
i was going to start a similar thread but wasnt sure if ide get laughed off..

ive always had an intrest in the paranormal.. im not a believer im not a sceptic.. i know tehres something there just had to see good facts.

myself and a mate has put together an paranormal investigation group.. looking into this.
2 of the guys a learning/praticing mediumship.

i tend to take control of teh tech side of things, but our first investigation was bit spooky not very "active" persay but deffo an uneasy feeling.
laugh away, knock away, i wouldnt expect anything less as i would be doing the same if i hadnt been in the postion of seeing and hearing, and im not a nut job i dont hear voices in my head blah blah blah, i know these posts can seem as if the person posting is one apple short of a fruit basket.

way i was startin to feel lol the dog thing ill never know why he went mental and growled at a cupboard. as stupid as it seems but it was in my bedroom and up top off the house. so it wasnt like anyone walked past outside.

As for my wee girl next time il post a pic off her lookin at this picture. no im not going to take away her pocket money so she does it or am i going to make her look at it..she can barley hold her head up bein 3 and a half months but she sure as hell gets her head up for this lol
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now ok u can say i guessed
but work out the odds at me picking the exact time and exact date of his fathers passing
it would be easier to win the lottery
It really wouldn't, but that's a different story.

I'm not saying you're lying, I'm just saying you shouldn't confuse what you think you're doing with something supernatural. There's an American fellow, whose name escapes me at the moment, who, going purely on visual clues, can make astonishingly accurate personality profiles of people, including absurdly specific details going back as far as the person's childhood. He says he always had this "gift" from a very young age, and that he too thought it was something supernatural, until he discovered and understood what it was he subconsciously picked up on and interpreted.

Yes, there are many things we don't understand, but just because you can't initially explain something doesn't mean it's supernatural. Rain Man can throw a box of matchsticks on the floor and immediately know how many there are. I can't do that, but I don't think it's supernatural. Women, and in absurdly rare cases, even men, can make themselves display the physical signs of pregnancy, even if they're not pregnant, and it takes only a slight chemical imbalance in your brain to have full-on hallucinations of things that may to the observer seem strange and unexplained, but in no way is it supernatural. The concept of the dead roaming our cupboards and speaking through some grey-haired tosser on basic cable would be supernatural, and quite unlikely, I would think. More often than not, people are just too eager to look to the supernatural as their first andfinal answer. It's easy, and it fuels this rather wishful notion of life after death.
My missus went to see a Medium the other week and it was pretty facinating the stuff she came away with considering it was their first meeting.

I've always wanted to believe but remain sceptical to a certain extent.

My missus lost her mum last year and the first thing the meduim asked for was something that didn't belong to her.

My missus gave the meduim a ring (Her mothers). The medium asked if her mother was in spirit? My missus replied "Yes". The meduim said "She singing Happy Birthday to you". My missus got upset as it was her birthday only days before!

Anyway, there was a lot more to the meeting than that and I'm intrigued now.
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it's how they interperate the signs/messages.

not long after my mum died, my wife gave a ring to her mother for her to read, didn't tell her anything about it. her mother was like "oh, it's MOS's mothers ring, wasn't it? i've got a clear message from her"

infact, it wasn't my mum's ring. it was someones from work. So we told her then she said "oh, sometimes when u have a message, it's stronger than anything else and just over rides and comes thru". Now, i'm not saying she lied to me, i don't believe she would, but it's how she interperated whatever it was she was feeling.
there are some psychics out there who do use people but the are also some genuine psychics

but then i believe you have them mixed up with mediums
entirely different
a psychic uses feeling and a medium uses a gift to tlak to the so called dead

how do i know all this

well i am infact a medium

do i do this for gain

no i do it to help pepole
to prove to them that life does continue but on a different plain
and no i am not like a johovahs witness i dont try to convert you
i have brought people comfort and proof

nothing wrong with a little hope,

my wifeis a full believerme on the other hand i'm a little sceptical 50/50
show me some proof .....we watch all the most haunteds and all that sort of stuff but yet i'm stillnot convinced.........

do you do readings over the net???????....i've seen some of the wifes done over the net

like i say we allneed a litle hope in life.
....but to base your knocking on something you have not seen or heard and by the w@nky tv programs you have seen is stupid.

No, not stupid. I don't really waste much time knocking this nonsense. People believe what they want to believe, but any knocking I may do is based on common sense and reason.
my youngest boy comes out with VERY random things about 'when i used to be big' (ive posted about this in the past) about 2 years ago, we went to watch jetski racing, and on the way back was walking through a field of long grass, you could only just see the top of his head, he said it reminded him of working on the farm when he used to be big, before this he was always too young to really make any sense of what he was trying to explain, but he gave very detailed stuff about someone called john, working on a farm, something happened, he deosnt know what though and he died, and now hes liam, and little

im not a non believer, but i like things to be proved to me

EDIT: heres the post
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Digi, your lad probably had a vivid dream or has got a over active imagination which is healthy at his age.

and with the fob watch, did you see a death certificate, the bloke probably felt pressured to appease you.

Half of these mediums are just leeching of the most venerable, they are better off completing the grieving process and moving on with there lives imo.
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I used to date Mrs Munkey back in the early 90's. This infamous clairvoyant was in town so she dragged me down there to see her. For a fiver we were told that we'd get married and live happily ever after. We broke up a few months later.

A few years later I bumped into the missus again and after a year or two of dating we got married. The clairvoyant's prediction came true along with a bunch of other stuff. I don't know what to believe TBH, but the damn clairvoyant was right.
I used to date Mrs Munkey back in the early 90's. This infamous clairvoyant was in town so she dragged me down there to see her. For a fiver we were told that we'd get married and live happily ever after. We broke up a few months later.

A few years later I bumped into the missus again and after a year or two of dating we got married. The clairvoyant's prediction came true along with a bunch of other stuff. I don't know what to believe TBH, but the damn clairvoyant was right.

Apart from the happily bit.

C'mon happy? ... married?

Never the twain shall meet.
I used to date Mrs Munkey back in the early 90's. This infamous clairvoyant was in town so she dragged me down there to see her. For a fiver we were told that we'd get married and live happily ever after. We broke up a few months later.

A few years later I bumped into the missus again and after a year or two of dating we got married. The clairvoyant's prediction came true along with a bunch of other stuff. I don't know what to believe TBH, but the damn clairvoyant was right.

You married the clairvoyant, didn't you...? ;)
a medium doesnt allways talk to the dead there are different kinds of medium
some work with sence some hear some seesome if they are lucky have all the gifts
i will tell u one thinbg where i gave proff
i was tlaking to an old man
and his father showed me a fob watch
i told the man this
he said yes he had a fob watch
(ok many men in that era had a fob watch )
so no proof there
i told him some more info
then the watch was shown to me
again and he told me look
i did and the time on the watch was 3:30 and then i was told 29th september 1936
i told the man this
it was the same time the same date that his father died

now ok u can say i guessed
but work out the odds at me picking the exact time and exact date of his fathers passing
it would be easier to win the lottery

So this elderly man could remember the exact time and date that his father died 73 years ago.

I'm 43 and have trouble remembering family birthdays from year to year.

Probable explanation to that one is the old fella was confused, you could possibly have said 1066 at a quarter past 41 and he'd have agreed.
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You married the clairvoyant, didn't you...? ;)

It was as good as. However once I managed to persuade Mrs Munkey to swap her crystal ball for a saucepan my visions of terrible food have been coming true. I guess the happily ever part was BS.

Weegie bored
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It was as good as. However once I managed to persuade Mrs Munkey to swap her crystal ball for a saucepan my visions of terrible food have been coming true. I guess the happily ever part was BS.

I have never been to a medium/clairvoyant miself but always fancied it tbh.

I came close once when the local pub was holding a clairvoyant night, I was all psyched up ready to go but it was cancelled due to unforseen circumstances.