Girl gang who kicked woman in the head

so wiz what is the point?? am sorry but am a dumb scouser ??? say somethink its wrong but kick feck out of some 1 thats ok ?? i realy cant see ur point wiz.. its all about being racist is it not ?

No it's not OK to assault anybody but don't try to start a row because somebody may have a different view of things, we can all agree it was disgusting end of

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Just a simple thank you for letting us stay in your country would have been nice.
lol ok easy way out lol shakes head in shame at ur reply fella.yet some 1 says it how it is and gets remanded in jail ... she never raised a hand ????.. but u aint answerd is it ok to be racist ?

Easy way out of what? Shame at what? Of course it's not OK to be racist,no matter what colour your skin so the incidents in both threads were racist

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I'll post something for you Emarald.

I haven't really looked into this story but if what I have read here about it is true then I think it is deplorable.

What I won't do though is begin to assume that all people of a particular ethnicity are as bad or the same as these girls.

Racism from any quarter is racism plain and simple.

What a pity you can't be bothered to read the first post perhaps you might learn something?. This sounds like a sore point in my eyes I could be wrong though. Time to face the facts and realise what this discussion is all about.Why certain people get away with murder and others not. One Britain, One law that is what we all want no religious excuses its all a cover up so they can do as they please and if these people don't like it, then they should fook off back to where they came from.
1st point
I agree with MOST in here , if it was other way around they would be locked up
Fookin disgrace .
2nd point
Why has all the members that are the first
To jump on a thread when it's the other
Way around not commented in here except one
Which only stated he didn't want to play?
If the attackers weren't tried for a racially aggravated crime, the judge cannot pass sentence on them as though they were. Charges are down to the police and CPS, who will often go for the easier conviction.

It would be interesting to see how the sentences match up with other "first offence" assualt charges where alcohol was a factor and race was out of the equation.
If the attackers weren't tried for a racially aggravated crime, the judge cannot pass sentence on them as though they were. Charges are down to the police and CPS, who will often go for the easier conviction.

It would be interesting to see how the sentences match up with other "first offence" assualt charges where alcohol was a factor and race was out of the equation.

pretty much what i posted, if 4 18 year old white girls were to kick the pi$$ out of a somalian girl while screaming 'kill the black slag', you can guarantee that it would be deemed a racist attack, fueled by alcohol, and theyd be locked up for it

this judges ruling PROVES that a 'non white non british' person cannot carry out a racist attack, even if its caught on camera

i hope the judge gets clubbed nearly to death by a pissed up 17 year old muslim boy, using a frozen full ham
the kid would obviously walk free, as hes not old enough to drink, drinking is against his religion, as is being in posession of a full frozen ham

and yep, you got it first time ;) lol

ooooo, kryptic
Easy solution. They are Muslim, so try them under sharia law. Someone I'm sure will tell us the punishment for drinking alcohol. I'm sure it's a few thousand lashes.
Easy solution. They are Muslim, so try them under sharia law. Someone I'm sure will tell us the punishment for drinking alcohol. I'm sure it's a few thousand lashes.

lol, maybe a good ol' fashioned stoning?
Makes me sick.

I'm a muslim and I think these scats should be lashed.

They've been let into this country to avoid dying of hunger and this is how they act. In my previous area they have flocked there left right and centre. They cause all sorts of trouble. Now, I don't think the judge should've brought religion into this as this has infuriated a lot of people and given a bad name to alot of Muslims who are peaceful and appreciate the country they are living in. So fkin what, they're not used to drinking. It doesn't give them the right to abuse or attack someone.