Whats the greatest invention...in your opinion


Inactive User
Jul 30, 2006
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Made in Belfast
O.K what do people think is the greatest invention ever. I know its a tough question but I suppose you could name a few if you wanted.

Was it the car, electricity, computers, telephone, tv, etc etc.

I have always thought surgery is amazing...for example....they can take your heart out and give you a different one but they needed to invent things to enable that to happen.

Edit...btw....before anyone comes uo with it.....NO the pot noodle is not the greatest invention...:proud:
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Remote controls. Saved me the hassle of having to shout the missus from the kitchen to change the channel for me.

I have never changed my mind so many times in so short a space of time :)

I believe the greatest discovery is electricity, but for the greatest invention I've jumped between:

The wheel - an old favourite
Light Bulb - Instant daylight (almost)
Steam engine
Combustion engine
Jet engine
I was gonna say the remote control but thats what the wife is for, so i'll have to say the mobile phone..

venetian blinds

if it wasnt for them it'd be curtains for us all.
me and my m8 had this conversation years ago while we where stoned out of our heads
and after about 6 hours we came up with incubators that keep the little potental inventors alive.
but they must be one off the best ever, all them kids they keep alive

O.K what do people think is the greatest invention ever. I know its a tough question but I suppose you could name a few if you wanted.

Was it the car, electricity, computers, telephone, tv, etc etc.

I have always thought surgery is amazing...for example....they can take your heart out and give you a different one but they needed to invent things to enable that to happen.

Edit...btw....before anyone comes uo with it.....NO the pot noodle is not the greatest invention...:proud:

yes m8, "but without electricty most inventions would be useless anyway

has to be electricity for me
i would have gone with the combustion engine that utilises the wheel :)
but ways of producing electricity i would say were invented and anything else to do with getting electricity to your home etc...yes its always existed but things needed to be invented for us to be able to use it the way we do

list is endless really...and microchip wouldnt of worked without electricty
how about the microchip------- the modern age wouldnt be modern if it wasnt for this chip

i agree. the thing is there's so much to choose from, we're actually quite spoilt for choice it could change from day to day
