anyone here had knee keyhole surgery?

I had my knee done 4 months ago, mri showed up a small tear. went if for op around midday and was home by 6pm. Never had to take any painkillers whatsoever anytime after the op.Turns out no tear, but debris floating about and they scraped out all the crap off the back of knee.Back to playing 5 aside twice a week no probs after nearly a year not playing.4 weeks sickie.
I had full ACL reconstruction with keyhole. three small holes, on the knee. and two 4 inch incisions above and below, to screw the ligament to my leg.

the keyhole part is a doodle. healing quickly and with no problems, in less than a month.
prior to the main op, they had been in twice before. and i was well mobile after a week and a half.
Firemouth. 2 four inch incisions doesn't sound like keyhole, was that the Patella graft then.
I am expecting to have an ACL reconstruction soon and will need to decide whether I go down the traditional Patella graft or to have the hamstring graft.

Which was it that you had? Any problems afterwards such as kneeling and doing exercise?
Firemouth. 2 four inch incisions doesn't sound like keyhole, was that the Patella graft then.
I am expecting to have an ACL reconstruction soon and will need to decide whether I go down the traditional Patella graft or to have the hamstring graft.

Which was it that you had? Any problems afterwards such as kneeling and doing exercise?

no hamstring. the keyhole bit was stripping the hamstring, through the "keyholes". it was then threaded, via the "keyholes". but the ligament still needs to be attached. there is not enough flesh , at the fixing points, to allow "keyhole access". hence the two 4 inch, on the thigh just above the kneecap, but on the outside of the leg. the second, lower down, below the knee, on the inside. the inside.

red dots are ligament attachment points. green dots, rough location of, keyholes.

I did try to take a photo of my leg. both the cat and the dog were sick, when i tried. so i thought "best not". lol.
mine is a bit weird in that its mainly when at cinema or on a plane when the knee is in same position for a while it sort of siezes up... nothing showed on the mri scan so the key hole is to have a look and if he finds a prob clean it up... it could be a kneecap issue but he suspects cartlidge... which is more of a proper injury so i hope its that lol sounds better when im out of the fives for a few weeks.. in getting keyhole to tidy up the cartildge lol

Exactly what happened with my knee 2 years back kept siezing up and occasionally it locked out. They found nothing on mri but went in had a look and trimmed the cartlidge i was back in work within a fortnight. Very wierd when i was having physio therapy after the op the nurse measured my right thigh (knee troubled leg) it was a clear 3 inches smaller in diameter. This was due to the muscle wasting away as i was subconciously porotecting that knee. Im back in proportion now :proud: and the knee works fine, in fact im back playing football on a weekly basis.
I tore my Anterior Cruciate Ligament playing indoor football about 15 years ago. Trying to turn quickly then change direction, my leg stayed straight and the knee twisted to the side. I didn't want to let the side down so I stupidly went in goals after it thinking it was just a strain and it gave way again.

When in the changing room, trying to walk was weird as putting pressure on the leg was like walking on a pavement and the road at the same time with that sinking feeling. The scars of the surgery are still there.

The worst part was, I had a temp job at the time and was offered it permanently but, couldn't take it as I couldn't walk. :(
Well I had my first consultation yesterday and the doctor thinks its my cruciate ligament but I have a MRI scan in 3 weeks time so we will know for definite, but I tell you this bloody fella was pulling my leg about it nearly went I had to stop the fooker lol.

I do not think they can do keyhole for the cruciate as he said it will need to be rebuilt completely???

Who knows but it needs sorting I need to get to the gym soon!

I do not think they can do keyhole for the cruciate as he said it will need to be rebuilt completely???


it would be extraordinary if they did. M Owen destroyed his ligaments, and that was done by keyhole. its also barbaric in the amount of damage that is done. if your surgeon suggests "open" surgery, get your self another consultant! the "standard" operation, is, total reconstruction. and that is done, now, via keyhole.
I've had 2 in the left knee and 7 (yes 7) so far in the right knee, along with MUA's, and a slit a few inches above in the thigh to tunnel through to tie off behind bone where ACL came away with an avulsion fracture. So far left me disabled on crutches for nearly 3 years, a gain of 6 stone in weight, habitual oxycontin drug addiction, wife leaving me and fighting for custody of 2 children in court, and loss of my business...... but I here it does wonders for other people :)
I've had 2 in the left knee and 7 (yes 7) so far in the right knee, along with MUA's, and a slit a few inches above in the thigh to tunnel through to tie off behind bone where ACL came away with an avulsion fracture. So far left me disabled on crutches for nearly 3 years, a gain of 6 stone in weight, habitual oxycontin drug addiction, wife leaving me and fighting for custody of 2 children in court, and loss of my business...... but I here it does wonders for other people :)

Jesus man, i thought mine was dodgy. it was stories of problems people had with "revisiting" the operation. that stopped me going back and asking for it to be redone.

I cant begin to imagine the pain your are in. mine is constant, and bad enough. you have my respect, even for carrying on.
I've had 2 in the left knee and 7 (yes 7) so far in the right knee, along with MUA's, and a slit a few inches above in the thigh to tunnel through to tie off behind bone where ACL came away with an avulsion fracture. So far left me disabled on crutches for nearly 3 years, a gain of 6 stone in weight, habitual oxycontin drug addiction, wife leaving me and fighting for custody of 2 children in court, and loss of my business...... but I here it does wonders for other people :)

Fook me!

To be honest I am very nervous about the whole thing.

I have not heard any horror stories until yours, I have spoken to a few mates that have had theres done and they made full recoveries within weeks?

I have put on weight which is doing my head in to be honest, and while its still my fault because I should of watched what I was eating and not think I could carry on eating what I wanted. but before the knee went I was pretty damn healthy!


I am glad you said that as I have no idea what is involved.

I will make sure its keyhole, and it probably is.

lol, statistically you'll be fine mate. 9 times out of 10 they go pretty good. I've known a few people that have been up and walking unaided again within the week. Depends how much they bugger about inside I guess. They like to get you up and about or at least on a CPM machine (constantly moves knee up and down) as quick as possible to stop the scar tissue forming. If they really have a go at it you'll probably have a nerve block which could last a few days which is good to get up and going quickly. It's about a week afterwards that the pain and scar tissue really sets in so the more you can get about before hand the better.

Depending on exactly what the problem is, the joint itself is usually left a little weaker but if you're having a corrective procedure on liganments (and you're young enough) the better your chances are - can't stress enough that if you're overweight and carrying a knee injury then please think about doing something about it as it is almost certainly going to be a catalyst in making it worse.

Lack of mobility and long-term pills have piled the weight on for me to the point I probably have more stretch marks on my stomach than the wife did when she gave birth!!! Unfortunately it's not diet for me but I'm so limited to what I can do excersise wise that I'm literally sitting here getting fatter and fatter by the day. Now my blood pressure is sky high as well so can't even do the simple stuff until that's all sorted, which guess what, means more pills. LOL, if anything please let this story be a wake up call to anyone sitting there thinking, ah it won't happen to me :)
turns out ill be getting it done for an old footie injury picked up about 8 stone ago lol just curious to see if anyone else has had it done what they thought about it?

Had both of mine done mate, 1st NHS, took about 16 weeks to get fully fit, 2nd Private, i was walking the same day and fully fit after about 6 weeks. All depends on the physio too. If poss go private bud.
Hope this helps

Had both of mine done mate, 1st NHS, took about 16 weeks to get fully fit, 2nd Private, i was walking the same day and fully fit after about 6 weeks. All depends on the physio too. If poss go private bud.
Hope this helps


if i went private it would be same consultant... im quite lucky the chap who is doing it supposed to be top drawer