Whats the greatest invention...in your opinion

The vibrator - Gives blokes some genuine time off.
My ancestors invented the Sick Note.
Without a doubt, the most beneficial invention is 'Hot and Cold running water'
I think every time had an invention that changed the course of progress of civilization., How about "a match" the power of fire in your pocket !!!
Deffo the human virgina lmao then as above the old tongue:AMIFACE:

But on a serious note is has to be the FOOTBALL and then ELECTRICITY
Apart from the obvious ones.....

I'd say the microwave oven was a good invention.
hydraulic power
shoot me if its bin said before ...the widget in a can of Guinness...lol....oh and Sunday dinner to go with it .....nice
The toilet for me, if it wasn't for the toilet we all be digging a hole in our back gardens in all weathers when we have to take a shit.
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war - it's the mother and father of the rest
The Difference Engine, the first real computer, conceived in 1822 by Charles Babbage.