Add New New Maps For Navi-Go sy 885 (ebuyer)

Like PSK00 it was down to the version of TomTom that i was using..Thanks to Rat I managed to get a working version

for anyone else with the problem..tomtom ver 6.00 works with fulll postcode searches :Clap:

Cheers Rat!

anyone see a online manual for our tomtom version ?
Is it Tomtom 6 Navigator 6? That one is on the TomTom site here but Tomtom mobile only seems to go upto version 5 on their site.
Hi can you send me links for correct version of tomtom.

Thanks ianpc
PM sent m8 with all working links
tomtom links

Hi Rat
Thanks for the links unfortunately they take me to web site but no files are found. Could you try sending again.
Many Thanks ianpc
ok m8 2 minutes ;)
did that work OK Ian ?

and thats for the manuals guys ;)
Hi Rat

Tried links again still the same unfortunately. I have tried links to Miomaps in earlier posts and they seem to work.

Thanks anyway I will try again tomorrow

Thanks ianpc
these ones work m8 as Ive checked;) sorry for the dead links,thats what Ive sent to other members and they worked

check ur PMs again m8
tomtom links

Thanks Rat
These links worked great, will get these loaded tomorrow. If I have probs again can i contact you.

Thanks again ianpc
u wont be able to contact me via PM until u have 20 posts m8

but read post #1 and if u get stuck feel free to post here ;) a few of us have dont this so we will all help u get it sorted :)
How did u get on Ian ?

guys if ur looking for a mains charger for the unit u might be intrested in one of these INCAR TO MAINS CHARGER ADAPTER CONVERTOR AC DC I just got one and seems fine :) gotta be faster than usb charge lol fast shipping of him too
tomtom install

Hi Rat

Downloaded tomtom ok, I am just trying to find how to read my previous mail so i can get feed for the maps link.
cheers ianpc
Hi all, I have tomtom 6 running on this unit and am chuffed to pieces with it. However I cant get postcode search to work in this,

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong or give me links to another version of tomtom navigator 6 to see if that works



Hi, I've just ordered one for our summer road trip to Rome. I take it you can put on European maps on (I hope!!!).
Anyway, is there any chance you can pm me with the link for the correct version of TomTom.
Thanks in advance
PM sent to both Spudchops and Leahy74
Im sure the maps are for western europe
PM sent to both Spudchops and Leahy74
Im sure the maps are for western europe

Please can you PM me that link as well. I am having a problem installing the version I downloaded.