Who will you be voting for in the coming general election?

Who will you be voting for in the coming general election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 44 29.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 24 15.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 11 7.3%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 10 6.6%
  • BNP

    Votes: 50 33.1%
  • Green

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Others, please state

    Votes: 11 7.3%

  • Total voters
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So where do you draw this arbitrary line in the genetic sand Emarald?

When was it acceptable for the UK to have immigration?
You girls still fighting? Nothing ever is going to change it doesnt matter who win. Face the facts, the problems are bigger each day and nobody has the nutts to change anything. the next one will blame the one before and the one after will blame the one before too and so on...all you have to do is to pick which one will keep blaming the one before....
absolute poppycock, but should get you some brownie points with Nara
How far do you want to go back, because the next thing you will be saying is don't eat that fish it's related to you

interesting you should say that! you seem to think the Zionists have a claim to Palestine, even though they have not lived in, or ruled the area (if ever) for more than 2000 years.
using that rational, it would make Anglo Saxon or, more probably, the Celts. as the ONLY true natives of our shores. remember, that's using your own rules.

politics derived from hatred, needs something to hate. so who will it be, if the BNP win and kick out all the immigrants? the scots, irish, people with red hair, people with freckles. or will you just turn on all those who disagree with you?

I know, it wont happen like that. yet its impossible to find an extrema right wing/ National socialist government, ever, where it has not.
interesting you should say that! you seem to think the Zionists have a claim to Palestine, even though they have not lived in, or ruled the area (if ever) for more than 2000 years.
using that rational, it would make Anglo Saxon or, more probably, the Celts. as the ONLY true natives of our shores. remember, that's using your own rules.

You weren't expecting logic were you?:silly:
You weren't expecting logic were you?:silly:

when these threads start i dont think anyone expects logic nara m8
i gave my opinion, it may not be everyones idea but tbh i never expected this thread to be anything other than bitching and a slanging match tbh
Zionists have a claim to Palestine,
Has there ever been a country called Palestine even though they have not lived in, or ruled the area (if ever) for more than 2000 years.And before we start shouting about what belongs to who, maybe we should start by giving Gibraltar back to Spain and the Falklands back to Argentina
using that rational, it would make Anglo Saxon or, more probably, the Celts. as the ONLY true natives of our shores. remember, that's using your own rules.
I don't see any other country claiming the UK as their own. What would you say if they did?

politics derived from hatred, needs something to hate. so who will it be, if the BNP win and kick out all the immigrants? the scots, irish, people with red hair, people with freckles. or will you just turn on all those who disagree with you?
Last time I looked Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland were part of Britain, and I have not turned on anybody

I know, it wont happen like that. yet its impossible to find an extrema right wing/ National socialist government, ever, where it has not.

Do you really think the BNP would ever be elected?, I think it's about time they looked at the reasons why they are becoming a protest vote.
Maybe we should go down the route of sending them all back where they came from.

But then, to be fair, we should have to bring back all those who are, or whose ancestors are, from here.

From America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc. where we stole the countries from those already there. Africa, India, The West Indies, etc. where we left behind many of our offspring fathered on native women.

Problem is: I don't think they would all fit in.
Do you really think the BNP would ever be elected?, I think it's about time they looked at the reasons why they are becoming a protest vote.

two things here. BNP getting voted in? no, not even Americans are that dumb. and, its a hate vote, not a protest vote. ultimately, to me, it does not matter for who. just vote.

finally, keep your moronic rantings out of Quotes attributed to me. you plank.
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two things here. BNP getting voted in? no, not even Americans are that dumb. and, its a hate vote, not a protest vote. ultimately, to me, it does not matter for who. just vote.

finally, keep your moronic rantings out of Quotes attributed to me. you plank.

If you dont want your moronic posts quoted then dont post garbage, you halfwit.
I would advise all members not to bite to emaralds posts anymore it's what he wants.

This situation reminds me allot of karym6 the knicker sniffer he would troll threads pressing buttons to get reactions. Members were leaving or posting less becaue of him.

Ive spoken to couple of members who i deem to be top guys who do good on this site and they have told me they can't be arsed with it on here anymore because of this crap.

Imo it would be a shame to loose good guys because of silly bickering.
I told you Chris was an arch criminal. :Laugh:

I've read this thread start to finish, all the bickering and you's all missed the most important and worrying point of all.

Who was the bassa who's voting the GREENS? now I know it's a beautiful colour but that's just sick. :proud:


You have a brilliant point there Dave, who the hell voted Green.?
Step forward Green warrior so we can throw stapler guns at you..:proud:
Better the devil you know.

I like threads that show a different side to posters on here; their true colours as opposed to the same like minded geek that we all are somewhat.

I won't be invited Emarald round for tea anytime soon. Partly due to the fact that we like Indian food.

I think the old adage applies here, regarding the content. If you don't like it, don't read it.

Would it be to hard for a clever admin to introduce a show/hide thread button?

Then as soon as a political thread is posted, those who are not interested can click the aforementioned button, thus saving them the pain of reading it?
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I hope members don't leave because of posts like this,hopefuly they can see through posts like this :)

sometimes I read posts like this and get angry,annoyed even saddened that we allow them
other times I read them and think "look at them all winding each other up" LOL and just laugh to myself

I think "this post will fizzle out soon" weeks later and 30 pages later it just gets boring and gets closed

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I hear what your sayn John, but in a weird way threads like this make ppl go back in and read just to see the replies etc. Wrong maybe but it does gather a lot of interest.

You only need to look at some other threads and how many hits they get and compare it to this for example.

We are never all going to get along all the time, thats just life. But we all still need to co exist to an extent on here.

Now I dont personally agree with emerald on some stuff but doesn't mean I wouldnt try help him down the line if I ever could.

Personally I think we need thread like this now and then. Just think of it as our own weather system :) when there is tension bubbling away a thread like this brings it on then it dies.

I dont want to see any one leave over some in house bitching. Dw wouldn't be DW without its deadly rivalries :) and its groups of mates all trying to get one over one another.

Take senior ding dong, now he can argue or discuss for a better word. He breaks you in to submission with his dam multi quotes:). But its all good and as long as we keep the nasty stuff out of it I dont see why some discussions cant continue.
I won't be invited Emarald round for tea anytime soon. Partly due to the fact that we like Indian food.

I also like Indian food, correct me if I am wrong but I think the Balti was invented in Birmingham.
So does that make it Indian or English?
If moderators did their jobs and kept the thread on topic we'd be on page 5 instead of page 30. Only these types of threads need to be moderated with tougher love though, any other changes would upset the balance of the forums and I am against that. The softy approach works well as the deranged get to be themselves while the nerds chat away in the cable forums.

BTW I am against the binning of these types of threads as was suggested by a moderator earlier in this thread, we should be able to discuss pretty much anything in the general section, including guns and knickers or a combination of them both.

I think it's common knowledge that nara and emarald don't get along, but to be reminded of it every 5th post is starting to become very boring, if you can't take the piss out of one another in an amusing manner stfu, I really don't want to listen to your BS.

Everyone ganging up on emarald is the stuff of 5 year olds, personally I would love to have had a sensible conversation with BNP supporters as to why they support the party but with some of the comments aimed at them I'm not surprised that they shut up shop and give it back instead of taking part in an adult conversation.

The poll results are shocking, I want to know why people vote for the BNP, but more importantly why people will continue to vote for Labour when they have sold our country out? It's like people are living in a bubble and are completely unaware of the storm that is brewing on our doorsteps.

We're having a currency crisis, there is record national debt, we just gave the banks billions of our money and people want to vote for Labour & the BNP? Welcome to DW fellow members.
Do you realize how hard it is to Moderate this place ?

members questioning our actions etc
we have some really strong minded and outspoken members here that question what we do

why was my post removed
who edited my post
what was the point of closing my post
and so on and so on

believe me I question myself sometimes if I'm doing the right thing when moderating some posts,and I bet I'm not the only 1 in the team that feels that way ?

its hard to be fair coz not everyone agrees with you
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