*** VM Gone Down - AU not working - ALL DISCUSSION HERE ***

Just to pass on a little if it helps regarding auto update

ftp keylist.txt to pc

edit to new codes (rem TW NTL headers are diff and the letter O is not the number ZERO:)

Ftp back and overwrite

FTP copy camd_cfg to PC (or edit in place if you please,I did)

look for the AU section

# AU
# 00 is ignored (default)
# 01 enable AU
# 02 AU Auto
A: { 01 }

change to

# AU
# 00 is ignored (default)
# 01 enable AU
# 02 AU Auto
A: { 00 }

save back to camnd_cfg or FTP back to var/keys

Blue menu
restart evocamd


Crash out (pull plug)

Repower and check

All working ( 4 now on manual updates)

Resolution of autoupdate is what is required I believe and would like to learn how for myself
so I'll keep looking and learning:)

Normal close downs and power ups are now available

Maybe crap maybe be not if it helps someone.
Glasgow is down!!

Nokia DBOX2 not working in the Glasgow area?
Does anyone knowwhat has happened as will it come back on.
I cant access my menu system on my box, that hasnt worked forover a year soI cant change any keys as I have seen mentioned in other posts..
Comments appreciated!
i have a dm600 which is running fine after manually entering the keys and turning the au off but my mate has a digivox which i set up for him and that is updating fine?
could the au method of the digivox be applied to the dreambox's/dbox's or is my mate's digivox going to get hit like all the other box's?
500c connected to cable in sheperds bush, what provider would that be on and therefore what keys are needed

this is my Da's box, he doesn't know what provider he is on, just chanced the box on the cable that was in the flat and it worked, untill the key change yesterday that is . . . cheers guys .
no idea mate theres 3 lots of keys to try I'd just try each one and when you get the working one note which provider its for and yer sorted should only take up to 10 mins to sort it out.
no idea mate theres 3 lots of keys to try I'd just try each one and when you get the working one note which provider its for and yer sorted should only take up to 10 mins to sort it out.

cheers, will probaly have to try that, like to avoid it if possible, the old man is 73 and still trying to grasp the concept of remote controls . . . . so was hoping to have it down to one set of keys to try before I drive myself mad trying to talk him through manually updating the keys . . . . cheers anyway....