Rooney Swears Into Camera


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Story From The News Of Ther World

WAYNE ROONEY faces an FA investigation after swearing into a TV camera following his match-winning hat-trick at Upton Park.

The Manchester United striker's foul-mouthed celebration in the 79th minute of the 4-2 victory over West Ham brought complaints from viewers and Sky TV were forced to make an on-air apology.

Rooney later apologised but an FA spokesman confirmed last night: "We will look into it. We obviously do not condone foul or abusive language in front of the TV cameras."

Rooney's outburst came just days after the Premier League laid out plans to clean up the game.

FA sources suggested that Rooney is likely to face only a reprimand and a warning but the game's governing body does have power to take stronger action under its rules relating to general behaviour.

In a statement released by Manchester United last night, Rooney said: "I want to apologise for any offence that may have been caused by my goal celebration, especially any parents or children that were watching.

"Emotions were running high and on reflection my heat-of-the-moment reaction was inappropriate. It was not aimed at anyone in particular."

He is a Tool, thing is he's not half as good as he thinks he is
Very true Bronto

tbh we should of let him go when we had the chance, instead we gave him more money :err:
Morning peeps,

Not that i am a bitter blue, but how do the football clubs expect their fans to create a "family atmosphere" on match days, i am a season ticket holder at Man city and where we sit if your heard swearing or abusing anyone your asked to leave. If the fans have to stick to the rules, then the players who are paid by the fans should do the same, not just picking on Rooney ( am really) but it get on my t1ts when the bbc show it then saay sorry for showing it, wht didn't they edit it out? they are just as bad.

Rant over.

I agree why did beeb have to show it?
I dont think he should be hung out to dry over this. He apologised so lets accept it and move on.

I think Rooney has turned the corner and will only get better from now. Manu will see the real Rooney by next season. The guy is class.

Its going to be a similar thing with Torres. He is playing well below par as was Rooney but great players dont just go bad and stay bad in my view they recover there form and confidence. Wont be long till the chelski fans are singing his praises.
Morning peeps,

Not that i am a bitter blue, but how do the football clubs expect their fans to create a "family atmosphere" on match days, i am a season ticket holder at Man city and where we sit if your heard swearing or abusing anyone your asked to leave. If the fans have to stick to the rules, then the players who are paid by the fans should do the same, not just picking on Rooney ( am really) but it get on my t1ts when the bbc show it then saay sorry for showing it, wht didn't they edit it out? they are just as bad.

Rant over.


Not only that but every youngster in the country look upto, idolise and mimic these players, they need to stop and think before acting up like that, as you say not picking on rooney in particular just he's in the news again but he's not the only one, it's nice to see a bit of passion for the game but no need for that shite
I dont think he should be hung out to dry over this. He apologised so lets accept it and move on.

How many apologies does it take Ian?

I think people are prepared to accept apologies for occasional foul-ups, but you can't behave like a serial tool and think you can keep wiping the slate clean.
personally i think too much of it is being made, he shouldnt have done it but he has done it, fine him a weeks wages and move on to suggest suspended from games is just daft.
if stevie g done it man utd fans would moan about it etc.. end of the day is it that bad? no not really... he is an over rated player but he is still quality, i mean before the last world cup talk sport had him up their with Messi and Darren Gough suggesting he was a far better player than messi lol... have to say while he isnt near that level i love watching him play a proper footballer in my opinion.
I facepalmed when he did it, because he shouldnt have done it, but it gives a reason for there to be a witchtrial against him and could end up being banned (which would be ridiculous if it happened)

But seriously once again something is blown way out of proportion, gotta love the media for whipin everyone into a frenzy over something like this.
So he won't get the same six game ban that Drogba got for swearing at the camera? Now theres a surprise.
Drogba was banned for "incidents in the game", Boswinga was banned for calling the ref a thief.
lmfao seriousley guys get over it, so whta he swore at he camera, i had it on in hd and hd sound i couldnt here exactley what he said? do you not think kids swear when there out of your presence from an earley age? why dont they investigate his charity work instead for kids and others for that fact,

if you cant show raw emotion in football anymore then its time they banned the game full stop,

from 2-0 down a 14 minute hat trick its moments like that he has dedicated his life to.

and drogba was a total different rant he said it all a lot more precisely and clearley and i hate the guy and club but again its raw emotion and an apology should have seficed not a ban.

if i was a footballer or manager in every interview i would tell a joke and not say a word on football, even the managers now cant say a true word in raw emotion with the adrenalin pumping and no its not just fergie he just the one who gets the scape goat treatment.
As far as I was aware foul and abusive language was a yellow card offence so unless he had previously been booked I don't really see how they can ban him. If he had already been booked then he should have a one match ban! Just my ramblings!
its getting tiring whenever something happens, a god damn witch hunt is started like we all havent done stuff like this.
It's jus mostly bitterness from opposition fans and media needing something to sell, and what better than famous names.

So he won't get the same six game ban that Drogba got for swearing at the camera? Now theres a surprise.

whats a surprise is you apparently think the 2 incidents are comparable.

...encouraged by role-models like Rooney.

yea im sure
Go on Rooney Son a bit of passion that's what the game is missing these day's.

