Girl gang who kicked woman in the head

have to agree with the comments below vid
if it had been the other way round there would of been press all over this shouting racist attack and demanding the girls were locked up for years
it is a disgrace they should of been locked up
being drunk is no excuse even in a court of law
am just waiting for the 1ns to say."dont belive all you read in the paper's" that poor woman done **** all gets her head kicked in and they get **** all. 1 off them is getting kidney dialasis wft is she doing drinking in the first place
Why not send the fookers on holiday while they are at it. First time drinkers bollox. Soft judges again if that was the other way round and a muslim got her head kicked in, it would be a different story completely. I am sick of this country and the coonts that run it.
shows how fckucked up this pussy whipped country is dont it :(

lock the racist bitches up, fkucking religion, my sweaty arse

it was a blatant racist attack caught on camera

so if 3 white girls who just turned 18 kick the sh!t out of a somalian muslim girl screaming 'kill the brown bitch' theyll all be let off as 'due to their age theyre not used to alcohol'??


the whole justice system is whiteist and it sucks

if my post offends you, read my siggy
Religion my arse same old excuse every time. I am glad that boyfriend of hers smacked them about a bit. You watch that poor fecker will be up in court next week for GBH.
any room in that little village digi m8 ;)

i used to live in a big place where somalis and 'other' muslims could literally get away with anything, the place is a stinking hole and even the seagulls fly upside down over it, i left there 13 years ago, and while i lived there, the best thing i ever did, was packed and left

the judge in this case should be fired, he has sucessfully converted this girl and everyone who knows her into a fully blown racist, as they now KNOW that race and religion can be used to get away with a crime that a 'white british' person would be locked up for, he should be really proud of himself for showing that the justice system is 'fair'

if her boyfriend now gets done for using 'unreasonable force' then it shows just how backwards things are. while i would never intentionally hurt a woman, i would have no problem in restraning them in such a way that the more they fight, the more they hurt themself, especially if there was 4 of them attacking my missus, and calling her things like that, its easy enough for a hospital to prove the difference between an impact break and a dislocation, and theres a HUGE difference between you dislocating your own shoulder while being restrained, and having 'unreasonable force' used upon you while you are attacking someone

i hope the girls involved get the living sh!t kicked out of them by some pi$$ed up 15 year olds who cannot be prosecuted or named 'for legal reasons', thatd be karma for them
Pure racist attack wtf they not used to alchol & drugs all the f@@king somalis on drugs and living of all benefits you can name with 20 kids ,taking all social housing around .husband claiming benefit in holland & wife over here f##king scum hate them all .Judge was bang out of order they should have got a couple years each . If it was other way round the whole pc brigade would of been out . Counrtys going down hole . And im not even white !
Makes you want to go out and buy a hood and go and kick the shite out of them. I am sick to death of these people getting everything given to them. When is this government going to realise Brits are not racist against these people we are just sick to death of them getting whatever they ask for and giving you nothing but shite in return.
similar to my work, they give sh!t, and take the pi$$

Unbelievable just Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fair play to the boyfriend though!!! he just didnt hit the bitches hard enough...
and he missed a few good opportunities for a good swift boot to the face on a few of them.. that would have made sure they wouldnt have got up!
Two Tier fooking system makes you sick,,,,i aint for hitting women but if that was my missis i would of smacked the biatches up