Whats the greatest invention...in your opinion

erm...so these invention thingies - dont actually have to work then? or even be finished? the difference engine was never finished, and never worked, mainly due to a few 'design flaws' - hmmm... maybe it was the first real computer at that lol
Forgive me, BUT what planet or what the fook you been taking to suggest that..................?????

War is a very sad state of affairs
the question wasnt what was the best invention - it was what was the greatest - and as a concept war has shaped everything more than any other single thing - from encouraging the use of more efficent tools (given human nature I'd lay money the idea of poking holes in things to kill them was first tried on a person - rather than a mammoth lol), to making computers (hmmm..wonder if they were ever used to figure out better and more efficient ways of 'throwing' metal shells at people), to the space race (hmm...calculators, digital watches, microwaves etc - just to get someone to where they could drop really large rocks on people - ok so that one didnt work lol)

like it or not war is responsible for practically every other invention - apart from furbies - but no one knows about them lol
Its got to be sliced bread, cos everything else thats great uses it as a point of reference!
the question wasnt what was the best invention - it was what was the greatest - and as a concept war has shaped everything more than any other single thing - from encouraging the use of more efficent tools (given human nature I'd lay money the idea of poking holes in things to kill them was first tried on a person - rather than a mammoth lol), to making computers (hmmm..wonder if they were ever used to figure out better and more efficient ways of 'throwing' metal shells at people), to the space race (hmm...calculators, digital watches, microwaves etc - just to get someone to where they could drop really large rocks on people - ok so that one didnt work lol)

like it or not war is responsible for practically every other invention - apart from furbies - but no one knows about them lol

Turn it in m8.......................I like to think a little outside the box,But war is war reguardless of hmmm..wonder if they were ever used to figure out better and more efficient ways of 'throwing' metal shells at people.
Glass...who actualy thought "what happens if i heat up a bit of sand and a bit of this" ??
Velcro, although I hear we got that from aliens...: shocked2
Contraception, not just for the fact we can have sex for fun with out over populating the world, but it also helps stop the spread of disease
standardization is the best invention joseph whitworth invented that.

ugly git but what a brain