
Religion will always cause problems.

As for god I believe in some aspects and there is some I don't. I have my own reasons to believe their is something out their or an afterlife for that matter. If its true its true but If I believe that, thats the case then it makes me happy.

I have always had my doubts about people communicating with the dead and have never bought in to it. But if a family are so consumed distraught by grief and go to these spiritualist sessions and they are give something to make them feel better then so be it. But if it can also give people false belief and make them worse.

If religion can give you peace then so be it.

Modern day humans now rely on FACT for everything. There must be a reason for every action and when there is not its ignored to a certain extent.

I can always remember some one saying to me, "Proof denies belief, but without belief God is nothing".