Forum now upgraded to Xenforo 2


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
I upgraded the site to Xenforo 2 today.

Let me know if it is working for you all...

I will add back the modifications later tonight / tomorrow, I have to pop out for an hour or two.

when you load the site you get this error

Same issue here , seems start page is diferent that's all .
another new setup to contend with onwards and upwards;)
the bookie section is missing or changed... looking good right enough
I have to say I'm loving the new layout a lot better than first version of xenforo the colour is great on my eyes cheers @Mick
I agree completely @Napster.

I hop everyone else likes it, but I know the residents lol... tough crowd!

YES Buzzer :)

Its just being developed, I think a week mate...

i heard the bookie did a runner and fell at the last hurdle:p

Have you added taptalk yet m8 I keep getting network error trying to use iy

Have you added taptalk yet m8 I keep getting network error trying to use iy

Tapatalk have not made the plugin yet Napster.

DW works very well direct on your phone now (IE chrome, safari, etc) ... its responsive... while you are waiting for tapatalk to make the plugin available.

Looks very nice :)
As you say @Mick looking good on my phone via browser too
Cheers @Rat

Just need to adjust the colours for our scheme.

My Mrs is trying to get me levelling a floor in my bathroom lol, I told her I'm fixing the forums!
The colours are more vibrant than the last one, a few more skins/smilies/chatbox and it will be job done. nice one Mick. ;)