Witchy2k1 passes 10,000 posts

Would have been 11,000 but the fooker keeps getting banned lol.
Well done m8 top bloke...
He's a f&^$ing legend so he is. Keep 'em coming Witchy.
ban him!!!

so we can catch up! rofl

well done mate keep um coming

ban him now only kidding m8 LOL great member won't be the same without him :ur the man:
Don't ban him..its too quite round here when he's missing lol, well done Witchy :Clap:

Not only does he breed like a rabbit, he just rabbits, rabbits, rabbits on here aswell.

Well done my friend, even though you are a man who wears a skirt.

btw...ffs stop getting banned, forum is too quite without you.
before my sabbatical from dw, I used to see witchy posting, having come back recently, I havent seen him around much. Well done witchy. 10k points, not bad for a part timer then ;)
Thanks for the comments guys. :)

I'd like to add that I'm not proud of my bans, and if it weren't for our kind hearted and generous mods, I'd have been history a long time ago.

(exclude all Rangers supporting Mods from that comment - coz they are bastards)

Thanks for the comments guys. :)

I'd like to add that I'm not proud of my bans, and if it weren't for our kind hearted and generous mods, I'd have been history a long time ago.

(exclude all Rangers supporting Mods from that comment - coz they are bastards)


how many days holidays do you want this time. :silly:

I'm not a bastard I have more dads than you. :nerner:

btw well done on the post count.lol
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And 9000 have been shite ;)

One hell of an acheivement is 10k+ posts (RabP, get deleting)
witchy2k1, well done mate and thanks for your help over the last year
well done mate:) just noticed my stars are gone and replaced with a little flashing green box lol