTube - Adam Boulton Lashes Out on Alastair Campbell - Sky News

Adam Boulton following his paymasters instructions in trying to undermine Labour and trying to take the piss out of Allistair Campbell and failing miserably, yer a feckin w****r Boulton.

Glad some people see sense here.
I reckon the torries will not be in number 10.
Glegg will do a deal with Brown. Snp and the welsh will throw their hats in the ring also.
This country Does not need a tory Goverment to get us back on the level.
A good coalition is whats needed. David Millaband will be the next Labour PM in my view.

Certainly in Scotland we do not want the tories. Never never again. We are still getting over Thatcher.

Milliband for PM would require a coalition between every party including 'others', which would give them a majority government. It's a mighty long shot Ian.

If this does happen and Labour promise the Lib Dems PR, we can kiss goodbye to ever seeing a tory government so I'm not really in favour of a one party state either.
Exactly mate. So much for the massive landslide that I think Cameron was hoping for and the Lib Dem, well, they done nothing.

They all got a sore face with no real winners but if the Media perception is what the results have been decided on. Then god help us. Smile and talk good to the camera. Congratulations you can run the country

If Cameron had any self respect he'd resign as well.
If he couldn't guide the tories to a landslide over a labour government who are in mid recession meltdown and led by a fookin jock he's a total moron.
If Cameron had any self respect he'd resign as well.
If he couldn't guide the tories to a landslide over a labour government who are in mid recession meltdown and led by a fookin jock he's a total moron.

A agree with that, he also had massive funds for his campaign and that horrible media lot backing him.
Im no Brown fan but the way the Sun and those other rags reported during this election was a total disgrace.
The coalition government will be lucky to survive a year at most and another election will be called and Labour will win it.

A voted Lib Dems but if they do a deal with the Tories it will be the last time i ever vote for them again..
Thats it. No way Cameron can claim a victory on this.

I just raging the tories won their only seat back. Wonder if we could sell that bit of land to the English :) and make Scotland a torie free zone once again :Clap: