Who wants to help a noob?


Inactive User
Jul 22, 2005
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Hey everyone, ive just bought some ntl modems, (8 to be exact) and 2 of them are ntl 200's, and have sigma installed on them. ive been told that all i need to do is change macs and swap with someone from my area, but i think theyre might be more to it. i scanned for some macs a while ago, and saved what i have, so if anyone wants to help me. id appreciate it. if you want, you can add me on msn or something, it might be easier to talk. thanks

(by the way im in an ex c&w area, dunno if this matters or not lol)

haha no mate, i only bought them coz i wanted the 200's, the rest are just gunna be spares, there like 120s and 100s anyway. dont think any of em have sigma on em or anythin.

i just wanna know how 2 do one of me 200's basically

so can anyone offer any help? thanks :Clap:
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ok mate

I cant help you sepcificaly on the ambits but the general concept is:

get hacked firmware onto your modem

connect to the hfc using your dodgy modem and your legit mac or you next door neighbours mac (tell him to stay offline for 10 mins)

when online connect straight to the modem (no router) and scan for macs in your area.. dont stay online long.. this is a risky stage and some would reccommend against it

when you have a handful of them swap some of them with someone who lives in the same city as you but not too close... i.e. 5 or 6 miles away

keep trying the macs from the other side of the city until you get online

scan again for macs and leave it running for a few hous so you get a good archive of macs should you ever need to swap again

keep the karma goin by swapping with someone else who needs a working mac

As for specifics have a little look around and youll find all the info you could ever want

hi mate, thanks for the advice. ive already got some macs that i scanned before, but i dont know much about them you see. ive been told that all i need to do is change my mac on the modems home page. i dont have anyone else i know on the same broadband as me, so its hard to swap, or if they are, theyre on the same speed. i wanna try get onto like, 4 or 10meg instead of 1meg which is what i am on now. like i say, i dont really know what to do, but im eager to learn, so any help is taken on board :D
if youve scanned for macs from your house you cannot use them to connect to the net... your cable co will bassically say... 2 people from the same neighbourhood with the same mac???? i dont think so and disconnect you

you need to put out a beg for someone in your city but not too close to give you a mac.. try the stickies at the top..

im simplifying this slightly slightly just to introduct you to the concepts.. use the search button for more detial mate :)

ahh, got ya ;)

i will ask someone for a mac from my town, or the surrounding area. :proud:

nice one dude
The sbuying/selling of cc owned equipment is against the rules on here mate so id tread careful ground if i were u,offering to sell the spare ones you have whilst maybe a nice gesture it could land you in hot water mate,
yeah good point mate....forget what i said about the modems lol. thanks for the advice :)